Did I meet a time traveller?


Junior Member
Hello I had a strange encounter a while back,

To the best of my recollection the following occurred.

I was in London for a business trip, bustling through the city streets as my schedule grew tighter by the minute. The constant buzz of people, car horns, and the sound of clinking coins from nearby street vendors filled the air. But amidst the chaos, I found solace in the most unexpected place - the public restroom of a small cafe.

As I rushed inside, barely giving the surroundings a second thought, a mundane trip to the gents suddenly turned into an extraordinary encounter. In the dimly lit restroom, I heard a soft sigh echoing from one of the cubicles. Curiosity piqued, I crossed the space cautiously, hoping to offer assistance to whoever needed it.

With trepidation, I tapped on the cubicle door. "Excuse me, is everything alright in there?"

To my surprise, a voice replied, sounding slightly perplexed. "Yes, yes, I am absolutely fine, thank you." The voice was distinctive, with hints of an accent I couldn't quite place.

Opening the door, I discovered a man, dressed rather eccentrically with a striking combination of ancient and modern clothing. His eyes sparkled with knowledge beyond his years, and there was a calmness about him that was both intriguing and puzzling.

"Are you sure you're alright?" I asked, still a bit taken aback by his appearance.

The man smiled warmly. "Yes, I apologize for any alarm I may have caused. You see, I am a time traveler, and sometimes the journey takes a toll on the senses."

I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his fantastic claim, unsure if this was some eccentric performance artist or simply an elaborate prank. Yet, a part of me was inexplicably drawn to this stranger's enigmatic aura.

"Time traveler?" I echoed skeptically.

The man nodded earnestly. "Indeed, it is a gift I have been bestowed, to traverse the annals of history and witness humanity's triumphs and follies. And now, I find myself in this lavatory, stumbling upon a pivotal moment in your life," he added, his gaze meeting mine.

I couldn't suppress a laugh. "What possibly pivotal moment could occur in a public restroom?"

He chuckled in response. "Ah, my dear friend, you underestimate the significance of the simplest moments. Every interaction, no matter how small, can shape the course of our lives. In this brief encounter, perhaps you will remember this conversation in a crucial moment, leading to unforeseen consequences."

As I pondered his words, the man's expression became slightly melancholic. "Though I observe history's triumphs, I am forever burdened by the knowledge of its darkest moments. But perhaps, through these encounters, I might inspire individuals to strive for a better future."

Silence hung between us, my mind swirling with questions. Was he simply a charismatic fantasist, or was there something more profound to his story?

With a nod, the enigmatic traveler bid me farewell and exited the restroom, leaving me alone to contemplate the encounter. And as I stepped back onto the bustling London streets, a newfound appreciation for the unspoken power of small connections blossomed within me.

Whether this man truly was a time traveler or simply a master of storytelling, I couldn't deny the impact of our brief encounter. And perhaps, in some twist of fate, I would carry his words with me into tomorrow, forever changed by a chance meeting in the most unexpected of places.

Was he a time traveller, what's your thoughts friends

Magical Regards

The Persuasionist
Why is your whole post italicized?

The Persuasionist

Junior Member
@The Persuasionist enters a bathroom stall and is given a time travel device. He goes to meet Tesla. That's pretty cool.

A few quesitons.

How did you get to Michigan?

I assume you were wearing modern clothing because you didn't know this was going to happen.
What did Tesla think about that?
I would like to preface my statement by mentioning that I encountered an individual who introduced themselves as Tesla. Their appearance and demeanour led me to believe that they could be genuine. This encounter took place in Cleveland, during a trip I made from London, Ontario. As an international man of mystery, I am a frequent traveller. Question: did I time

Question: Did I time travel? I can't be sure, but after meeting this enigmatic man, I believe I did.

Magical Regards

The Persuasionist
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