Crieff Road


Junior Member
This is the first house that I have any memory of living in - I must have lived there from when I was a small child to when I was about nine or ten. The house was old, dark and Victorian - and I always got the impression that a child had died there. For the longest time I didn't like playing in the spare bedroom upstairs or the box room because of the atmosphere, and when I did in years to come (and I would sit and read the books in there like Robert Lewis Stevenson's "A Childs Garden of Verse") I would feel like someone was looking over my shoulder.

The first thing I remember was when I was sitting and looking in my bedroom mirror, and someone (I think it was probably my mother) was speaking to me. Suddenly her voice sounded like someone had turned it down, like on a stereo system, and a small child appeared in the mirror reflected as if she were sitting on my knee. She (I always got the impression that it was a she) had a pale face, big eyes, and a wisp of hair r under her white old fashioned bonnet. She looked up at me, and then faded away; my mothers voice came back, and my heart was pounding; I felt like I had seen her in the house before.

My room was far away from my parents or my brothers; they were across a landing, down some stairs, across another landing, and up some other stairs. Sometimes during the night I would be awoken by heavy breathing in my room, I would even hold my breath to make sure it wasn't me. In addition something also poked me hard in the side once, and I wasn't a child that ever slept with a doll or a toy. I would have something shake my bed; not to mention the times I used to hear something moving around, and I would lie with the covers over my head facing the wall. I also went through a period of time when I would wake up and see shapes of people vanishing by my bed.

Another thing I remember was that for a period of time the shadow people would come up really close to me. They weren't more than indistinct black shapes; they would come up really close and dart off, which leads me to my second (and final tale). I was running down the stairs one day when I glanced up through the bannisters to see something following me; it was dressed from top to toe in black, I remember seeing the shape of a boot, and it had something on its head like a beaded headdress or veil. I ran down the stairs without looking back, and did so for a long time.
Fast forward eight or so years, completely different house, and neighbourhood, and I had a friend come to stay the night. The next morning she said that she had seen something standing on the landing watching us - it was dressed all in black, and seemed to have horns on its head. I asked her to draw what she had seen, while I went off into another room to draw what I had seen when I was kid - both pictures were eerily similar and we ripped them up.
