Christmas Stuff


When I was a kid, I never knew what I might get from my Auntie,
my mother would always say, "Whatever it is...You're going to love it..Get it?!"

"Yes Mom...."

Like the very VERY warm sweater she made me one year....
...It was the chocolate brown whole and Dayglow Bright lime-green stripes across the shoulder
that more or less kept it confined to 'Home-use-only'..Lol.

This is one of the reasons this following video has become a seasonal favorite of mine.

I know..I've already posted it elsewhere but for those not into Sock goes..

...and of course the original, both sung by the same dude, Chris Squire.



Active Member
One Christmas me and my cousin got snockered on my Aunt's buttered-rum cake. It takes a month to make and every few days you pour another cup of rum on it. Trust me, it packs a punch. We had the bright idea to dress up " Ole Miss Ida". My Uncle's 350lb sow. We tied my Aunt's pink rose Sunday hat, pearl beads, rouge, and flowered sheet, to make the prettiest pig you ever seen. Then ran off giggling. My Uncle, 3 sheets to the wind on moonshine, stumbles by the pen and Miss Ida flopped there like she's going to church. My Uncle does a double take and runs back to the house, convinced he got some bad shine. Lol!

Night Vision

Senior Member
One Christmas me and my cousin got snockered on my Aunt's buttered-rum cake. It takes a month to make and every few days you pour another cup of rum on it. Trust me, it packs a punch. We had the bright idea to dress up " Ole Miss Ida". My Uncle's 350lb sow. We tied my Aunt's pink rose Sunday hat, pearl beads, rouge, and flowered sheet, to make the prettiest pig you ever seen. Then ran off giggling. My Uncle, 3 sheets to the wind on moonshine, stumbles by the pen and Miss Ida flopped there like she's going to church. My Uncle does a double take and runs back to the house, convinced he got some bad shine. Lol!
:D fsfasfasfasf.jpg ::LOL:: turturturturtu.jpg :eek: file003.gif~c200.gif :confused: ::LOL:: :cool:


Senior Member
How do you react when opening gifts? This vid may give you some ideas. I remember going to the famous relative Christmas party with the equally famous men's and women's gift exchange. For years I would get either an ugly tie, gloves, socks, or wtf...a handkerchief. One year I struck gold and got a vice grip.

