Car Disappears on Bridge (Time Travel Caught on Tape)



Today we look at footage that claims to show a real teleportation caught on tape by a CCTV camera on a highway. The car in the video visibly disappears with a flash of light, and then reappears further down the road. Many people have said this shows a real teleportation caught on camera, while others think it shows a genuine documented instance of time travel. What do you think?
The first one doesn't look very convincing. The slow-mo is going at something like 3 frames per second, but the "flash" you see fades in smoothly, clearly out of sync with the rest of the footage.

Similar story with the plane footage, which also looks to have the "flash" as a static shape that fades in as a whole. If this were genuine, one would expect the flash to "bloom" center out.

Entertaining video, but looks like something a high school student could make with Adobe Premier. As a rule, one should never trust videos that have ANY post-production done on them to add music or other effects; that calls the authenticity into question from the start

I agree that this is not convincing, but i heard you could attach an equipment in your car to make in-tune with the EM Field?I just heard it.
