Can Pond Scum Save You From $5 Gas?


In the spectrum of alternative fuel sources, biofuel made from algae is perhaps the most easily mocked. How could the slimy green muck that grows in your aquarium and washes up on the beach be a future cornerstone of American energy independence? So when President Obama stood before the University of Miami recently and said algae could provide up to 17 percent of our transportation fuel, we wanted to know: Is he right?

In February, President Obama announced the Department of Energy would allocate $14 million in new funding to develop transportation fuels from algae. DOE is already supporting over 30 such projects, together worth $94 million. Click through the map below to learn more about these projects.

Click here to watch the video posted with the article:


Senior Member
Whether or not it's feasible in the long-term or mass production is beside the point, I think. As long as someone "up there" is advocating alternative energy resources, I'm confident we're moving in the right direction.


I don't have a problem with alternative fuel sources but we can't abandon the one that actually works while we're at it as the Obama administration is doing.
I find it most interesting that the "Anti's" are all falling behind this pond scum idea. They make me laugh. Most of the people lamenting the use of fossil fuels while endorsing this "new" idea really don't have a clue what they are talking about. What am I talking about? The fossil fuels, aka oil, that we are currently using and "destroying the planet with" is... actually... ... wait for it... millions of years old ... pond scum. Now that's funny! Wait till they find out. Then they will probably want to ban it's use too. I may add more to this but for now I have to go to stupid work. See you all tonight.


Senior Member
I don't have a problem with alternative fuel sources but we can't abandon the one that actually works while we're at it as the Obama administration is doing.

Obama is abandoning oil? I'm not a fan of the guy but that doesn't seem entirely accurate... Especially since those kinds of companies run most presidencies anyhow.


Especially since those kinds of companies run most presidencies anyhow.
That's a leftover (and incorrect) attitude from the Bush Presidency. Knowing that this is an oil driven economy isn't the same as being subservient to oil. Obama certainly isn't, much to our detriment.
These are just a few of the reactions to Obama's energy policies. Yes some are partisan as are the other "glowing" reports by Obama minions.
He stated during his 08 campaign that he wanted to see higher gasoline prices. He wants oil out of the picture to appease his far left "anti-technology anti-human advancement" financial backers. Along with his own debasement of America agenda.!/2011/02/obamas-anti-oil-agenda.html,0,3017097.story

There is more to the algae biofuel story. I will try to provide additional info when I have more time.


Senior Member
That's a leftover (and incorrect) attitude from the Bush Presidency. Knowing that this is an oil driven economy isn't the same as being subservient to oil. Obama certainly isn't, much to our detriment.
These are just a few of the reactions to Obama's energy policies. Yes some are partisan as are the other "glowing" reports by Obama minions.
He stated during his 08 campaign that he wanted to see higher gasoline prices. He wants oil out of the picture to appease his far left "anti-technology anti-human advancement" financial backers. Along with his own debasement of America agenda.!/2011/02/obamas-anti-oil-agenda.html,0,3017097.story

There is more to the algae biofuel story. I will try to provide additional info when I have more time.

Are you saying mega-corporations having a covert yet controlling interest in United States policy and law-making was a one time thing under one president?


I thought we were talking about oil and therefore oil corporations not mega-corporations in general. Your comment followed the style of those that believed Bush was in cahoots with the oil company's. I responded to that inference.

Are you saying mega-corporations having a covert yet controlling interest in United States policy and law-making was a one time thing under one president?

I'm certainly not saying any such thing. You are the one that said it,"mega-corporations have a covert yet controlling interest...".
I say they have an overt interest. There is nothing hidden about their agenda to desire regulations favorable to their business. Do I believe there may be some chicanery going on behind the scenes? Yes, in every level of Government, not just Presidents. When it is discovered it should be dealt with and exposed as it would be if the media were doing their job. Lately they have been too busy glossing over all the foibles of Obama. Which include his anti-fossil fuel/oil agenda in favor of his own fatuity. A failed, tax payer funded at over $500,000,000 in one instance, green agenda. This newest fantasy of his, algae biofuel, has a long way to go and MOST importantly, if it was a viable alternative, you can bet your ass one of the "mega-corporations" would already be all over it.
It IS NOT the Governments job to play venture capitalist.
It IS NOT the Governments job to try to pick the winners and losers in the quest for alternative sources of energy.
If Obama gets his way with this algae business and the Government funds (with your money remember) algae farms in climate where it would be feasible we will, when all is said and done, have thousands of acres of "stagnant smelly swimming pools" scattered across the country. Won't that be pleasant?
