Curious Cosmos


Senior Member
☀️ Zenith
Curious Cosmos

For the past several months I've been working on a new website I think may compliment what Paranormalis offers. Numenorean7 kindly gave me permission via PM to talk about it here, so I wanted to see what people thought.

Ever since this site started, it's always had a paranormal/conspiracy edge to it, even when it was Eventually, that edge evolved us in to what we are now and I'm extremely proud to have been a part of it's history, even if I did screw things up from time to time. :confused: As the site's overall subject grew and matured, my interests began to focus on a few areas that didn't necessarily fit the flavor of Paranormalis. This was a partial reason for passing the torch, among other things.

The site is called Curious Cosmos and will primarily cover (non-religious) spirituality, quantum physics, philosophy, history and astronomy mixed with a little New Age flavor. I'm curious as to whether or not there's a niche for a community with this sort of focus, or if it's better left as a research site for my own education and growth.

Is this something people might be interested in?
What kind of information would you want to see?
Are there other topics you would want to see that don't really fit here?
Are there any tools or features you can think of that would make getting in to this subject easier or more fun?

I should make it clear that I'm not trying to advertise this or take anything from Paranormalis; I just think it might be helpful and interesting to build something that contains features and information that don't necessarily fit within the scope of what we are :)
Re: Curious Cosmos

I aready have a picture for your thread. Enjoy!


Re: Curious Cosmos

If you're curious, does your name really have to be "Cosmo" before you can join this new forum?

Re: Curious Cosmos

I have an interest in astronomy that is not paranormal related as well, and sometimes I read interesting articles that I would like to discuss with you all but it's a shame to put it in the general section of the forum. It'd be nice to have a site where I could post about it and discuss, I'm not sure how many others are interested in it.

On that note, I want to post this picture I love. I couldn't save the picture properlly, so here's a link to the site:

It's the second photo, click on it to make it larger, it shows how small we are in comparison to the rest of the universe. I always have to go back and look at this once in awhile.
Re: Curious Cosmos

I have an interest in astronomy that is not paranormal related as well, and sometimes I read interesting articles that I would like to discuss with you all but it's a shame to put it in the general section of the forum.
Astronomy fits in the Science and Tech. forum. There are many non-paranormal topics in that forum. You may just post it in there if you want :)

Brent, will you include astrology stuff ?
Re: Curious Cosmos

Astronomy fits in the Science and Tech. forum. There are many non-paranormal topics in that forum. You may just post it in there if you want :)

LOL, you beat me to it.

Brent, will you include astrology stuff ?

Yes, but not the hokey horoscope type stuff you find in newspapers. More along the lines of how astrology, astronomy, spirituality and science fit together. The rules and reasons for it, if that makes sense.
Re: Curious Cosmos

Well in that case, I'm a Capricorn. Get to work ;) haha.

I think astrology does play into aspects of who we become though. The rest is up to us and our environment.
