Closest ever planet which could house intelligent life FOUND


A SUPER-EARTH with the credentials to support alien life forms has been discovered just outside our solar system.


Hot on the heels of Earth 2 - another planet discovered this summer which has the potential to harbour life - Wolf 1061c is the closest planet outside our solar system which could hold alien life.

Dubbed Earth 3, it is more than four times the mass of Earth. The large planet is still small enough to be rocky with a solid surface, but a year there lasts just 18 days.

It also orbits the Red Dwarf sun within the "Goldilocks zone" meaning its temperature would be just right to hold liquid water so life could potentially develop within its oceans if it has any.

In July NASA held a historic press conference revealing it had founder a "second Earth" using the Kepler telescope.


Kepler 452b was thought to be rocky and in the Goldilocks zone, but was 1,400 light years away - 100 times further than Wolf 1061c is.

Wolf 1061c is just 14 light years away in the in the constellation of Ophiucus, orbiting the sun called Wolf 1061.

It is one of three planets orbiting the star found by Australian astronomers.

Lead study author Dr Duncan Wright of the University of New South Wales (UNSW), said: "It is a particularly exciting find because all three planets (b, c and d) are of low enough mass to be potentially rocky and have a solid surface.

"The middle planet, Wolf 1061c, sits within the 'Goldilocks' zone where it might be possible for liquid water - and maybe even life - to exist.

Super Earth DISCOVERED – Closest ever planet which could house intelligent life FOUND
