Contacting with ET's, part two, All races


I told you, I'll describe how these multidimensional spaceships works, but I found it better to tell about who I have been contacting with. At first, I want to make a list of few races that I have had some sort of interactions with;

Starting with hybrids, yahyel, essassani/shakani and few other genetically mixed beings, Pleiadians have influenced a lot of my thinking, arcturians few times, sirians and some vibrations which are close to the star system you call Vega. Hard to remember all of them, but with these beings and collective vibrations I have spend enough time to realize their ways of thinking.

Ships where I have fully been in,

A ship which was made by one timeline future humans with pleiadian help.

One's whose name I cannot remember, it was an abduction (but positive one, via my request). They also told me about how abduction works, how their spacecraft navigates and answered some of my questions.

Ships that contains many races, Such as the ship I already mention. And another race who haven't a name, they were totally white, calm, intelligent beings who told me about human natural reactions to several vibrations.

Hybrids, oh I love them, they have described me so closely how they fly their crafts, how crafts accelerate mass to energy, how they can connect the craft with their consciousness and with the universe for travelling trought the galaxies or paraller realities.

Other important experiences;

I met beings, who liked to put their consciousness into different forms. Their main appearance was close to zetas or hybrids, but they had even bigger eyes. They told me about shapeshifting, and ultimately I even could take their body and I was an alien for a minute. Quite interesting :) I have now a clue about the shapeshifters, even they might do it in a different way.

Main message I had with thiese experiences was that they wish to show us how the multidimensional reality works. Without that knowledge we cannot interact with them fully. Maybe they can come into these vibrations but mainly they show themselves in higher states.

Thank you for reading, I hope this opened a little bit the idea that we are not alone, and there truly are beings who wish to share their knowledge and interact with you. Many of them see our world as very interesting, because we do have so much limitations in three dimension. These were experiences I found very important for me and I can share them more when I remember them, can't remember all of them right now :)

And again, if you do not want to believe me, I hope you still had an interesting time thinking about how different beings would behave and interact with us if they would do it. But for those who have an open mind, I really want to say, you do not really need to wait them - they are already interacting with us in higher levels.
So what happens when we die?
Is that just another frequency shift?
Yes. You can not be death. Usually we go in to higher levels, because finally we let go of this world. We observe world we have been in, and many come back to their body to continue the lifetime.

They can also create other kind of 3D experiences in another world, usually with a less limitations, would it be heaven if world seems like 3D experience but all of your dreams would come true? You can e.g. shift in to a future where humans do travel across the galaxy. Third choise is to "ascend" (I do not like the word, I just think it is an ordinary shift by letting go this world) in to a higher dimension, where you only observe experiences you wish, getting only feelings from the situations. Not really walkin in a timeline. Or shift in to even higher levels where there is no such thing as physical reality. Only vibrations, feelings, and one can create whatever he/she wish.

Ok so if we all progress to higher dimensions where is the judgement for our deeds in life. What is the point in being good if I end in the same place as the bad?
Ok so if we all progress to higher dimensions where is the judgement for our deeds in life. What is the point in being good if I end in the same place as the bad?
Because behaving as a good person, you vibrate on a higher level and it feels good. If you do feel something as guilt, that means you are on a lower frequency level and it feels bad. Usually if you do bad things to others, you will shift in to a timeline where shit hits the fan. That is because if you adapt some kind of model of your personality, you keep that vibration where others act similar ways toward you.

If you want, you can pick up things which gives you the highest vibrations, that feels the best and you are closer to a border which exists between physical and non physical plane. If you die, you just check the vibes that are not part of you, and let them go. Then you automatically shift in to higher levels.

The reason, why I suggest respecting others is more that if you are nice to others, you are nice to yourself and then you automatically allow yourself to shift in to timeline where you are respected etc... Only one who can judge yourself is you, and in which way you think about yourself, is your vibration and your vibration creates the universe where you will shift to.
People like Hitler and child rape/snuff films aren't shifting out of Hell. They are bound by their action and I don't care how sorry they are no exit door suddenly opens and lets them free, to shift wherever their mind wants to take them.
People like Hitler and child rape/snuff films aren't shifting out of Hell. They are bound by their action and I don't care how sorry they are no exit door suddenly opens and lets them free, to shift wherever their mind wants to take them.
Maybe they will stay there, but what about those who observe life from their eyes? We all are just observers to this world, when we choose to let go, we do not need to suffer anymore, because we are not part of this world anymore.

Let's think about it. Adolf thought he was a good person and doing right thing. As he got power, he started to be paranoid and all he saw was enemies everywhere. If someone could convince him that there is no enemies, he wouldn't have to be that bad. Nobody is bad in a sense, we can only adapt belief systems that we need to be bad to others for some reasons. These belief systems keep us in a disharmonic place and we loose contact to our true selves.

But I am not really here for arguing whether or not bad people can go to 'heaven'. If person let go of the evil nature, and disharmonic frequences producted by that evil nature, his consciousness will automatically shift in to a higher states. That is how far my understanding goes to this subject.

If we can choose our timeline, we can choose our history, and if we can choose our history, we can shift from a evil person to a person, who has never been evil to anyone.
Thanks for your opinion, I see your point. No evil beings are in high places, because they can not reach there until they let go of their negative vibrations / evil nature.
The problem with your theory is that we can't choose our timeline, we can't choose our history. We all are born against our will and put in a time and place against our will, and will die against our will. Someone clearly more intelligent than you or I is in charge of our destinies. We have been given free will, and with that free will comes consequences. I just don't buy thinking good thoughts and shifting to some higher plane of existence. I can't believe its as simple as that.
