Deathbed Phenomena


where the wild things are
Hey there. Have you read up on deathbed phenomena? Or even experienced it yourself? My grandmother passed away last year. I was there each of her final days and nights and experienced some strange things. Others who were there when I was not experienced strange things. I even experienced things after her death in the weeks and months following

I wanted to share these experiences. And if you have experiences of your own, feel free to share too!

My grandmother was in late stage cancer and staying in Florida last February. I remember speaking to her on the phone the week she returned home and she was in good spirits. But near weeks end she went downhill quick. She and her husband returned on a Sunday. I got to see her Sunday night when she returned home. She was very articulate and alert, not driffting off. We spoke about a few things. One of them being reincarnation and the belief we'll see each other again sometime. I asked her when she does pass to give me signs she is still around. During this moment she told me she kept hearing a voice telling her its time to go, asking her to step over. She told me she doesn't know where the voice is coming from and she doesn't know how to step over. I told her she should ask the voice, and she said she would if she knew where it was coming from

I saw her again on Monday. I spent the night with her and her husband. My grandmother and grandfather split several years ago and she remarried. I was in the living room with her husband, nobody else was in the room with her. She was in the bedroom laying down and I could hear her having a conversation with someone. I went into the bedroom and her head was turned towards the corner of the wall and having a conversation with something I could not see. I spoke to her and she said she was speaking to her father. I asked where her father was and she pointed towards the empty corner. I told her I can't see anyone. She told me "Well of course not, you're not ready" I asked her what she meant by that. She just looked at me and smiled and drifted off to sleep

Tuesday she drifited in and out of sleep more frequently. several times throughout the day she would wake up, having conversations with nobody. Family members and friends visited her throughout the day. They reported her breaking their conversation, looking at the corner and answering questions and then continuing to speak to family and friends present. I wasn't there Tuesday evening. My parents visited her and she had a strange, sudden burst of energy. Days prior she was too weak to move. Had to be carried to and from. But Tuesday evening she was walking around on her own, she ate and drank for the first time in a couple days

Wednesday was difficult. She had another burst of energy in the morning. She got out of bed and walked around but fell down. When we tried to get her into bed she screamed and yelled. She kept saying "they're here to take me home, leave me alone" over and over. We finally got her to bed. She tried getting out of bed several times. Over the course of the day she started becoming weaker. Her breathing was heavier. The death rattle came. In the evening she was unresponsive. Later that night she passed away

I wasn't there when she passed away. I couldn't be there. I remember being present when her mother passed away in 2001. It was scary. I told my grandmother on Monday night I would be with her as long as I can but I can't be there for the end, its too overwhelming emotionally. She told me that is okay

When I got the news Thursday morning I felt... at peace. I was an emotional trainwreck but when that news came to me, it was like my sadness, despair, worry, anxiety drained and I was at peace. Thursday night I slept the best I had in months. Knowing her she probably had something to do with that. In life she hated it when people had trouble sleeping, and would always find a way to help them get a good nights rest

Many others friends and family reported the same feeling of peace and having slept better than they had in several days and weeks

Before she passed I asked her for signs she's here, still around. Things happened then and they still do occasionally

- I went back to her home on Saturday. I heard her voice a couple times. I spoke to her husband he said he heard her voice too

- Her graveside service in March. It rained. But the rain was all around us. You know when you can see rain nearby but where you are at its not raining? Its that kind of rain. It was raining all around us. But where we were at, there was no rain. It was like she was there with a huge umbrella protecting us from the rain

- I spent a week at her house in March alone. Her husband went back to Florida to gather up remaining belongings at the condo they were staying at. I heard her voice. I heard footsteps. She lived in a rural area where the closest neighbor is a half mile down the road. No radios were on, no televisions were on. Her house is built into a hill, so the basement has a back door. I was upstairs in the kitchen and I heard the basement door slam. I went downstairs to check the door and it was shut and locked. Its a drafty old door with a rug at the bottom to stop the draft. The rug was not moved. I then started going upstairs when I heard a distinct cough upstairs with footsteps. It sounded like my grandmother's cough

In the morning I awoke to noises coming from the kitchen. Sounds of cupboards opening and closing, footsteps, sounds of pots and pans clanging. I thought that her husband came back early so I yelled out his name. The sounds stopped. I got up and went into the kitchen, nobody was there. The cupboard doors were shut, the pots and pans were in their correct places

- I would see her in other people. Several months after her death I would see people who resembled her. The same body shape, same hair style. Even saw her walk by my home once last May

These things died down over the year. But things still happen. I occasionally see her or occasionally hear her voice


Active Member
I have personally died multiple times of an overdose (K2/Bizzaro) anyhow very strange experience and pretty sure I was in what religion calls Hell until I repented then went to religion called Heaven where the beings said they are not ready for me there again then I woke up in a hospital with a pretty decent looking female cop staring at a female nurse's butt so I laughed and embarrassed her


Active Member
I definitely think immortality is possible either through consciousness or technology. Supposedly we have something in our brains that leaves our bodies after death and if you are resuscitated the thing can find it's way back to your bodies. Anyhow this is a scientifically tested theory not just a thought and the scientists testing said theory think they are on the brink of something major.


Active Member
Hey there. Have you read up on deathbed phenomena? Or even experienced it yourself? My grandmother passed away last year. I was there each of her final days and nights and experienced some strange things. Others who were there when I was not experienced strange things. I even experienced things after her death in the weeks and months following

I wanted to share these experiences. And if you have experiences of your own, feel free to share too!

My grandmother was in late stage cancer and staying in Florida last February. I remember speaking to her on the phone the week she returned home and she was in good spirits. But near weeks end she went downhill quick. She and her husband returned on a Sunday. I got to see her Sunday night when she returned home. She was very articulate and alert, not driffting off. We spoke about a few things. One of them being reincarnation and the belief we'll see each other again sometime. I asked her when she does pass to give me signs she is still around. During this moment she told me she kept hearing a voice telling her its time to go, asking her to step over. She told me she doesn't know where the voice is coming from and she doesn't know how to step over. I told her she should ask the voice, and she said she would if she knew where it was coming from

I saw her again on Monday. I spent the night with her and her husband. My grandmother and grandfather split several years ago and she remarried. I was in the living room with her husband, nobody else was in the room with her. She was in the bedroom laying down and I could hear her having a conversation with someone. I went into the bedroom and her head was turned towards the corner of the wall and having a conversation with something I could not see. I spoke to her and she said she was speaking to her father. I asked where her father was and she pointed towards the empty corner. I told her I can't see anyone. She told me "Well of course not, you're not ready" I asked her what she meant by that. She just looked at me and smiled and drifted off to sleep

Tuesday she drifited in and out of sleep more frequently. several times throughout the day she would wake up, having conversations with nobody. Family members and friends visited her throughout the day. They reported her breaking their conversation, looking at the corner and answering questions and then continuing to speak to family and friends present. I wasn't there Tuesday evening. My parents visited her and she had a strange, sudden burst of energy. Days prior she was too weak to move. Had to be carried to and from. But Tuesday evening she was walking around on her own, she ate and drank for the first time in a couple days

Wednesday was difficult. She had another burst of energy in the morning. She got out of bed and walked around but fell down. When we tried to get her into bed she screamed and yelled. She kept saying "they're here to take me home, leave me alone" over and over. We finally got her to bed. She tried getting out of bed several times. Over the course of the day she started becoming weaker. Her breathing was heavier. The death rattle came. In the evening she was unresponsive. Later that night she passed away

I wasn't there when she passed away. I couldn't be there. I remember being present when her mother passed away in 2001. It was scary. I told my grandmother on Monday night I would be with her as long as I can but I can't be there for the end, its too overwhelming emotionally. She told me that is okay

When I got the news Thursday morning I felt... at peace. I was an emotional trainwreck but when that news came to me, it was like my sadness, despair, worry, anxiety drained and I was at peace. Thursday night I slept the best I had in months. Knowing her she probably had something to do with that. In life she hated it when people had trouble sleeping, and would always find a way to help them get a good nights rest

Many others friends and family reported the same feeling of peace and having slept better than they had in several days and weeks

Before she passed I asked her for signs she's here, still around. Things happened then and they still do occasionally

- I went back to her home on Saturday. I heard her voice a couple times. I spoke to her husband he said he heard her voice too

- Her graveside service in March. It rained. But the rain was all around us. You know when you can see rain nearby but where you are at its not raining? Its that kind of rain. It was raining all around us. But where we were at, there was no rain. It was like she was there with a huge umbrella protecting us from the rain

- I spent a week at her house in March alone. Her husband went back to Florida to gather up remaining belongings at the condo they were staying at. I heard her voice. I heard footsteps. She lived in a rural area where the closest neighbor is a half mile down the road. No radios were on, no televisions were on. Her house is built into a hill, so the basement has a back door. I was upstairs in the kitchen and I heard the basement door slam. I went downstairs to check the door and it was shut and locked. Its a drafty old door with a rug at the bottom to stop the draft. The rug was not moved. I then started going upstairs when I heard a distinct cough upstairs with footsteps. It sounded like my grandmother's cough

In the morning I awoke to noises coming from the kitchen. Sounds of cupboards opening and closing, footsteps, sounds of pots and pans clanging. I thought that her husband came back early so I yelled out his name. The sounds stopped. I got up and went into the kitchen, nobody was there. The cupboard doors were shut, the pots and pans were in their correct places

- I would see her in other people. Several months after her death I would see people who resembled her. The same body shape, same hair style. Even saw her walk by my home once last May

These things died down over the year. But things still happen. I occasionally see her or occasionally hear her voice
What if immortal consciousness can speak telepathically? It is quite probable actually in scientific reasoning


Active Member
So you been to hell and heaven you see now you must believe in Jesus Christ
Nope. No evidence of a Jesus Christ other than extraterrestrial life that might save us someday. Heaven and Hell as Christians call it are well possibly real but I do not believe they are as religious texts describe them instead I believe they are scientific in existence not spiritual
