Civil Unrest; its happening now

A quarantine center in Liberia was attacked by armed men causing at least 29 Ebola patients to flee the clinic, sending symptomatic Ebola patients into the general populace.

Reported by CBS News, Sky News and many others, these 29 patients were receiving preliminary reports...

Now think about why they would attack such a place?

Maybe they were just in the hood?

Or maybe they wanted to collect some samples to study the Ebola?

What could they do the the most dangerous Bio weapon ever found on earth?

Did I say Bio weapon?
What is going on in Ferguson is a damned shame and I say that as a Black person. Idiots like the roving mobs of ghetto hoods stealing ANYTHING NOT NAILED DOWN that make it so difficult for the decent minorities to get by. When the story 1st broke I researched Michael Brown and reserved judgement until the rest of the details emerged. Now I am of the opinion that he had it coming by trying to be a hero and resist a law enforcement officer. Not to mention he had just recently strong armed a store. Even more annoying is watching and waiting with ever fading hope that President Obama will deploy the National Guard to Missouri and put all these "protests"(read as Illegal Riots) to rest already. Instead he only decided to return from vacation today and is allowing racebaiters such as Al Sharpton, Jess Jackson,and Eric Holder fan the flames of a potential full scale race war.
I'm not here to state my opinion on whether I think the witnesses are telling the truth or not.

I would just like to say that generalizations can lead to unhealthy dehumanization. Bad people are everywhere. Cops can be bad people. Whites can be bad people. Blacks can be bad people. I think it is wrong to generalize any group of people. Right now, cops are being viewed as this evil group that hates black people. I haven't looked much into this story, but as far as I am concerned, there is nothing suggesting that the murder was done out of racial hate, if we are assuming that the witnesses are telling the truth. Now there are riots of hate towards cops and many people across the country trust cops less. Cops are human beings like you and I are. This cop will go on trial and after witnesses take the stand, the jury will make their best decision as to what they believe that he deserves.

This cop may be bad, but it does not increase the probability that other cops are bad. The chances were always there. The day the world fails will be the day when everyone just views everyone else as part of a group instead of the individual that they are.
The primary cause of Narcissistic behavior is the absentee father, either the psychically or emotionally absent father will cause a child to not develop into a happy productive adult.

The inner city kids suffer that fate primarily because of the very high rate of single parenting today in many, if not, most of the nations cities.

Get the fathers to be fathers and the problem may be solved?

Good luck with that!
I refuse to take a side. I will take the side of neutrality. Everyone thinks they have the right answer as if they were there. It's disgusting.
If you still believe in a God then please pray for peace and throw your TV OUT!!! Seriously the mass media lies so much and pushes political agendas through nearly every program on air. Civil Unrest around the Michael Brown incident and other occurrences are nothing more than catalysts that allow the 1% to get rid of as much of the rest of the population as possible without having to do anything laborious. There is proof of that in how the police,whom our tax dollars pay, are doing little more than standing around while Ferguson is reduced to rubble. 9 days to call in the National Guard? There's probably nothing left to save!
