
I have no real 'pains'. Could it be from just being tensed? I could see that perhaps being a possibility. The corporeal body can be affected this way.(?)

Yes that is the main reason (tension) and not emotionally or spiritually but physically through my body with my muscles being as hard as steel , I've noticed that because usually I'm like a placid lake without any ripples on the surface .

That worries me a bit DC. When i hunt/rid problems, i shield from their energy.

Since the beginning I was taught by different mediums and thus different "masters" and all used the method you are referring to , hence I used it myself for many years untill fairly recent .............

Last year (2014) September I had a NDE - Near Death Experience . I was flatline for a moment . I experienced a KUNDALINI awakening .

My higher self is now in control and I trust it completely ; THERE MUST NOT BE DOUBT .

The first time I "recharged" , I almost beshitted myself (it was a dark force) , strange even then there was no fear present in me . But just the thought that for the first time in my life I've seen and experienced what I've been taught since childhood .

I know now that at any stage before that I would not have been ready yet for such an immense dark force . My whole life's teachings and experiences has prepared me for that moment , that was the great divider in time for me . Since then time has become timeless for me .
Why would a demon (The Horse with no name) or whatever, just allow you to kill it? Aren't they associated with the Great Dragon? Haven't they learned from being centuries years old, tricks of the trade that have sustained their lives all these years? That is, untill they meet you of course.
Why would a demon (The Horse with no name) or whatever, just allow you to kill it? Aren't they associated with the Great Dragon? Haven't they learned from being centuries years old, tricks of the trade that have sustained their lives all these years? That is, untill they meet you of course.

You assume I kill it because I referred to hunting deer and rabbit .
If you followed the thread you will discover that what you assume is not the case .

As I've mentioned elsewhere it is only energy beings , if one disrespect this realm's universal laws ; I drain that energy force into me until it is time to send them back to where they belong .
As I've mentioned elsewhere it is only energy beings , if one disrespect this realm's universal laws ; I drain that energy force into me until it is time to send them back to where they belong .

I'm having problems wrapping my head around that. Care to elaborate on that?
Since the beginning I was taught by different mediums and thus different "masters" and all used the method you are referring to , hence I used it myself for many years untill fairly recent .............

Last year (2014) September I had a NDE - Near Death Experience . I was flatline for a moment . I experienced a KUNDALINI awakening .

My higher self is now in control and I trust it completely ; THERE MUST NOT BE DOUBT .

The first time I "recharged" , I almost beshitted myself (it was a dark force) , strange even then there was no fear present in me . But just the thought that for the first time in my life I've seen and experienced what I've been taught since childhood .

I know now that at any stage before that I would not have been ready yet for such an immense dark force . My whole life's teachings and experiences has prepared me for that moment , that was the great divider in time for me . Since then time has become timeless for me .

Kundalini awakening is a very powerful inner force...Soul energy exposed to the self.
What I think you are achieving is using this force as a type of Spirit Bending or
'The ability to receive energy from spiritual energies as they arrive and brush against
what I call 'the shield' which is a type of awareness of inner self (soul Light) that can
literally sap other spirits of force.

The feeling of rejuvenation you feel is actually coming from your inner self
not actually from other spirituals...This ability is rare in that it is quite hard to explain outward.
It is keeping you from harm and very much so from any such dark force or otherwise.

There can not be any doubt or fear when 'Shielding' from dark mass/force energies
or you take the actual risk of being harmed.(These attacks can be quite painful, vibrational and mesmerizing.)

The spirit is basically sapped of energy and then may be 'sent' away.

A NDE can awaken much within and can sometimes go retro and spirits may pick up on this
because ones survival instinct can release fear un-contained (unknown).
Defeat the fear/defeat the enemy. It takes a lot of learning, perseverance and experience to reach this
but it can be done.

I've had a few NDEs myself. Never underestimate the power of the soul.
Do you fear them? Some say that if you are able to learn how not to fear them, they can possibly go away.

As many dark creatures apparently feed on negative emotions, if you are able to get rid of such negative emotions and energies, maybe they'll go away and leave you alone.
In my case that's what's happened. I would be terrified, until I learned if I smiled and tried contact and conversation the dark feeling would leave. Now I try and but am having no luck in any sort of contact with anything anymore. my pendant sometimes give me a feeling of I think it's watching me but I try and talk and then I feel nothing.
Do you fear them? Some say that if you are able to learn how not to fear them, they can possibly go away.

As many dark creatures apparently feed on negative emotions, if you are able to get rid of such negative emotions and energies, maybe they'll go away and leave you alone.

Fighting them off does help. I used to get attacked by shadow figures constantly for a while until I got fed up and physically punched one. It doesn't happen so much anymore.

However, I had a dream about a bitch demon a couple of days ago trying to inject me with a syringe and I kicked her in the stomach. Luckily, my cat and my sister survived. When they try to kill you or someone close to you, they attack when you are trying to sleep. They take every opportunity to attack.

Practice lucid dreaming. You will find all the crap they pull when you are trying to sleep. It will help you remember every one of your dreams as well. It's important. Then you will understand why some things you do in your waking state seem to make no sense and seem involuntary. They are a sneaky bunch of mfr's.
