COVID vaccines cause miscarriage & birth defects

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where the wild things are
My daughter's best friend, 16 years old, is now seeing a specialist for angina and some type of heart problem. I bet she got the shot. I'll ask my daughter. It's really sad.
These shots cause Myocarditis which is inflammation of the heart. A symptom is Angina. That's a damn shame your daughter's best friend has to go through that. Nobody should. The government lies, says these vaccines are safe and symptom free - yet we have people dying from allergic reactions and people getting heart issues as a result of taking them


These shots cause Myocarditis which is inflammation of the heart. A symptom is Angina. That's a damn shame your daughter's best friend has to go through that. Nobody should. The government lies, says these vaccines are safe and symptom free - yet we have people dying from allergic reactions and people getting heart issues as a result of taking them

She's only 16. It's possible that the vax made an existing condition worse, which is one reason why I didn't get the vax. The government needs to admit their mistakes at this point.


Senior Member
She's only 16. It's possible that the vax made an existing condition worse, which is one reason why I didn't get the vax. The government needs to admit their mistakes at this point.
You have to look at early covid as if it were an invasion. What part of that corona virus is, is actually a roof of cave bat colony utility mapping virus. Where I feel that junior and sis got frisky with the test tubes and covid was mistake created, what was actually going on was an invasion of the human race, by a general bat health utility virus.

Was never meant to, have gotten out of that cave, but it did.

Why the primary two stage vax was important, is it explained ahead of time to human bodies as to what the covid virus was. So, in my view, only the primary vaccine shot, for all its danger was of value.

This situation made very very simple, is that it's the size of bats compared to humans that gave humans trouble out of the deal. This was where your sickness was coming from, plus this is why they had both lockdowns and asked people to be vaxed.

I don't have the slightest idea as to what the covid virus is doing now in relations to the human herd. The scientific constabularies in denial that it's both a bat virus, in covid and that it even came from a laboratory. They're still stuck on it was a pangolin or some other critter that held covid.


Active Member
This is from licensed medical professionals who have observed it first hand.

If you're pregnant or thinking of having kids in the future, don't get injected with this shit.
Got the first 2 vaccines but not the 3rd anyhow have felt horrible ever since getting them.


Active Member
Have you noticed all the died suddenly deaths have stopped happening? Makes me wonder if it was all just more bullshit made up by the news media to get peoples attention.
You never know on this planet sadly. So many conspiracies are true but then most of the true ones are never mentioned then the bullshit ones flourish as most people are blatantly idiots
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