Criss Angel


Active Member
Criss Angel

Brent said this was the best place for this, so here I go :)

I wanted to start a discussion on how Criss Angel does some of his tricks.

One I looked up online and couldn't find any real information on was his walking on water trick. A lot of people think there are paynes of glass under the water that he stands on, but how did he do it in the lake? Or maybe he had paynes set up there as well.

And how does he levitate?

I wanna hear peoples input!

Thank you :)
Re: Criss Angel

I once heard that all the videos he makes are 100% fake, I mean, when he picks someone on the street it's not a random person, the person knows it. For walking on water, I heard that everybody was involved in the trick, and that depending of the camera angle, the guy was attached to a cable, or was walking on a thick glass.

That's what I heard. If you try to break in a video shooting, they say there's a bunch of people watching to be sure nobody will interfere with the "scenario".

Re: Criss Angel

Thanks for the input on this.

His stuff is fascinating. I used to watch all of the episodes. If you watch a lot of them, you start to notice now and then that some of the people and the scenarios seem to be rehearsed that are supposed to be impromtu volunteers. One show, I even caught a trap door opening, that I'm sure was supposed to be out of the shot. Nice to have the DVR to watch things in super slow mo!

It is fun, for sure though to try to figure out how he does that stuff. He is a hell of a showman, even if it is fake. I'd like to know how he does the tricks where he goes through the glass window, and where he went through that large fan.

Thanks to anyone who can share the secrets to Criss Angel.


Re: Criss Angel

Some of the people he randomly pics, look like they were hired. This one time he was randomly pulls this girl in the park, now she looks like a model, and all the people she's with don't fit in with her. They are very average, and she's even wearing a skimpy outfit showing off her belly, and she tries to act all cool while everyone else is 'oh godddd oh wowww'

The water one, you know how he has that camera filming it? One guy said that he had plexiglass slats in the pool which is said to be invisible in water, but they say his camera can capture it so he can see where it is. And the lake one, where he walked on water, was what got me. A girl walks up and grabs the bottom of his feet while he's standing on the water, but the scene where you see her grab his feet, is shot from his personal camera, you don't see it from any other angle, so that could have been staged.

Well you do see it from other angles, but the part where she actually grabs it, is from his camera, and she yanks her hands away quick.
Re: Criss Angel

One more word: CGI.

Does it makes sense ? I guess they should use some, these are no big special effects anyway, just hidding cables and such.
Re: Criss Angel

I wanna know how they did the levitating one. Unless they edit the camera work heavily. I think he even levitated infront of a few hundred people once. I can't remember. I haven't watched it since the first season.
Re: Criss Angel

I only watched for a few episodes. This is an illusionist and damn good at it..
What he does live for shows is different than what he does for television, obviously.
I wonder if the crowds that gather are all extras? I saw him levitate up to the top of a building in front of had to be crap.
If he was legit, he wouldnt be on tv.
He looks like an old rock star or something. Part of the shtick I guess.
It is fun to watch as long as you dont think about it too much!

Check it out ....
Re: Criss Angel

It looks real, but it is on TV. Can't really trust that.

I have to admit when I saw him go through a glass window, it kinda spooked me - but then my hubby said - if he can go through a glass window why did he have to tape paper over it first? It's hiding something.

I saw a video once of a guy showing how to appear to levitate a few inches off the ground - I think it was in one of the versions of this forum. It was done with round balls under the shoes and the angle had to be just right for it to look real.

There is a magic show I went to where a guy makes a helicopter appear on stage. The props and the feet and one door is real and the rest is a very perfectly made blow up toy. The only reason I could tell was I was alerted by someone else who knew how it was done. When you know you can tell.

Just recently I saw a show about how a couple magic tricks were done - a disappearing bus - a lady getting squashed and stabbed to prove she was disappeared :) She really had to contort to do that trick - that in itself was pretty amazing :)

I am getting so cynical. I don't believe much of anything anymore. Maybe that comes with getting old. It is all just illusions. The appearance of magic. Entertainment.
Re: Criss Angel

So I was talking to Brent today, and he was talking about how this thread was bringing in more site traffic and to see if we could find it on google. While looking I found this: Criss Angel EXPOSED!
At first I was laughing, but the people that wrote this really believe he is the devil, it even ties him into freemasonry and the illuminati. Wow. Great stuff for a paranormal and conspiracy forum haha. I love the creepy music that plays as well.

Let me know what you guys think :)
Re: Criss Angel

Lots of weird shit in that link, I guess some of it might be true to at some point. I think these people must probabaly know what tshirts they are wearing, like the #7 Freemason tshirt guy, he must know what his tshirt is about, same for Criss Angel's pyramid tshirt. These guys try to look strange and want people at home to think they have occult powers and special skills.

Some people think they are Satan reincarnated, it's pretty normal in a way. It seems they have no special abilities at all, they are just tricking us with CGI and cables... They are just very good at it.
