Canadian science teacher builds first successful time machine just to visit the 1800s. Real or hoax?


Junior Member
I couldn't believe it when I first came across this article, but yeah, he did it!..... or so we think

Here, read it for yourself: Man Builds First Successful Time Machine Just To Visit 19th Century Brothels

Unfortunately there is not any more information about this man and no contact information like an email address or something :(

he said that he has went back to the Brothels in the 1800s, and if this is real I wonder if his machine can only go back to the 1800s or if it can also go back to any time in the 90s..

Does anybody know this guy? His names Gregory Tula and he lives in Ontario, Canada


Nope do not know him, and I am very leery of stories like that. After-all, there is nothing about the supposed time machine or anything else, just a story. There are quite a few people in the world that just can not be believed some worse than others, but such are adults.


Sometimes it is prudent to examine the source.

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Junior Member
These links are all Peregrini saying that Curious Girl's link actually came from the Smew and was meant to be satire?

Otherwise, I don't get the connection between these two posts.

And as far as why the guy time travelled....I think it would more likely, I'm not going to say it, I don't want to start a riot, lol.
