

Do you know why it / they disturb you ?

Did you at any point (even past - irrelative of time ) invite / invoke them ?

I had evil in my life since I can remember "age 3" and my life was never a happy one so I guess they had a plan from the very beginning? Did I go out look for trouble? No. But trouble of all kinds seems to have my number.

I know there was a strong satanistic cult where I grew up??


New Member
label ; I can only say this : knowledge is power

The more you can learn about the "subject" the better prepared you'll be .

I did demonology 30 odd years ago ; what ever happens these days happen naturally - I don't "think" about it , just pure action / reaction .
Just a thought, but Ignorance can often be a blessing, though also a curse. I've found the more I research the more beings are attracted to me. Another thought: I find it funny how humans have to know what's in the dark, saying they'll believe you, and when you tell them they scream and cry and say you're wrong. Humans want to know, but once they do, the often wish they had never questioned it. I'm not saying that's for everyone, don't take me the wrong way.


Well like I said evil found me from a very early age so I guess I cannot pretend this is happening just because of X Y or Z. Truth is demons as we know them "evil sadistic or the fallen ones" are exactly that.

Many scriptures mention that the fallen was placed in the "unseen" realm and is evident in dogma "original scripture" Now if you talk about aliens "from outer space" people say they are "inter dimensional" and when you compare an alien abduction with historical haunting you start to see a deeply disturbing pattern.

Yes it is true that during wars "kings of old" and rulers like "Hitler" tried to use demonic power as a weapon. This is well documented fact. How successful where they? Well not very successful because these "things aliens/demons" seems to demand a very high price.

Now before you say I am smoking my socks again. Think about this a true advanced alien race would only need a group of men and a group of woman to have enough genetic diversity to get their own human menagerie going. They will not need to constantly take people do experiments and bring them back because they can simply breed us as easy as one would do with sheep or cows or so on. We are after all "animals"

Yet when you move towards these things being demons "banished from our realm" it starts to paint a bigger more ugly picture. Demons need sacrifice, they need people willing to perform a host of rituals involving actual sacrifice and a physical host. It may even well be the truth that only a specific type of person can be used hence the selection I don't know.

That said the probing part can be both for research and or a ritual. It may even be both.

Perhaps it is time to question our existence as to why we are here and why we are being targeted "regardless as to who or what they are" Because clearly we are important enough to them that they would make it a point to find us.

Think about that. This is not insanity there is a larger more disturbing plan at work and we as humanity seem to be in the middle of something we know very little about.


If one does not really know what he or she is getting into, "messing' with demons, regardless how many books one has and or "read", is like playing with a loaded gun placed up against one head, and pulling the trigger, one really never knows what to expect. 55 yrs. of dealing with various themes of the "occult" have taught me lessons about what to deal with and not having the arrogance to believe I can handle anything. Fact is, no one can!


If one does not really know what he or she is getting into, "messing' with demons, regardless how many books one has and or "read", is like playing with a loaded gun placed up against one head, and pulling the trigger, one really never knows what to expect. 55 yrs. of dealing with various themes of the "occult" have taught me lessons about what to deal with and not having the arrogance to believe I can handle anything. Fact is, no one can!

I agree,

Naivety is the corner stone of stupidity... Everything is possible and anything goes because nothing is written in stone and all things to all people but most things are beyond the flow of thought or the might of hand. So some search and find others seek but never do but some are simply a victim to an act or action unannounced and yet very involved?

In consequence there is conviction and as such one must be prepared to broaden their horizon and widen one's gaze to what was and what is and what will be? Belief is power but power to what? To death to life to peace or war? All have their page in history for so it is recorded.

Many gave up on religion and call it unexplainable and or undiscovered science. Part man part soul part emotion we can feel and we can understand but once this door is opened once you see into a world that is darker more evil. YOU KNOW and once you KNOW no man no scientific discovery NOT ONE THING will make you believe otherwise.

I have seen that others claim to be a fairytale and I KNOW that there are darker places than the human heart or mind a evil so distilled... Yet if the one exist so must the other such as purity divinity and kindness A TRUTH.

Question is how long can people look away....?


Do you know why it / they disturb you ?

Did you at any point (even past - irrelative of time ) invite / invoke them ?

I had evil in my life since I can remember "age 3" and my life was never a happy one so I guess they had a plan from the very beginning? Did I go out look for trouble? No. But trouble of all kinds seems to have my number.

I know there was a strong satanistic cult where I grew up??

There are numerous (unknown to me) factors that might (or not) play a role .

First question : Are you sure it's a satanic cult ? Satanists abused certain Holy symbols for their own deformed uninformed reasons beyond my comprehension .
Secondly : Are you sure it is a demon pestering you ? If indeed , can you describe it to me in finest detail please ?

Then to answer your other question ; Why are we so important to them ?
They only excist in the spiritual realm and there they are at optimum power level , thus they have no physical bodys . For them to achieve optimum power in our realm they need a physical body .


There are numerous (unknown to me) factors that might (or not) play a role .

First question : Are you sure it's a satanic cult ? Satanists abused certain Holy symbols for their own deformed uninformed reasons beyond my comprehension .
Secondly : Are you sure it is a demon pestering you ? If indeed , can you describe it to me in finest detail please ?

Then to answer your other question ; Why are we so important to them ?
They only excist in the spiritual realm and there they are at optimum power level , thus they have no physical bodys . For them to achieve optimum power in our realm they need a physical body .

Happy 2015...

What would have me say?

I know the occult has a strong following this much is fact. It is supported by local events, crimes and news at the time. But it is long before the age of internet or even the photocopy machine so going back and digging up its history will not be easy if any still exists. I have no clue... Not the answer you where hoping for so imagine my own frustration.

Is it demons? Despite popular believe real demon activity is rare and people that really do experience it retain a lot of trauma. As you pointed out people normally hurt other people and this is a simple truth. However at occasions a spectre or rather a mental representation of some haunting experience is what is remembered but again it is how the mind see it and not what was actually there.

Then there is something else, a entity normally pitch black moving mass with more than one set of arms eyes and legs a grin of black teeth pitch black eyes and horns all over and what looks like tentacles. on the middle and lower body.

they are two dimensional while moving about in the air and becomes three dimensional once the body becomes "solid" they don't speak travel in pairs and is seemingly drawn to energies like sadness anger and hate.

Upon seeing these things you are in a semi conscious state also called "sleep paralysis" and you do experience extreme terror for hours if not longer.Then everything goes dark and your eyes slowly get use to it. Things like clock radios with the red blue or green LEDs flicker

The pain they inflect however is very real. Starts with rape of the physical body, chocking and violent hits into the lower body while pushing one down holding one down with immense strength. This continues for a very long time sometimes all night.

When one recovers movement and they "fade out" normal lights of the computer / clock radio and so on will basically be brighter for a few seconds as your eyes adjust. the pain they inflicted remains for days at a time.

You would have pain in arms legs lower upper body back and neck. You also remain cold regardless of the temp outside.

Prayer seems to make them really angry and is effective some of the time but not all of the time as it is hard to focus on prayer while such violent attacks and strangulation occurs.

Am I smoking my socks? You tell me... Is it all real? To me it is and I seriously couldn't care what other people say because they don't know how can they?

I use to listen to dark core music, and watched horror stuff like that. I stopped all of that and it helped a tiny little bit. Attacks have become less since I keep may anger under control learn how not to be afraid. My hate for parts of my past is still a problem It wasn't the kindest time to remember. That still sparks attacks from time to time.

I haven't had an attack for a few months now "very happy about that". I am not on medication, don't do drugs. I am talking with people "support group" it helps a lot to control my hate and anger.

So yea I guess the open door here is emotion.

I don't blame you for not believing a word that is written here... But it is what it is... You can accept it as a prank or to much anime or whatever. I saw what I saw I felt what I felt and remember what I remember... I rather forget all of it mind you...


There are numerous (unknown to me) factors that might (or not) play a role .

First question : Are you sure it's a satanic cult ? Satanists abused certain Holy symbols for their own deformed uninformed reasons beyond my comprehension .
Secondly : Are you sure it is a demon pestering you ? If indeed , can you describe it to me in finest detail please ?

Then to answer your other question ; Why are we so important to them ?
They only excist in the spiritual realm and there they are at optimum power level , thus they have no physical bodys . For them to achieve optimum power in our realm they need a physical body .

Happy 2015...

What would have me say?

I know the occult has a strong following this much is fact. It is supported by local events, crimes and news at the time. But it is long before the age of internet or even the photocopy machine so going back and digging up its history will not be easy if any still exists. I have no clue... Not the answer you where hoping for so imagine my own frustration.

Is it demons? Despite popular believe real demon activity is rare and people that really do experience it retain a lot of trauma. As you pointed out people normally hurt other people and this is a simple truth. However at occasions a spectre or rather a mental representation of some haunting experience is what is remembered but again it is how the mind see it and not what was actually there.

Then there is something else, a entity normally pitch black moving mass with more than one set of arms eyes and legs a grin of black teeth pitch black eyes and horns all over and what looks like tentacles. on the middle and lower body.

they are two dimensional while moving about in the air and becomes three dimensional once the body becomes "solid" they don't speak travel in pairs and is seemingly drawn to energies like sadness anger and hate.

Upon seeing these things you are in a semi conscious state also called "sleep paralysis" and you do experience extreme terror for hours if not longer.Then everything goes dark and your eyes slowly get use to it. Things like clock radios with the red blue or green LEDs flicker

The pain they inflect however is very real. Starts with rape of the physical body, chocking and violent hits into the lower body while pushing one down holding one down with immense strength. This continues for a very long time sometimes all night.

When one recovers movement and they "fade out" normal lights of the computer / clock radio and so on will basically be brighter for a few seconds as your eyes adjust. the pain they inflicted remains for days at a time.

You would have pain in arms legs lower upper body back and neck. You also remain cold regardless of the temp outside.

Prayer seems to make them really angry and is effective some of the time but not all of the time as it is hard to focus on prayer while such violent attacks and strangulation occurs.

Am I smoking my socks? You tell me... Is it all real? To me it is and I seriously couldn't care what other people say because they don't know how can they?

I use to listen to dark core music, and watched horror stuff like that. I stopped all of that and it helped a tiny little bit. Attacks have become less since I keep may anger under control learn how not to be afraid. My hate for parts of my past is still a problem It wasn't the kindest time to remember. That still sparks attacks from time to time.

I haven't had an attack for a few months now "very happy about that". I am not on medication, don't do drugs. I am talking with people "support group" it helps a lot to control my hate and anger.

So yea I guess the open door here is emotion.

I don't blame you for not believing a word that is written here... But it is what it is... You can accept it as a prank or to much anime or whatever. I saw what I saw I felt what I felt and remember what I remember... I rather forget all of it mind you...

I have read your story..This is what helped prompt me to become a member here.
What Dragonchaser has told you is factual....They (demons) choose someone to cause problems with
be it, emotive, anger, outright hate...negative energy is like manna for them, they get their strength from
discord....And it can get worse and worse.....But ,You already seem to know this...which is good!

Your greatest strength against them is positivity...finding that 'higher power' they will avoid most simply by
reaching out to other people (as you are doing) to help rid yourself from negatives and just doing this proactively
PROVES that you are strong and perhaps not such a 'great meal' to these things after all!

There are ways to protect yourself as well. But you must know that these things will work and believe in what
you're doing to be rid of these demons forever.

I use many things to help others when I get the calling...And I have been there, I know the truths in what
you have said in your posts...Many of the same happened to me at a very young age.
I got help eventually through finding that higher even said it yourself,
if evil is presenting itself in such a way that they seem as powerful..then, they are ALSO showing you
that there has to be an ultimate antithesis...Ultimate Divinity...Good.
The fight is ancient....And we are sometimes caught in between.
Your case is rarer than most....Doesn't mean it hasn't happened...It's personal and sometimes most impossible
to tell anyone else HAVE! That is a strength showing in you.

Keep doing what ever you need to do to improve you/your life to become happy.

I have used Sea Salt in all four corners of my dwelling and surrounded by bed with the same
it keeps them from getting physical and then I had my house blessed/exorcised.
All the while improving my self.

Someday I may tell my own story...when it feels right to do so.
All I can say is, what I have experienced was personal and effected not only me but,
my family, friends, pets, and even neighbors by proxy.

It was the truth as far as the happenings.

There is a higher power and I found my way back.

I hope my words have helped you in some small way as your story touched me,
I'm not a frequent PC user or poster so,
please forgive any long term responses.

Be well.


Junior Member
I actually studied my own behaviour before and after these events. I actually stopped to listen to heavy metal music because I have a massive anger problem and really the music wasn't helping. I stopped eating at night and consuming alcohol and the only medication I use is my asthma pump and I hardly use it anymore.

The only thing that changed I started listening to angry metal with lyrics of death, hate and suicide at the core of it. I am not going to mention names because I think it has more to do with your state of mind than that of the music.

I am not going to pretend that I am a nice person and the very reason why I opened with all my wrongs in this thread. That said I am not an "evil" person I don't go out to torture people hurt little animals and so on.

This is what I do know, these things attack you while you are in a depressed state of mind, emotionally unstable, intoxicated and or listing to very very dark music. It can be any type of music with a darkish or morbid feel to it.

The attacks happen between 12:30 AM to about 3:30 AM and every single attack I ever experienced was between those times. Now if you go study the timing alone you would find very interesting science connected to the human body AND happenings that basically shook the world. Again do your own research. But I think you are going to be shocked.

As for not fearing them. That is not easy, these things are scary their appearance horrific and there is the feel of their "skin" that is just well not human and not right. It is like hardened skin dry and sticky and abrasive.

My opinion ask questions, look for answers and if people mock you, stand strong because they simply don't know and haven't experienced the horror yet. That said by the looks of things on the net a few people have. But always remember for every truth there is a thousand lies.

I can say from experience, bc I have conducted a few studies in the field of paranormal research, negative entities seem to be attracted to metal/death metal, and music of that nature.

Example 1: Radford Sanitorium in Virginia, is host to many mistreated spirits and a few demonic entities. During an investigation a few years ago, we played metal music in the basement, then performed an EVP session. During the EVP session we began to smell something to the extent of rotting flesh/eggs/sulfuric, and we caught a rather disturbing high frequency laugh, and then a voice that said "You're next"

Example 2: on pure accident, I caught several disturbing (very real) pictures of ghosts and orbs at a metal concert at an abandoned warehouse on Halloween night. I wish (sooooo baaaad) that I had these pictures, but I loaned them to someone and never got them back...they are quite disturbing to the point of a skeletal figure with tattered wings, with his head tilted sideways to the left, hovering over a girl and her friend. It was clear as day. This was all shot with an older Nikon. A lot of people would trip, have scratches, etc...tons and tons of orbs surrounded the bands as they played to the point you could barely make out the picture. I've never seen anything quite like it.

I agree with you, it's not easy...any type of demonic attack or oppression is scary by nature, but you have to decide what is bigger...your fear, or your faith? Fear is fed on, like a parasite, that continues to grow, until YOU decide to change your outlook in your life. The only thing in this life worth living for is the good. Embrace life with the glass half full, instead of half empty, and it will turn around. Be strong, praying for you.
"Feed your faith, and your fears will starve to death"
