Re: Computer Technology Found Documented in Ancient Texts
"Thousands of points" all shoehorned to fit YOUR hypothesizes. They have yet to become theory. Without Peer Review, all you and your correction machine, aka the PPHC Study Group have, are sci fi guesses. Unless you can round up true blue, full blown Experts in Egyptology, and have them publish something based on something you have already published, having a cracker tin full of constantly corrected ideas won't wash and dry when examined for connections to reality.
If you are going to use the ruse that an "angel" did all the traveling, gathering and showing you forgot the part about the Big Three his boss happens to own by simply being itself. Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience. Never send a boy with a butter knife to do a man's job with a 44 Magnum eh? Surely the Head Honcho would have sent the winged one to go fetch a power notebook/ Lap Top rather than that dinosaur 386. Anything less and you insult the power that bes.
Your lame claim to fame a la CD Rom, represented by the circle with the dot in it Egyptian hieroglyph is severely lacking. You seriously think that a 3 piece system - CPU and Box, Monitor, Key Board and power supply would be lugged around, when 1 single unit does it all? What, three other "angels" wanted to go walkabout too so they used many parts as an excuse for each one to travel? Having wings is one thing, traveling stupidly is entirely something different. Your hypothesis makes God look stupid. They were going to charge the batteries on good looks? A jolly group sing of Kumbayah at the evening campfire perhaps? Maybe Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport?
Surely 4 angels singing around a campfire would power many things. Unfortunately, even a million of heaven's best would be hard pressed to lend credence to this fantasy. Your "thousands of points" all lead to a thousand guesses that don't add up. If you morph it to be just a simple Time Traveler and not an angel, the logic still stands and even more so, one unit beats the hell out of several pieces to lug around.
Unless you publish for peer review so that experts in their field judge your stories, that's all you have, 7 years worth of fantasy smote by whom ever you tricked into the study group to help you patch the holes of said science fiction. Which brings us to the obvious questions. Where has ronald pegg published for Peer Review? Where has Edward Teller/Edy_P, Eddy P/Edward -Eddy Pengelly Published for Peer Review?
Pointing to your repository of fiction at the PPHC Study group as a "source" of information when answering questions is insulting at best.
I formally submit that there is no Ronald Pegg, and, that You, are all three personages found upon internet inspection, Edward Teller , Eddy Pengelly and Ronald Pegg. If in fact Pegg is a real person, a lettered "researcher" what university did he attend so that school records can verify that it's a real person and not your nom de plume.
Contrary to your many claims all over the net, that "you are not out to make money" on your science fiction stories, why are you charging money?
From Your Site:
""The following PPHC in-house REPORTS were printed up as News & Evaluation Resource Books in the years stated
2003 Ancient Chronicles Unsealed - The Discoveries of Ronald Pegg
2004 A New Perspective - The Bible and Nostradamus
2005 A New Bible Commentary - Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelations
2006 Nostradamus Unsealed - The Discoveries of Ronald Pegg
2006 A New Understanding - Egyptian Gods and Atlantis
2006 Penguins, Square Pegs, and Coincidences
2007 World Breaking Discoveries - A New Era Begins
REPORTS re-published as E-Books
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• All other ebooks are $13.75 each
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or is that just a simple typo on your "study groups" part?
What has become all too clear, is that for the last 5 years or so, your sole goal of selling your science fiction as IF it has something to do with reality, is a exercise in a SPAM festival powered by google bombing and the dissemination of your groups location.