David Hawkins - Power Vs Force

I didn't read it.
What does it talk about? Did you get a glimpse of the subject yet?

I remember in philosophy class the teacher was talking about might (puissance in french) meaning it's not there yet but might happen (like the seed might become a tree), and power (pouvoir in french) which would be like control, authority, etc

I don't know if the book is on that topic?

I didn't get to continue reading it yet. I heard it should help you understand people and their motivations, their reactions and the way they behave much better. I should continue reading this book, I just don't have the time right now. I didn't forget it though, I'll read it.

Alright, after a failed attempt at self-motivating myself into reading this book last year (see my post above!), I'm currently reading it.

I'm about 1/3 through it and it's very interesting. It deals a lot with the various levels of consciousness and their influences on people, their actions and their effects on other people. I still have to read most of the book though, it's very interesting for now. :)
