Dimension Merge or Memory Loss Due to Age?


Active Member
Have you tried erowid about nootropics
I've hardly done anything with nootropics. With my other health problems, I tend to have odd reactions. I tried ginko biloba a long time ago and it really made me hostile. I wasn't expecting that. Mild amounts of caffeine or other stimulants can give me bad insomnia and keep me up 2 days straight. :-/


I've hardly done anything with nootropics. With my other health problems, I tend to have odd reactions. I tried ginko biloba a long time ago and it really made me hostile. I wasn't expecting that. Mild amounts of caffeine or other stimulants can give me bad insomnia and keep me up 2 days straight. :-/

You have to be careful with herbs. I was considering ginseng for energy, but I'm hesitant.


Too much sugar! I'm watching my A1C to make sure I don't become Type 2. Now that my son is diabetic, I see what fruit does to the blood sugar. WOAH is my reaction! I honestly don't think humans were meant to eat that much fruit. Remember the "nuts and berry" gatherers we learned about in school? I think that is just the extent of what we are supposed to eat. The nuts help stabalize the blood sugar, too.

Sorry. Was just trying to find healthy, no-sugar-added alternatives for you.
There are alternatives that do not use much fruit but are instead substituted
with vegetable.

Diabetic approved.

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No worries @Wind7 . Thank you. I'm just now very aware what sugar does!

Fortunately, I have had no other severe memory episodes, just simple ones like forgetting why I walked into a room.


Temporal Engineer
No worries @Wind7 . Thank you. I'm just now very aware what sugar does!

Fortunately, I have had no other severe memory episodes, just simple ones like forgetting why I walked into a room.

That walking into a room lapse of memory used to happen to me too. But I usually just back tracked my steps to where I had or formed the memory. Just looking at the surroundings in that location would always re-trigger the forgotten memory.


I really think I'm going to have dementia, like my mother, when I'm in my 80's. My memory is terrible. I used to be sharp, smart, etc.
Now, I struggle to remember why I walked into a room or where my phone is. I can't remember to take meat out to thaw. It took me 3 days to finally remember to take a turkey out, then I forgot to put it in the oven and it sat on the counter for 2 hours.

Are there brain exercises? I'm getting worried. I'm 52 but feel like my brain is 72.


Temporal Engineer
Use it! Or lose it!

Make a conscious effort everyday to use your memory. Do something that uses cognitive ability. The list might be very large on what you choose from for brain activity. Lots of people choose crossword puzzles as an example.

My choice is names. That seems to be what I used to have a lot of trouble with. But I will regularly every morning about an hour before I get out of bed start my memory exercise routine. I will pick lots of old TV shows and even movies I've seen and memorize the names of the actors. Then just for exercise I will pull their names out of memory. Occasionally I come up with a blank. I can see the face, but the name eludes me. So I will stay there and continue to try and remember. Lately the memory comes in about 15 minutes. Last month I was cheating and looking up the actors name on the internet. But now my memory has improved greatly.

I suppose reading a good book would also work. Something I rarely do anymore.


Use it! Or lose it!

Make a conscious effort everyday to use your memory. Do something that uses cognitive ability. The list might be very large on what you choose from for brain activity. Lots of people choose crossword puzzles as an example.

My choice is names. That seems to be what I used to have a lot of trouble with. But I will regularly every morning about an hour before I get out of bed start my memory exercise routine. I will pick lots of old TV shows and even movies I've seen and memorize the names of the actors. Then just for exercise I will pull their names out of memory. Occasionally I come up with a blank. I can see the face, but the name eludes me. So I will stay there and continue to try and remember. Lately the memory comes in about 15 minutes. Last month I was cheating and looking up the actors name on the internet. But now my memory has improved greatly.

I suppose reading a good book would also work. Something I rarely do anymore.

I should do that. I can watch a whole movie and not remember one name.


Active Member
Use it! Or lose it!
This is pretty much it. Take up a complex hobby that forces you to think and concentrate.

If you walk into the bathroom, catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, and don't recognize yourself for an instant, you could be in trouble.

Eat healthy (and natural), get regular exercise, and get plenty of sleep. This helps minimize the various stresses which are awful for the brain.

Don't worry too much about doomsday as this also causes a lot of stress. As I get older, I see doomsday more as a release and am disappointed when it doesn't happen. The AI Apocalypse will likely happen before you hit 80. When the nukes are falling, find a nearby major city, go to the top of a skyscraper, and have a viewing party.

When my mother was going downhill from dementia, she could have handled it a lot better. She knew she was having problems but didn't even try. Most people with dementia will reach this point, but if you program yourself early to double check yourself and follow lists, you'll do far better and be less of a burden on the people around you.

Be good to your kids... they will be the ones caring for you in your last days. One day they just might say: "Hey mom, why don't you go for a swim with Buddy?"


This is pretty much it. Take up a complex hobby that forces you to think and concentrate.

If you walk into the bathroom, catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, and don't recognize yourself for an instant, you could be in trouble.

Eat healthy (and natural), get regular exercise, and get plenty of sleep. This helps minimize the various stresses which are awful for the brain.

Don't worry too much about doomsday as this also causes a lot of stress. As I get older, I see doomsday more as a release and am disappointed when it doesn't happen. The AI Apocalypse will likely happen before you hit 80. When the nukes are falling, find a nearby major city, go to the top of a skyscraper, and have a viewing party.

When my mother was going downhill from dementia, she could have handled it a lot better. She knew she was having problems but didn't even try. Most people with dementia will reach this point, but if you program yourself early to double check yourself and follow lists, you'll do far better and be less of a burden on the people around you.

Be good to your kids... they will be the ones caring for you in your last days. One day they just might say: "Hey mom, why don't you go for a swim with Buddy?"

I promise that I am not worried about Doomsday. I'm a little facetious about it and it wouldn't scare me, anyway, since it would only mean Jesus is on his way. There is nothing to fear at all. I just enjoy talking about it.

Eating healthy - In a bad phase right now. I yo yo all the time. Need to work on this.

My kids - no worries there. We are close!

I should try some memory apps/games.
