Departures To Alpha Centauri

Oh zippers! You're right.

Cosmo, anti-gravity paint! Can't use it without that. Phew! Thanks, Einstein.

Did you just seriously say Oh Zippers instead of Oh Snap???!!!

Yes, I got tired of hearing the "oh, snap" one. As the saying goes, "Different is Better." Now I have to find a different saying for that saying. It goes in circles I tell ya!

HAHA I still prefer OMG, Oh Crap, and Are You Serious?
Everyone must be careful, when it comes to Knocking Santa Claus.
Next Christmas their will be a lot of coal in many of the members stockings.
Everyone must be careful, when it comes to Knocking Santa Claus.
Next Christmas their will be a lot of coal in many of the members stockings.
I'll just use that coal to cook outside with the grill or keep me warm during those cold nights with the chimney. Santa is a cool Kat. He sends coal for a reason.
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Enigmawriter - I like your answer. I will need to remember it next I get coal for Christmas.
Welcome. A gift is a gift. Thank him on the next one. *wink followed by a mlst sound. It's harder to describe through text. But you know what I meant. *wink followed by mlst. lol... (edit: wait, it's a click with the mouth. A click!)
Merlin says there will be a war between the dark and light forces in the world and for all the people in the US that decide not to leave the planet there will be a safe haven where food, water, shelter, and health care will be provided. This is also the location of the transport stations for the crossings to alpha centauri. They will be set up at intersections of major highways.


All people written in the book of life will get to leave the planet in four ways. At the hot tub stations, you will have to be naked to make the crossing, but your clothes will be saved on earth for when you return. There aren't any clothes at alpha centauri but no one else there will have clothes either. If you make the crossing in a hot tub you can have your own personal pvc transporter and communicator to travel the universe when you get back, but if you go with the angels or climb aboard a star ship you cannot come back to earth.


Merlin also built a small model of an angel mortal transporter used to transport vip mortals like admirals from different planets in our galaxy. The mortal being stands in the center while four angels stand on each corner during transport.

