Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

I doubt if even Steven Hawking knew that would happen if you placed that many voids in the same place in space at the same time. Truly, this must be the First Quantum Truth.
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

I have a feeling this situation may get very ugly after this poor woman dies. Makes no sense to me to suddenly say after 15 years lets take out her feeding tube and let her starve to death. I'll give her til Tuesday. Very sad. I hope her husband falls asleep with the image of her face every night on his mind.
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

I have a feeling this situation may get very ugly after this poor woman dies.
Between that and the potential for problems in Arizona, I think we're in for a rough month if not the start of something bigger. If anything happens down there at the same time "right wing extremists" retaliate for her death, I could see a nation wide militia hunt get started right fast.
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

\\"I believe that in a case such as this, the legislative branch, the executive branch, ought to err on the side of life, which we have,\\" the president said. \\"Now we\'ll watch the courts make their decisions.\\"

I\'m thinking its a real bad time to be a judge that disagrees with dubya.
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

"I believe that in a case such as this, the legislative branch, the executive branch, ought to err on the side of life, which we have," the president said. "Now we'll watch the courts make their decisions."

Quite clearly, an embarrassingly blunt and ignorant admission by this president that the Constitution ought to overridden to institute his personal will. And, as you say, a quite clear threat to the judiciary to follow his lead or else...

Or else what, I wonder?

Just to put things into their proper perspective, and to understand just exactly how dangerous this man has become, let's all agree that the law of the land is not forfeit to the personal agenda of any individual, whether or not he's the president; and that he does not have the power to "err" or to choose to "err on the side of life," and has not in fact done so.

To err on the side of life would have been to stop Bin Laden before he hit the towers; would have been to bring down Afghanistan the minute it was certain that Bin Laden was hiding there; would have been to resist the Halliburton temptation to invade Iraq; would have been to boost the local budgets for law enforcement and firefighting and education and jobs, and would have been to raise the minimum raise for common people instead of the maximum profit for corporations.

To err on the side of life would have been to insist on a healthier, better educated population, free of war and paranoia, and not to have allowed the terrorists to win by terrorizing the country and making us stomp all over one another's rights.

To err on the side of life in accordance with the Constitution would have been to give it another century of vigorous life and allow it to grow into the dream come true of patriots-- a true universal piece of justice. That would have secured freedom into the future. In fact, the Constitution is pitted against the relentless shadow of death, and tries to institute freedom to save our lives in the face of tyranny.

No president has the right to choose to err, by which Bush here means the power to choose to skirt the law to do what he wants to do. He has abrogated his oath of office, and has thus committed high crimes, and ought to be impeached.

The Constitution must be saved from Bush and his associates. These people have got to go; their only restraint is the term limit, and, if you are willing to err for your own moral sense and discard the Constitution, why would you limit yourself to eight years?

My advice is to write in your choices for Senator and Representative-- name local leaders, don't vote by party or propaganda, and start in 2006 to replace the government by ballot. Write the name in clear printed letters, e.g., "JESSE VENTURA-- NONPARTISAN," or "BO GRITZ-- NO PARTY."

Let's hope that the elections in 2006 and 2008 will still be held.
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

My advice is to write in your choices for Senator and Representative-- name local leaders, don't vote by party or propaganda, and start in 2006 to replace the government by ballot. Write the name in clear printed letters, e.g., \"JESSE VENTURA-- NONPARTISAN,\" or \"BO GRITZ-- NO PARTY.\"

Imagine somone's shock when they woke up to the phone call informing them that they had just won an election that they didn't know they were even running in.
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"Paul J. Lyon\")</div>
Imagine the sense of duty and honor overtaking the person when the shock passes.[/b]

WHICH means of course, that you are prepared correct? Both myself & Cary (havent heard from anyone else unles I missed it) are more than very serious about you running for the presidency. I can not think of a more qualified Soul, person, Lawyer to run for this office. Can you?

Question is, Are you up for this??? If elected will you serve my friend?
Re: Could this be the rift that starts the civil war?

WHICH means of course, that you are prepared correct? Both myself & Cary (havent heard from anyone else unles I missed it) are more than very serious about you running for the presidency. I can not think of a more qualified Soul, person, Lawyer to run for this office. Can you?
Now this is gonna get ugly....I had in mind for him to replace Carl Rove :)

