Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

Hmmpf, that nuclear holocost is looking more and more attractive. So is that deserted island.
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

So we have a scenario like this Asian Bird flu becoming an epidemic - or pandemic. That will mean shots being made available, and people lining up, clamoring for them. Would seem like the perfect opportunity to slip a tiny little rice grain-sized chip into people's arms, wouldn't it? And most would be none the wiser - or even give a dam even if they did know. After all, it's for our own good, isn't it...
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

If it's in the form of a 'shot' they better be very carefull that small 'rice' size pellet does not travel and creat a thrombus. you may not catch the bird flu but the Stroke sure made a dent in one's awareness.
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

True, but would anyone notice that the needle was slipped just barely under the skin? Especially if they were told that there were at least two shots in tandem for the cure?
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

I never would have thought of that K@t 5. Hmmm.. I dont do flu shots anyway. I try to avoid shots all together. So no bird flu shot for me. No small pox shot for me.. (I had one when I was born in 1978, yep really. my doctor was crazy.) No, whatever else!

Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

People would also wonder why exactly the needle was about ten times as wide as normal. You can't fit a grain of rice down a standard medical needle.
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

better get used to **** like this...did anyone see minority report? May not have been one of the best films but the one thing Spielberg did well in that movie was make sure almost every piece of technology he used in his sci-fi movie was a technology currently under research. The spiders, the retinal registration at every possible point, individual GPS, all of that is currently under development and may be a pretty accurate depiction of what we'll have to deal with in the coming years.
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

Another thing to keep in mind about injections is that they are working on and perfecting nano technology, ie. nanobots. These don't require a huge needle and can be biologically tolerated depending on the delivery agent. Is it a distinct possibility that the "grain of rice" size chip is a distraction to prevent us from worrying about what's in that T.B. shot, or flu shot? It has also been suggested that these little 'bots could clean the plaque out of arteries, break up blood clots safely, ect. Hmmmm, frighten people with thoughts of their own mortality and they may not question what else those little babies could and will do...:dry:
Re: Chip Me! All the Cool Kyd are doing it!

Well, K@T the problem with nanobots is that it requieres a certian transmission streangth to Talk to a reciever. As of right now, that is not possible in something it takes a microscope to see.
