Close Encounter of the 5th Kind


Junior Member
I am new here, and just like to say greetings from Planet earth

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what are types of Encounters are they?
Just get things started

The encounter goes like this.

[First kind]
Visual sightings of an unidentified flying object

[ Second kind]
Visual sightings plus the accompanying physical evidence

[ ]Third kind]

Sightings of "occupants" in and around the UFO

A human is abducted by a UFO or its occupants.

A Comment: This type was not included in Hynek's original close encounters scale.

Jacques Vallee, [unreliable source?] Hynek's erstwhile associate argued that a CE4 should be described as "cases when witnesses experienced a transformation of their sense of reality",
so as to also include non-abduction cases where absurd, hallucinatory, or dreamlike events are associated with UFO encounters.

The basic encounter

The scientific view is there are fourth types of close encounters with dimensional or physical beings, two types that I know from my investigation; the two and maybe a Third three types of physical being, maybe spiritual in nature or alien. (angelic)
The encounter of the fifth kind
The story of the Anunnaki is therefore not one just in the region of Mesopotamian, it is in fact a universal system observed in the sky and this is why similarities can be found across the world in ancient cultures. The biblical flood myth matches that found in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and end with the Tower of Babel in Babylon, which was part of the Sumerian empire.

This shows that the secret knowledge associated with the shining ones ended up at that time in Babylon, and then moved on from there. In the search for the shining ones, we have come across numerous groups, cults, and religions. In ancient Samaria, we find the Egregore or watchers who are thought to be the angels of the lord from the bible, and again the numerous epithets given to them tells us they too were the shining ones.

Enoch wrote about them in fact, for them, in the book of Enoch was later suppressed. In the bible and the Book of Enoch, these shining ones are called angels, archangels, or cherubim.

Unless the literature is purely apocryphal, we find that in the bible, the angel's figures are simply earthy men. In the bible, we do not find angels with wings. There are no original stories of them being supernatural.

They are in fact quite ordinary. It is always Gabriel meaning Man of God, who informs the people of the coming childbirth. Was he the shaman, the doctor? Michael is the warrior and protector, accompanied by angels wielding swords. Each and every one of them has their own specific duty, an Earthly duty. People with titles, angelic titles, as messengers and ambassadors of God, just like the early shaman.

The title cherubim mean exiles and could be an indication of the origins of the angels. Maybe they were ordered to leave somewhere for not conforming perhaps Eden, where they had previously been the watchers or guardians of the garden. In Genesis 4: 16, the land of Nod is symbolic also of the people of Israel, as Nod means wanderer. It is not much of an extrapolation to assume that the priesthood was also wanderers. Another example of a symbolic title is that of Enoch which means consecrated.

When Cain and his wife bore Enoch and built a city called Enoch, we have the people of Cain being consecrated before God. Enoch, the consecrated one would later write up the history of his fallen wanderers who spread across the globe as the great shining ones, teaching measuring, and building the world’s most mysterious ancient monuments.

Of course, we must not forget the seraphim of Numbers 21: 6 and elsewhere. These are not mystical beings, they have hands, a face, legs, but they do have powers from God because they are in the light and have the symbolic wings of the early shaman, the bird of flight, the dream time trance ability to fly.

The name means shining ones or fiery serpents.

They are enlightened being by the power of the serpent. Mystical Jewish literature tells us that the angels can fly, tell the future shape-shift, speak Hebrew, and are emanations of the divine shining light. In the Old Testament, God is indistinguishable from the angel or messenger is known as Yahweh. He looks the same and acts as his representative. There is no difference here from Babylonian, Egyptian, and shamanic practices. In the New Testament, the angels actually take part in the judgment at the end time. Alternatively, they may be those who had experienced enlightenment and then fell from grace.

We are told that the Nephilim or watchers began to mix with indigenous people. These were the angels who seemed to have been the military arm of the shining ones, and who were initially employed to guard the Garden of Eden. It came to pass when the children of men had multiplied, but in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters, and the angels, the children of heaven saw and lusted after them and said to one another “come, let us choose us wives “from among the children of men and beget us, children.” And Semiaza who was their leader, said unto them “I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed “and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin,” for the wages of sin is death.” And they all answered him and said “let us all swear an oath “and all bind our selves by mutual implications “not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.” Then swear they all together and bound themselves by mutual implications upon it. From this union, a hybrid race was produced, a race of giants so we are told. And all the others together with them took unto them wives and each chose for himself one and they began to go into them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and charms enchantments and the cutting of roots and made them acquainted with plants and they became pregnant and they hear giants whose height was 3,000 ellls, who consumed all the acquisition of men and when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. They began to sin against birds and beasts and reptiles and fish and to devour one another’s flesh and drink the blood. And then the Earth laid accusations against the lawless ones, and then Michael Auriel Raphael, and Gabriel looked down from heaven and saw much blood being shed upon the earth and all lawlessness being wrought upon the earth.

These insurgents also passed on knowledge and taught them combat and how to make weapons.

And Azazel taught men to make swords and knives and shields and breastplates and made know to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them, and bracelets and ornaments and the use of antimony and the beautifying of the eyelids and all kinds of costly stones in all color and tinctures. And there arose much godlessness and they committed fornication and they have led astray and became corrupt in all their ways.

Samvaza taught enchantments and root cuttings, armorers the resolving of enchantments.

Barachiel taught astrology, talked about the constellation, Ezekiel the knowledge of the clouds, Arakiel the signs of the earth, Shamshiel the signs of the sun, and Sariel the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven.

And all this was seen as a violation against a set of laws laid down on the shining ones who were possessive of their knowledge.

Thou seest that Azazel hath done, you hath taught all unrighteousness on the Earth and revealed the eternal secrets which were preserved in heaven which men were striving to learn. And Samvaza to whom thou hast given authority to bear rule his associates and they have gone to the daughters of men upon the Earth. And have slept with the women and have defiled themselves and revealed to them all kinds of sins, and the women have born giants and the entire Earth has thereby been filled with blood and unrighteousness.

Enoch the scribe who was taught by the shining ones was then employed as a messenger or intermediary between the shining ones and fallen ones who had decided to abandon their divinity, to live amongst the tribes of man. Enoch was then sent to tell the insurgents that a severe had been passed on them and that they were soon to be punished. In brief, the punishment sent is the flood. It is as the shining ones wanted to wash away the sins of the Earth that had been created by their own kind, the fallen ones. In the bible, we are told that God, or rather the gods known as Elohim, spoke to Noah telling him that the seasons of summer and winter would be more extremes from the time of the flood onward. This is both supported and is supported in turn by the Book of Enoch which states how in those days Noah saw that the Earth had sunk down and that destruction was nigh, and he said “tell me what is transacting upon the Earth? “ For the Earth labors and is violently shaking.”

Skinny Bob | IVAN0135 | Grey extraterrestrial zeta | CIA Leaked video

Star System Zeta Reticuli species name Emerther
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Bizarre Dream Skinwalker Ranch
about 5 am this morning
let me explain late night I was watching History Channel, the program was called the Secret of the Skinwalker Ranch one of the researchers was exposed to a microwave explosion or RF explosion radiation or gamma radiation explosion
the researcher was giving a tour of this area, I had the same experience just this as the researcher was giving a tour of this area, he was the driver and I was the passenger, at the end of the tour, just like the program I end up in a researcher outpost, there I greeted it by a researchers
The researchers help into the bay door, his face was covered that I may not see who he was, they greet me with kindness
As I saw myself I was wearing a red jumpsuit, the researchers put a patch on me to give me entrance, as I walk with the researchers there were researchers that giving instructions, to other researchers, then I was around at a table separating clothing, I ask one of the researchers, that was helping me, were is the person the was giving me the tour that was exposed to a microwave exploded radiation or RF or gamma radiation explosion, they told me, they had to isolate him, just like in the Skinwalker Ranch, I when to see for myself about his welfare, I open partially from the cylinder to keep he for exposing others from I saw this man complete naked standing upright, his body was burned the exposed to a microwave explosion or RF explosion which he got from the Skinwalker Ranch, he ask me please can let me out, I said I can't I closed the cylinder, and when to the next room, were another man ask for his whereabouts, I told the man he is isolated for his safety, the man said to me, I'm going to let him out, I try to stop him, but to avail fought me, and open up the cylinder and for fear all of the researchers fled that they would me expose
As I fled as well, I look back and saw an explosion the place was on fire and the researchers grew inside, and the researchers oversowed the facility his entire body was in flames and had a crown on his head the shape of a crescent moon on his head
bizarre dream
if I may
In this dream a very Lukewarm air, I felt it was light as a feather, pulling me up, gently toward the heavens. I was very afraid, I grabbed, anything to stop going up, but everything Just melted away, it was like I was going down Into the deep blue seas, It was awesome.
In this state, there was a vision I saw, no moon, no stars, no sun, nothing to hold me, but suddenly I saw angels thousands of them, they looked about 100 feet tall or more Like our Northern California redwoods tree.
As I looked Down to earth, I saw the earth but, these angels were very, very tall and, masculine angels with flaming wings, thousands of them; they were like a giant sequoia tree! they were above the earth waiting for something to happen or to prevent anything to leave the earth, My heart felt Very heavy but calm, as I descend back to earth, I look back to heaven, I saw a grid over the entire planet

This grid I saw is to keep something in, the angels will not allow anything to leave, the earth, but the angels can descend and ascend they can escort a person to their destiny

Science and Ethics

a new generation as is been, explore new planets a seed that is planted in new horizon science and technology
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I am new here, and just like to say greetings from Planet earth

View attachment 13514
what are types of Encounters are they?
Just get things started

The encounter goes like this.

[First kind]
Visual sightings of an unidentified flying object

[ Second kind]
Visual sightings plus the accompanying physical evidence

[ ]Third kind]

Sightings of "occupants" in and around the UFO

A human is abducted by a UFO or its occupants.

A Comment: This type was not included in Hynek's original close encounters scale.

Jacques Vallee, [unreliable source?] Hynek's erstwhile associate argued that a CE4 should be described as "cases when witnesses experienced a transformation of their sense of reality",
so as to also include non-abduction cases where absurd, hallucinatory, or dreamlike events are associated with UFO encounters.

The basic encounter

The scientific view is there are fourth types of close encounters with dimensional or physical beings, two types that I know from my investigation; the two and maybe a Third three types of physical being, maybe spiritual in nature or alien. (angelic)

I have a 2th encounter of the second kind, with physical evidence, i have see a stargate in the sky.
if I may
In this dream a very Lukewarm air, I felt it was light as a feather, pulling me up, gently toward the heavens. I was very afraid, I grabbed, anything to stop going up, but everything Just melted away, it was like I was going down Into the deep blue seas, It was awesome.
In this state, there was a vision I saw, no moon, no stars, no sun, nothing to hold me, but suddenly I saw angels thousands of them, they looked about 100 feet tall or more Like our Northern California redwoods tree.
As I looked Down to earth, I saw the earth but, these angels were very, very tall and, masculine angels with flaming wings, thousands of them; they were like a giant sequoia tree! they were above the earth waiting for something to happen or to prevent anything to leave the earth, My heart felt Very heavy but calm, as I descend back to earth, I look back to heaven, I saw a grid over the entire planet

This grid I saw is to keep something in, the angels will not allow anything to leave, the earth, but the angels can descend and ascend they can escort a person to their destiny
This grid is the ley lines, we are angels in formation. So this grid is our grid to travel . Hdr can work on this lines but be carefull, somes angels have no wings and fall...
