Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time

Answering to Mjolnir, the name of the artist who sculpted the Church doors is Vincenzo Gatto who created the eight bas reliefs on the bronze doors following a design of the painter Ario Cantini . Gatto prematurely died due to a cancer as happened to some others artists who made arts that are today present in St. Gualberto Church.

And what do you think about that?
Sometimes, esotericist working with some internal practice like alchemy or other things, if don't work correctly can risk cancer.
In other cases is due to contacts with sublte entities that are not properly friendly.
In other cases is simply the nature... your destiny... call as you want.
We have just spoken about some artists, and artists seem to play an important role in this story, then please go back for a little while to Carla, the friend of Leale that travelled to Florence in order to visit a specific place. That place was the Sagrestia di Santo Spirito… but what is so interesting there? Try to take a look…
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This is a picture of the ceiling of Sagrestia di Santo Spirito, and it is clearly a templar cross.

The sacristy is inside the Santo Spirito’s Church, where there are some frescos of Bernardino Pocetti and other painter of his school, like Ulisse Giocchi. Near the entrance of the sacristy there is a fresco with St. Augustine washing the foots of a poor man and above there is another little fresco with the famous scene of St. Augustine and the children... maybe the famous children of Livorno / Valle Benedetta that helped also the captain?

And who built the church? Giuliano Sangallo, with the help of Simone and Antonio del Pollaiolo.

Sangallo family was a quite famous family of artists and architectures; one of them building the Leghorn’s fortress. Maybe, something more related to this family will be posted in the coming days.
