Contacting aliens spells doom for humans?


Some scientists warn of potentially dangerous consequences if humans try to contact alien cultures, but others are undaunted.

For decades, scientific communities across the planet have been deeply engaged in SETI – the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence — by scanning "space noise" for viable signals that would indicate we are not alone as advanced beings in the cosmos.

With this week's launch of The Lone Signal project, the tables are turned, and earthlings are now sending messages out into the universe. Known as METI, or messaging to extra-terrestrial intelligence, Lone Signal is crowd-sourcing messages to beam out to the relatively nearby Gliese 526 solar system.

Although scientists are part of Lone Signal, others have concerns about the project.

Noted science fiction writer and astrophysicist David Brin has expressed grave misgivings in a blog post that says the planet has not come to an agreement or created a protocol on what should be ported out to the great beyond.

Brin says most species invest a lot in protecting themselves from exposure to others to avoid being colonized, enslaved or even driven to extinction due to the unforeseen consequences of contact.

Sending messages with no cohesive agreement on content comes down to "hubris," he says, and is foolhardy.

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Contacting aliens spells doom for humans?


Senior Member
That is a big fear, and i do believe we have Hollywood and the media to blame for it. Were taught that if Alien life ever comes in contact with us i will destroy our planet or enslave us, the possibility of a peaceful contact and co existence is basically null due to these fears that have been driven into our heads since The Radio could broadcast story's.

If contact is made it will be our species to destroy it, we will ruin any hope of a peaceful contact or relationship with any Alien being due to our own self fears and the fears portrayed by the mass media and Hollywood.


Junior Member
I mean, there's definitely a legitimate reason to be concerned. We have no idea what else is out there. But in my opinion, burying our head in the sand isn't a solution either. So I'm all for it! Hopefully we'll get some friendly responses.


I like to think about their argument that aliens may be after our resources more than anything else.

There must be tons of planets out there containing billion tons of resources but not much life (At least, no civilization). Why would they have to come to Earth, kill us all and take everything they can as soon as they are aware of us?

Imagine an alien civilization capable of space traveling from on solar system to another. If they reached such a technological level, don't you think they probably have advanced means of detecting far away worlds orbiting distant stars? If they have such thing, they are probably already aware of us. Because of that, I don't think they'd rush to Earth in the next moments to mine it right away.


Senior Member
I like to think about their argument that aliens may be after our resources more than anything else.

There must be tons of planets out there containing billion tons of resources but not much life (At least, no civilization). Why would they have to come to Earth, kill us all and take everything they can as soon as they are aware of us?

Imagine an alien civilization capable of space traveling from on solar system to another. If they reached such a technological level, don't you think they probably have advanced means of detecting far away worlds orbiting distant stars? If they have such thing, they are probably already aware of us. Because of that, I don't think they'd rush to Earth in the next moments to mine it right away.

There is always the theory that we were placed here by the ET's, that they abduct us and watch us to view how well their experiment is going.


Then if that's the case, we'll likely never get an answer and therefore, we're safe. ... Until they decide it's time.


Yah, I think they're already here studying our progression.

I've always liked the theory that humanity progressed so far that they "time travel." Side note, I view time like an ocean and we are caught in a current with no paddles or fins or power to break free. This, when we get all that, travelling through time will be like having a "time sub." They watch us to learn where they came from. They could have even created us to watch it beginning to the "end" when they are satisfies.

Thus, we are our own worst enemies.
While most aliens have large mining operations (this is one such operation here- Disappearing Dust Cloud Baffles Astronomers: Scientific American Gallery ) They typically mine asteroids, gas giants like Jupiter, Saturn, etc and other small rocky bodies. Most of the time they leave other worlds even habitable ones alone.

I do think we are being watched/observed and I think its only a matter of time before they decide to show themselves to us in a larger fashion. I say around 2020 when space travel is more commonplace for us.


Senior Member
Could this be why the space program was suspended? Ether for Gov security sake as they don't want the public to know were not alone so shutting down the space program was putting a halt to the inevitable meeting between us and the ET's? Or maybe the ET's had a hand in shutting it down as they don't believe us to be ready. not to get off topic, don't mind me just rambling
No, US Space Program is shut down because of dicks in the Senate and House. They are so blinded by their religious furvor they have lost touch with realities and principals of science and progress look how many people refuse to believe in evolution a known scientific fact. However, China, Russia and India are expanding their space programs. Hell Russia is currently in plans for constructing a shipyard in space. China is gonna go for the Moon and India is putting more people in space.

Eventually the US will be right on track in expansion with new technologies and progress. Especially with private space companies already expanding their horizons. The next 20yrs will be huge.
