Deja Vu Question


Active Member
I'm curious if there are others that seem to be experiencing Deja Vu.

I don't want to sound weird, but much of what is going on appears to be things that I've already lived through.

I don't mean an occasional occurrence, it feels like I'm reliving a timeline, that I've already been down.

It started out with the odd occurrence, but it has been accelerating.

I hope I'm explaining it clearly.

I'm not talking precog and I don't mean Ground Hog Day.

Are there others in this forum going through something similar?
Have you experienced anything you could describe as a close call with death?

I've had those growing up. I almost drowned 3 times. We once left a mall right before a plane crashed into it.

The most recent wasn't a near death, but I had a fever for days and lost the memory of those days.

Growing up I used to sleep walk and my family would tell me they had complete conversations with me that I never remembered.

Have you experienced anything you could describe as a close call with death?

I don't know how I forgot this, but after thinking about your question, I remembered in the 90's I was sleeping through a fire and someone broke in my door,woke me and got me out.

So my theory for this is you did die the first time. But your subconscious took you back to relive it, allowing you to change the outcome. The feeling of Deja Vu is your remembrance of a prior time to your death.
I'm wondering if that's possible. The only thing I remember is my neighbors small dock overturned and I was caught under their row boat.

I keep thinking to myself, why isn't my life flashing before my eyes. It's weird that I would think that because I wasn't scared or worried only curious.

After I don't know how long my friend reached down and pulled me out.

When I think about it I'm there again.

Do you really think that's what happened?

If so, how can I use it to make things better?
Have you experienced anything you could describe as a close call with death?

I don't know how I forgot this, but after thinking about your question, I remembered in the 90's I was sleeping through a fire and someone broke in my door,woke me and got me out.

So my theory for this is you did die the first time. But your subconscious took you back to relive it, allowing you to change the outcome. The feeling of Deja Vu is your remembrance of a prior time to your death.

What's weird is my dreams always change their outcome. If something negative happens in my dreams. they begin self correcting until the outcome is positive.

I don't control it, they do it on their own.
I'm wondering if that's possible. The only thing I remember is my neighbors small dock overturned and I was caught under their row boat.

I keep thinking to myself, why isn't my life flashing before my eyes. It's weird that I would think that because I wasn't scared or worried only curious.

After I don't know how long my friend reached down and pulled me out.

When I think about it I'm there again.

Do you really think that's what happened?

If so, how can I use it to make things better?

I've had some close calls myself which makes me suspicious. It's like we aren't supposed to die. We don't control our subconscious. But maybe some of us have learned to do so.
I'm wondering if that's possible. The only thing I remember is my neighbors small dock overturned and I was caught under their row boat.

I keep thinking to myself, why isn't my life flashing before my eyes. It's weird that I would think that because I wasn't scared or worried only curious.

After I don't know how long my friend reached down and pulled me out.

When I think about it I'm there again.

Do you really think that's what happened?

If so, how can I use it to make things better?

I've had some close calls myself which makes me suspicious. It's like we aren't supposed to die. We don't control our subconscious. But maybe some of us have learned to do so.

It just seems so confusing.
Well yes, to be honest I believe in Deja Vu and I personally believe that it is a fact. I get this very often. Just the other day I was playing a video game and then all of these events. For example, say there were 6 events that were about to occur. One of the 6 just happened before the rest of the 5 as soon as that 1 event took place, I knew exactly what the other 5 would be, and it was quite weird, I then began telling the people in the game, of course they didn't believe, heck I wouldn't believe myself I sounded insane. However, Deja Vu is very real. I usually get it a lot but what I've noticed from experience and from what I've asked others from personal research (just to be sure this isn't a fact) this is a theory I have thought up (not sure if someone else thought it up before me, if so then I'm glad) but I think people with Photographic Memory are affected by Deja Vu a lot more than people without Photographic memory.

It makes sense to me, maybe someone who is more knowledgeable in this situation can inform me if my theory or "assumption" is a possible cause.
