Disgusting Humans


Humans are gross.

We have so much "stuff" coming out of us constantly.
We stink.
We find peeling off our skin satisfying.
We require constant cleaning and maintenance.

We depict aliens as these pristine aliens that don't even wear clothing. Do they bathe? Do they need to?

What do they think of us? Do they think we're disgusting?

Would love to hear their opinions of us furry apes. Are there any grays on the site that would like to chime in?


Perhaps their home is permeated with methane which might explain several curiosities about them.

Maybe oxygen is lethal with lengthy exposure to their biological systems.

If you think about it..., it makes sense.
These are ALIENS from another world than our own, they're just as curious about us.



Senior Member
Washing routines of Grey's is not something i ever thought to ask when i had the chance lol i know they don't eat or if they do it is a super condensed hyper food that fully absorbs in the body so they don't do poop or pee, i feel like you don't really need to bathe if you don't sweat? And being in the vacuum of space constantly cold i feel like we'd eventually grow out of needing to sweat, some people say the Greys are what we end up looking like in the far future.


Active Member
lol. Why? Are they nasty?
Some have said that their scent could knock a buzzard off a Poo Wagon. :poop:
Since they fully excrete through their skin (at least claimed multiple more credible sources), think of diving into an overused and unflushable toilet in a run down rural gas station and going for a long swim.

Throw a human into a locked room full of grays and you'll violate the Geneva Convention on torture.

Throw a skunk into a locked room full of grays and they won't respond or care.

Throw a lyran (cat people) into a room full of grays and you'll have a bunch of dead grays.

For a claimed genetically engineered species, the grays are really lacking. Maybe they were born out of an elementary school project that went too far. Maybe that's why they're so interested in our genetics and creating a hybrid.

Sometimes skunks come by my house late at night. The stench is horrid. Makes me wonder if they really weren't skunks but grays checking up on me. Typing this out, now I'm a little worried.


Senior Member
we are what we are, not exactly our fault.

but sure from a certain perspective humans r gross.

probly a lot of gross space aliens too. I would imagine there definitely are.
