Chatroom Use

Just a question, and if this isn not the place for it please let me know. I'm here in the US, so we're talking 6 hrs. difference in time, just wondering when is the chatroom in use? I don't have any aqenda to push but I really enjoy just talking to different folks than what I deal with everyday here in the US. If it's not in use, fine, but interesting in exchanging ideas,not phone numbers. Thanks bunches.:D

If it isn't going to be used, can it be used for things like groups of similiar interets, as I got no ccomments and only about6 even read it. If it isn't going to be used, replace it, just a thought. Thanks a lot.
Basically, you can use the chatroom whenever you want. There are currently weekly official events, they are announced in the Community Event section, it's the second forum on the main forum page.

Other users need to be logged in the chatroom to see your messages. If you post something in the chatroom when you're alone, no one's gonna see it. If you post while I'm in there, I'm gonna see your message, BTW.

This is actually the only chatroom working properly on XenForo. I might consider using another one once it's possible.

Now that that matter is cleared up, I intend to give the provider of incorrect info. a piece of my mind as to the overall quality of this site.

I was just asking but as a "newbie", I have been informed I had no business there and should not wander about and ask "dumb" questions, which it seems, only those of long standing are accepted tto do. I apparently am just supposed to read what is posted and to make little, if any comments.
Who told you such a thing?
People are free to share what they think here, no one on Paranormalis ever told you that you should just keep looking but not speak. I say new members are as important as old members. You're free to do what you want, but I can't do anything regarding what's being said outside of this forum.

You may start a new thread regarding this "issue" if you feel the need to.

