COVID Natural Immunity: What You Need to Know


Senior Member
This is a badly made-up virus. Immunity does help to some extent, but it's more like the principle of someone hacking into your system, say if you were a computer and depositing a virus. The key vista point you want to psychologically develop, since one cannot totally eradicate the virus, is getting along with the instructions that it left behind as a result of infecting you.

walt willis

Senior Member
First off the so called jab is not a true vaccine and it never went into a full three year study review as to be "Safe and effective"!
Also if it is so helpful then why force anyone to get it to protect YOU?
Let us the hell ALONE!
Don't be a fucking Bully!
Grow UP and get a life!
I have a Right to be Free just as you have a Right to be Stupid!


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
First off the so called jab is not a true vaccine and it never went into a full three year study review as to be "Safe and effective"!
Also if it is so helpful then why force anyone to get it to protect YOU?
Let us the hell ALONE!
Don't be a fucking Bully!
Grow UP and get a life!
I have a Right to be Free just as you have a Right to be Stupid!
View attachment 13372
Who are you addressing, Walt? @walt willis
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Witch Hunt

Senior Member
Does anyone remember Fauci talking about "herd immunity" last year? All year long.....HERD IMMUNITY!!!!

This year, not so much. Why is that? At first Fauci said that a 60% vaccination rate will get us to herd immunity. Then it was 70%. Then it was 80%, and now, the government seems to be going out of their way to avoid the subject. So what happened? Is herd immunity a real thing? Or are the pandemic numbers inflated? You see, herd immunity is taught as a fact in every medical school in the world. It is a real thing. Now vaccines don't keep you from getting sick, they just lessen the severity of the symptoms. Same with a natural immunity. But both things bring about a herd immunity, and means less potent variants. Case in point.....Omicron! It's something like 70% more transmissible but 80% less severe than Covid 19.

There are countries that report themselves as 100% vaccinated. They also report large scale outbreaks.



Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
First off the so called jab is not a true vaccine and it never went into a full three year study review as to be "Safe and effective"!
Also if it is so helpful then why force anyone to get it to protect YOU?
Let us the hell ALONE!
Don't be a fucking Bully!
Grow UP and get a life!
I have a Right to be Free just as you have a Right to be Stupid!
View attachment 13372
For the record, I've never bullied ANYONE on this forum. Nor have I advocated forced vaccination, nor have I ever said everyone needs to get the vaccine. Your post, however, could be considered bullying.

Again, who are you addressing? @walt willis


@walt willis

We're kindly asking you not to post unrelated messages in discussions, such as above.

It's out of place and I don't understand why you'd stay stuff like this to PoisonApple.

Further off topic posts here and in other threads will be removed and you'll be issued a warning point, as this is not the first time we're asking you this.

Thank you for understanding.
