Closing Down (And now reopening!) the Politics Sub-Forum


We live in a very volatile era. I guess we feel comfortable discussing our world here on Paranormalis, but it's sad that some people make the politics
personal. Disagreeing and debating is usually fine until people start insulting people that disagree. They make it personal. Why can't we all just get along? There is always one troll that ruins it for everybody. "If you don't agree with me, you're an idiot!" THAT is what I consider personal. We don't have to agree to get along. For example, although I'm not getting the vaccine, I'm not going to come on here and harrass everyone who got it. I have friends and family that got it and I'm not going to automatically hate them. That's insane.

I do enjoy the intelligent political comments, but also remember, YES, many of us have strong opinions and we WILL debate. The trolls don't understand that.


So, we reopened the politics sub-forum. Feel free to post there as you see fit. :) Since there's no USA election right now, it seems it's a good time to reopen it.

As usual, no debates, no personal attacks, no threats. Be nice! ;)

Thanks for the feedback and for your patience.

Good, I have something to post this morning. It will make a really good discussion.


where the wild things are
We live in a very volatile era. I guess we feel comfortable discussing our world here on Paranormalis, but it's sad that some people make the politics
personal. Disagreeing and debating is usually fine until people start insulting people that disagree. They make it personal. Why can't we all just get along? There is always one troll that ruins it for everybody. "If you don't agree with me, you're an idiot!" THAT is what I consider personal. We don't have to agree to get along. For example, although I'm not getting the vaccine, I'm not going to come on here and harrass everyone who got it. I have friends and family that got it and I'm not going to automatically hate them. That's insane.

I do enjoy the intelligent political comments, but also remember, YES, many of us have strong opinions and we WILL debate. The trolls don't understand that.
Everything you said in this post is exactly why I left this community in 2020. I didn't feel comfortable being here anymore. And that dated back to 2017. And everything in the succeeding years got worse. I saw people attacking others for their religious beliefs, sexual orientations, skin color. When the pandemic hit in 2020 I saw the state of this community and I knew what was coming so I left. And having spent the last couple days catching up on the last three years - I don't regret leaving

I joined this community in 2012 for the paranormal. Ghosts, Occult, UFOS, Aliens. Not huge into conspiracies. I like politics but when it devolves into bigotry, slander, threats - no. Thing about these types of communities they attract people from all over the spectrum. We have many members with differing beliefs, morals and opinions. And sure there will be disagreements and debates. But we should all remain respectful of each other's beliefs, morals and opinions. We should also maintain a peaceful and positive image for guests who come to this community

I mean let me ask you this. If you came to this community for the first time and saw the front page adorned with racism, bigotry, misogyny, misandry, etc... would you honestly want to join? I sure wouldn't. And if you're a current member who joined for whatever reason and you have whatever beliefs yet you see the front page adorned with attacks against your beliefs... would you want to stick around? I didn't. And that's why I left

I checked in here and there. As a guest. Late 2022 everything seemed to calm down. So that's why I'm back :)


Everything you said in this post is exactly why I left this community in 2020. I didn't feel comfortable being here anymore. And that dated back to 2017. And everything in the succeeding years got worse. I saw people attacking others for their religious beliefs, sexual orientations, skin color. When the pandemic hit in 2020 I saw the state of this community and I knew what was coming so I left. And having spent the last couple days catching up on the last three years - I don't regret leaving

I joined this community in 2012 for the paranormal. Ghosts, Occult, UFOS, Aliens. Not huge into conspiracies. I like politics but when it devolves into bigotry, slander, threats - no. Thing about these types of communities they attract people from all over the spectrum. We have many members with differing beliefs, morals and opinions. And sure there will be disagreements and debates. But we should all remain respectful of each other's beliefs, morals and opinions. We should also maintain a peaceful and positive image for guests who come to this community

I mean let me ask you this. If you came to this community for the first time and saw the front page adorned with racism, bigotry, misogyny, misandry, etc... would you honestly want to join? I sure wouldn't. And if you're a current member who joined for whatever reason and you have whatever beliefs yet you see the front page adorned with attacks against your beliefs... would you want to stick around? I didn't. And that's why I left

I checked in here and there. As a guest. Late 2022 everything seemed to calm down. So that's why I'm back :)

Yeah, Num cleaned house, basically. I think you'll be happy here once again. I started using the ignore button, too, which helps.
