Dark Skies

This movie looks good. I can already hear the screams at the theater. Just imagine as an end times senerio that this was happening to the masses. Run for cover...they are coming for you!

I brought a date to it and there were only a few Scenes that were truly creepy i would give it 3/5 i found The Fourth Kind a bit more creepier. But in Dark skies you atleasr get to see the aliens.
My sunflower seeds and I just finished watching this flick on Netflix. I liked the part when she questioned their present situation...what does she do but go to the Internet and click on conspiracy theories. lol Have you all seen this movie yet? 'Signs' is still my favorite alien flick but this one isn't too bad.
I just watched this movie Friday night for the 10th time or something like that, hahaha. It's one of my favorites. I loved several aspects of it...I like the aliens and the jump scares and how the family starts to fall apart until they realize all they have is each other. I also didn't see the aliens actually coming for the big brother.

Interesting side note...my daughter likes scary movies. She is 7. Yes, yes, i know she is young and I only let her see certain ones that I know she can handle because she is a very unique & open child. Wise beyond her years. She wanted to watch this one day and asked what it was about. I told her " it's about aliens and they come to take this little boy".. "are you sure you want to watch it?
Her reply " yes! But let me draw you a picture first!"

Her picture she drew me, blew my mind. It was an alien with a beautiful owl resting on the aliens arm. I asked her why did she draw the owl??? Her response. ..

" owls are watchers and messengers for the aliens "

Now...my daughter has never seen The 4th Kind. And she has NEVER heard any talk of owls related to aliens in any way. When I asked her how she knew this, she said she just does. (We do have an owl that hangs out in our tree outside our bedroom window and hoots throughout certain nights) but never have we discussed this with her.

I found it interesting that on her first time watching it, she noticed the pictures of owls in the little boys room in Dark Skies...I never noticed until she pointed that out to me.
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My sunflower seeds and I just finished watching this flick on Netflix. I liked the part when she questioned their present situation...what does she do but go to the Internet and click on conspiracy theories. lol Have you all seen this movie yet? 'Signs' is still my favorite alien flick but this one isn't too bad.
Yeah, Signs is still my favorite... But this one didn't get as much hype as it should've.. I thought it was great! And I love Keri Russell...
My sunflower seeds and I just finished watching this flick on Netflix. I liked the part when she questioned their present situation...what does she do but go to the Internet and click on conspiracy theories. lol Have you all seen this movie yet? 'Signs' is still my favorite alien flick but this one isn't too bad.
Yeah, Signs is still my favorite... But this one didn't get as much hype as it should've.. I thought it was great! And I love Keri Russell...

Signs is one of my favorites! :)

I need to see Dark Skies soon.
After watching the trailer I think I need to watch this movie again as I might have missed something. Besides, I need to catch up with bluejay's number of views...but first more sunflower seeds are needed. A fast trip to the store awaits me.
