Chinese Fortune sticks


Senior Member
I had remember about these little guys last night before i went to bed, i bought them awhile back at a Barns & Noble book store cause i thought they were interesting. I used them a few times but as odd as it may sound when i would use them i would wake up to a white mist at the end of my bed or to just really random odd sounds, it took me a few times to but 2 and 2 together but i eventually realised that these sticks seemed to be summoning something when i would use them.

This is a part where i bought a disposable camera to try and capture this mist that would show up after using these sticks but everytime i would wake up and see it i was ether to scared or the thought of the camera didnt even cross my mind. After a few failed attempts and many sleepless nights i put the sticks away and now they sit covered in dust next to my bed.

Has anyone else ever experienced something like this? "excluding ouija boards"

