🚨 Confirmed Hoax Coming from 2023

But you have no idea about the technological level and skills of the universe that contacted us in 2017.

And you have no idea about the technological skills that you don't possess and why it is literally impossible.

You should have stuck to something like saying you have visions of the future in your dreams.
We can conclude that you are not satisfied with the explanation. Well, I suggest you people to take track of the future events written above. That will be proof that we are real.

We approve skepticism from you. It is good to be skeptical.

That is my computer I use... Very powerful..
We can conclude that you are not satisfied with the explanation. Well, I suggest you people to take track of the future events written above. That will be proof that we are real.

We approve skepticism from you. It is good to be skeptical.

Why does this remind me of the hive mind and borg from Star Trek...

