Will the U.S. fragment?

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The underlying reason that ww3 is inevitable is the fact that we owe Russia and China a vast amount of money that we will never be able to repay.
History has shown us that economic conflicts have always led us into armed conflicts.
This post is a valuable lesson in the historical past that should wake folks up to get prepared for trouble.
Water, Food, and Shelter are all very important things to consider when making plans to protect your love ones.
I wish yo all the very best if it happens sooner than you expect.
It is far better to prepare then to dispare...
I think the next "Civil War" will be caused by a variety of factors and be multiple groups here in the US. Occupy was a big one and was the closest we ever got. Next time an economic collaspe occurs it will be a LOT worse...
The latest- hundreds of armed citizens of Temple, Texas (country people) march for gun rights:
Hundreds of Gunowners Show up in Temple, TX with Loaded Guns At the “Come and Take it” March | Alternative

Doubters, IT'S REAL.

Thanks for this important information!


Army Master Sergeant Christopher J. Grisham was stopped and arrested March 16th while hiking with his son in Temple for carrying his semi- automatic gun.

He says, “I had my son record the arrest because it just became so egregious to me. It was wrong to begin with and I wanted people to see what was going on.”

Since the video has been up, it has gotten thousands of views and comments from supporters.

Co-Owner of and event organizer Murdoch Pizgatti says, “I’ve seen the stop and frisk videos in New York and heard about things like that but this was stop and frisk, it was disarm, handcuffed, it was the arrest and it was right down the road here in Texas. You know that shouldn’t happen here, that is way to close to home. That was my line in the sand and I knew it had been crossed at that moment so I got up and did something.”

Protestor Josh Toles says, “There’s a lot of stuff that’s going on and people think it’s out of our control but it’s not. We’re the people, that’s why the constitution was written for us.”

Grisham says the march sent a message to both Temple Police and the public.

“Not only is one man with a riffle or a weapon not any cause for alarm but hundreds of people with weapons are no cause for alarm. The reality is and the message that I think got through quite well to the Temple Police Department is that an armed society is a polite society and that a person with a gun isn’t someone that you need to fear,” said Grisham.

Pizgatti says because the day was a success is now working to organize armed Second Amendment marches in cities across the country.
CLICK ME for more on this story!

The underlying reason that ww3 is inevitable is the fact that we owe Russia and China a vast amount of money that we will never be able to repay.
History has shown us that economic conflicts have always led us into armed conflicts.
This post is a valuable lesson in the historical past that should wake folks up to get prepared for trouble.
Water, Food, and Shelter are all very important things to consider when making plans to protect your love ones.
I wish yo all the very best if it happens sooner than you expect.
It is far better to prepare then to dispare...

