Captain Leale Martelli - The Odyssey in the Realms of Time


Hi, just wanted to add something to make me more clear. I was just telling you a story about a cat. Stories are stories nothing violent about me exposing them.


Too much as humans we struggle and push too hard things at the wrong moments when nature doesn't accept our answer. Sometimes in life people with disabilities are helped too much and get aggressive because of this. Caring loving too much can have bad consequences. We saw how the captain went with a fighting attitude and disappeared not coming back for a long long time.
I prefer neither being liked nor being not liked by a cat. The middle way. There are times when observation is more important. Maybe Tourist agrees with me. Thank you tourist for your added infos to Leontino, very appreciated.


Leontino the young man wanted to reach the knight of the two helmets on the island of Pantelleria. The intent of Leontino was to be able to follow the knight of the two helmets to the great inverted pyramid in Egypt. Leontino had a strong awe of the knight of the two helmets. Roberto da Volterra told a legend to Leontino about the knight of the two helmets in which he reported the acquisition of the immortality of the knight after having defeated the giants on the Armenian plateau, after he would take possession of a magical sword that belonged to a giant he had defeated. The knight of the two helmets was convinced that some giants of the same lineage as that fought centuries ago lived in the bowels of the earth under the Mount Poggia. Leontino wanted to leave as soon as possible, but he could not bring with him the stolen helmet that the knight had left in the care of the preacher. Leontino had to hide his helmet in a safe place, he could not leave it in his cell inside the monastery. One morning when he woke Leontino had an intuition, seeing some religious who went to work decided to follow them. Together with other citizens, these religious participated in the expansion of a large underground aqueduct. The pay for these workers was not very high, but they were guaranteed their room and board for the entire period of permanence on construction sites. Leontino hid his helmet stolen under his cloak and joined the other religious pretending to want to participate in the excavation work.
Once inside a branch of the aqueduct he noticed a niche covered by a terracotta tile depicting the Madonna, the place was quite dark and inaccessible. Leontino decided to hide the helmet in that niche.
So Leontino could reach the island of Pantelleria where his tracks were lost forever.
Captain Leale Martelli was aware of the details of this story. He needed the helmet to try to shield the Romiton's powers. For this he sent the son of the lumberjack in the city of Siena making it enlist in the thunderbolt where there was a barracks of paratroopers.
During the hours of free exit, the corporal was always engaged in the attempt to reach the tunnels of the ancient aqueduct. The friendship with a restaurant manager in Piazza del Campo opened up unexpected and unhoped new scenarios. In fact, the owner of the restaurant was in possession of the keys that opened the small security gate entrance to the aqueduct. This entrance was right below the restaurant. Very willingly, the restaurateur gave the keys to the corporal who could scour most of the aqueduct every evening from 19:00 to 22:00 in search of the precious helmet. The corporal found the helmet, but fate led the corporal on the island of Pantelleria ...


Maybe the knight had a fair duel with a giant? I breath adventure in and out. Passion was driving their hearts? How wonderful would that be!! Even for that one short moment to LIVE and then DIE or SUFFER. An enchanted path welcomes the fair and brave knights who know how to wait in silence for the chance to fight to the fullest with a silent heart. We don't really know the future, no one does. Some see a lot but always wonder at things with passionate hearts in the unfathomable present moment.
I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail
Yes, I would
If I could
I surely would

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail
Yes, I would
If I only could
I surely would

Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound

Its saddest sound

I'd rather be a forest than a street
Yes, I would
If I could
I surely would

I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet
Yes, I would
If I only could
I surely would
Thank you LD for this short moment. A inner treasure that I will remember to the fullest and wonder again one day when i am a frail old man, or maybe not.
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Only a clarification: according to the official information available, the mission in which the paratroopers was involved, took place in 1986. Moreover, according to official information, it was carried out in Lampedusa and not in Pantelleria (paratroopers was in Lampedusa, while part of the aviation was in Pantelleria).
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In the early 80s the repeated threats of the dictator Gheddafi towards the outermost islands of Italy see Lampedusa and Pantelleria, led the Italian government to the establishment of military contingents in that area. Exactly in September 1983 the Folgore di Siena regiment was called to carry out a training and patrolling mission on the island of Pantelleria. Excellent opportunity for the corporal to reach Pantelleria. The son of the woodcutter was in fact sent with the contingent on the island of Pantelleria as a conductor. This gave him the chance to live on the island with a certain freedom. The mocking destiny wanted the contingent to camp right on the highest mountain of the island, in the same place where the knight of the two helmets and Leontino met and Leontino discovered the true origins of the knight and this cost the life of Leontino. Leontino the young never returned from the island of Pantelleria. The corporal, thanks to the help of the helmet, that almost led him to madness, managed to identify the body of Leontino located near some ancient sites dug into the rock. Place where the army was also digging to make secret military posts. 2 months later the corporal returned to Siena bringing with him an object belonging to Leontino and perhaps to the knight of the two helmets ... but this is another story. Just to know, the Folgore operations on the Pantelleria island ended in 1986 with the end of the "Operazione Girasole", after some Libyan missiles fell in the waters near the island of Lampedusa, but perhaps it is time to say that those missiles were never launched.
Thanks to the use of the helmet, both Leontino and the son of the woodcutter, they came to the same conclusions about the knight of the two helmets. They sensed that the transport of the "mirror of the romitone" to the Valle Benedetta was not a coincidence, but a well-developed plan by both the knight of the two helmets and the Armenian monk who persuaded Roberto da Volterra to take "the mirror" and then head towards the coast of Livorno. The intent of the knight and of the monk was to bring the "mirror" on the top of the mountain the Poggia to use it as a bargaining chip to access the mountain where, in their opinion, the last giants, guardians of a underground world, last resting place of the gods on earth, took refuge. Their interlocutor must have been the giant "Limoncino", who knew all the secrets of the mountain and last custodian of the Limone bronzes, works of art that the Etruscans used to give to the gods who lived in the bowels of the mountain. Even the last Lombards besieged on the mountain's side believed the giants of the subsoil. A legend tells that during the last battle a giant emerged from the earth saved the last besieged Lombards leading them inside a small extinct volcano. From here the Longobards reached the underground cavities of the volcano and lived in that place in the company of the gods. Since the Longobards last warriors were considered, to prevent the assailants from following the fleeing them, the giants closed the small mouth of the volcano with large stones, but this too is part of another story .....


Thank you LD. The Two Helmet Knight was already immortal, maybe so was the Armenian Monk too. Otherwise they would have been bound to the mirror, would have not controlled it to impress Roberto and there would have been no bargaining chip to begin with.

So there were two ways to reach immortality, one was the riddle of the Mantle, the other was to kill a giant.

The knight was very powerful. Maybe he was coming from wild lands of the the icy north pole?
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The events follow each other incessantly and although I was forced to tell them, I certainly can not change them. Many months have passed since I wrote in a post that the history of the Templars in the Valle Benedetta was not over and that many things still had to happen. It is a few days ago the news that the Templars attended an official religious ceremony in the church of the Valle Benedetta. Together with the religious authorities, the Templars, with their sacred cloaks, were lined up next to the main altar under the statue of the cherub showing the sacred cup. The exact point where the child appeared at Leale Martelli asked to bring the Templars. The prophecy has come true. The captain once again managed to complete the impossible and finish the mission entrusted to him by the "child" more than 70 years ago. Now the captain Leale Martelli will receive from the child the object that will make it free from the loins of the Romitone, so as to continue its primary mission and return to the battlefields in an attempt to save Europe from chaos, to safeguard its identity, its history and the sacred borders from the attack of the barbarian hordes. So that of the Nordic populations there remains only a small memory drowned in the blood. If the captain's mission is not over, I can not fail to tell it, but a day will come when I too will have to surrender to the passing of time and before I can leave this world I will have to instruct another bard to carry on my work. As I have always imagined this story does not interest many and for this reason I can feel free to express myself freely trying to hide as little as possible in order to create not too much confusion.
I know you that are reading, I could count you on my fingers, you are few, but among you I have already identified the one who will replace me. At the right time I will be able to contact him, but only after the terrible events that will affect the whole of Italy. We hope that Captain Leale Martelli can intervene to limit the losses that will affect his hometown ... The story must go on and given the events I have to clarify some aspects that I should have dealt with much later. The story runs faster than my pen, but my hand does not have to tremble, my task is not easy, I have to try to explain without explaining, I have to make understand and at the same time discourage most of you from a thorough attention that would require too much time to focus on each point so far treated. An error on my part, a sentence too many, a hasty or superficial analysis, would risk to make the whole mission of the captain fail. That's why what I'm about to tell you will not be clear to everyone. As captain Leale Martelli found a fundamental help in the son of the lumberjack, so the corporal, at the time, had an important help during his activity in Siena and Pantelleria. It was a cousin of his, a Martelli from the Florence branch who lived right in Florence. Thanks to this cousin, the corporal could reach the island of Pantelleria and carry out his research in freedom.
To prevent this story from falling into oblivion it will be my care to go into the subject the next time ...


Dear Little Doctor, thanks for the update.

Is it starting?

Changing topic, but not changing it a lot, have you heard about the project to open in Livorno a place (a mix between a museum and a research laboratory) finalized to study extraterrestrial rocks (for exemple moon or meteorite rocks)?

This could be a starting point in order to work again with that kind of energies, but... is he ready? Does he know how to work with them?

And... why to start at a so low level of practice? Is it a pack of Knowledge and Power?
