Dispelling the fears

Max X

Junior Member
The following is a report by Cobra and nobody knows who he is but he knows a lot and apparently he is of the light.
Dispelling the Fears

Polar shift 2012: this will not happen. It is true that there have been many axis shifts in the Earth’s geological past, but there is zero scientific or spiritual evidence for one scheduled for this year. The only thing that is true here is that the magnetic (not physical!) axis of the planet is traveling quite rapidly, about 25 miles per year. This only means that the compass needle points to a slightly different position each year.

Apocalypse 2012: there will be no drastic cataclysms this year. Ceaseless work of the light workers and a lot of Divine Intervention have insured this. In fact apocalypse is a Greek word for revelation, not for cataclysm. Yes, revelation will happen, when the veils are lifted and we are reconnected with the Source.

Alien invasion: this will not happen for a simple reason that it had already happened long time ago and nobody seemed to notice. Members of the Cabal are souls that invaded planet Earth long time ago from other star systems and they kept reincarnating here until now.

There are no bad aliens left in the universe, this galaxy or our solar system. They have been cleared by Galactic Confederation from the Galaxy and by Resistance Movement from our solar system years ago. There are also none left in deep underground military bases. They have been cleared years ago also. So if you read any reports about battles between Reptilians and benevolent ETs, they are not true.

The only thing left are the uppermost parts of some of underground military bases. There are no Reptilians or any other negative groups there, the only thing you might find there are computers, equipment and some weaponry, including whatever is remaining of exotic weapons. Some of those bases were also intended as safe haven for members of the Cabal in the case of emergency. Positive Military will take care of whatever is remaining of these bases at the time of the Event. They will be backed up by the Resistance, which will intervene directly in this cleansing of underground bases only if Positive Military needs some help.

Nibiru: there is no such thing as Nibiru. This idea comes from poorly translated Sumerian cuneiform tablets by Zecharia Sitchin. There is no such planet that will crash into Earth or even come close to Earth to disturb its orbit.

Itis true that there is a planet X that has not been “officially“ discovered yet andthis planet often gets confused with Nibiru. But in reality planet X has its orbit that never gets closer than Pluto so it poses absolutely no threat to Earth.

There is also no comet or asteroid that will crash on Earth in the near future. Rest assured that Galactic Confederation constantly monitors all objects in the solar system and they will not be allowed to crash on Earth.

Negative timelines: timelines are just possible future outcomes of situation on planet Earth. They are potential futures of a particular event and most of them collapse as we get closer to the event and when that particular event happens only one timeline remains. Until November 11th, 2011,all negative timelines for planet Earth have already collapsed and positive future of the planet is certain.

There will be no alternative Earths. Therefore, bright future for the planet is certain. This is also true for most inhabitants of this planet except for a small group of the Cabal that refuses to cooperate with forces of evolution.

Cloning: all cloning laboratories of the Cabal have been shut down by the Resistance years ago. You need to understand that there were two types of clones: robot clones and clones with a soul incarnated. Soul infused clones were produced in deep underground military bases with bodies grown in laboratories and souls pushed from the etheric plane into that clone body with strong electromagnetic fields. All this is gone now.

So there are no clones of Bush or Rockefeller. Nor are there any clones of Fulford, Wilcock or Drake. Those are all real people, involved in the last chapter of the cosmic drama of duality.

Chemtrails are not as dangerous as you might think. The volume of atmosphere is vast and toxic chemicals get dissolved pretty quickly below the concentration that is still harmful for human beings. Be more concerned about water you drink from your tap and food you eat from the supermarket.
Illuminati symbolism: this is in fact symbolism of ancient mystery schools. Symbols are reflections of archetypes of divine truth. They can be interpreted in both positive or negative ways. Illuminati used these symbols because Illuminati groups originated from mystery schools whose teachings got corrupted over the millennia and the original meaning of symbols was lost.
So next time you see a symbol of the sun do not think about it as an Illuminati symbol but as a symbol of eternal life. Next time you see a symbol of cobra do not think about it as a symbol for Reptilian race but rather as a symbol of kundalini, the mysterious force of enlightenment.

Now that we have dispelled some fears, we can focus on more important things. Details will be posted on this website in a few days.

Cobra Report

I agree with most except for one part that says earths future is bright, sadly it is not Humankind keeps digging them selfs into a hole that only a mass extinction will get us out of and save our planet, weve done irreversable harm to our planet and only a long period of healing will save it, our Custodians do as they can to keep the planet from destroying us and from our governments from destroying us. Humanity as a whole needs to change to stop the sensless hate,murder and violence before we can start healing the damage we have done, but sadly i dont think it is possible so were only destined for destruction at this rate.

I agree with most except for one part that says earths future is bright, sadly it is not Humankind keeps digging them selfs into a hole that only a mass extinction will get us out of and save our planet, weve done irreversable harm to our planet and only a long period of healing will save it, our Custodians do as they can to keep the planet from destroying us and from our governments from destroying us. Humanity as a whole needs to change to stop the sensless hate,murder and violence before we can start healing the damage we have done, but sadly i dont think it is possible so were only destined for destruction at this rate.

BT, I'm in the crowd that is looking for an upcoming Ascension period, in which an increase in awareness of our spiritual nature comes to the fore. Unfortunately, there will be many that will be unable to grasp the concepts and understanding that is required. True, at the moment the world is not on a good path. There are many things that could bring about a drastic changes in our physical existence. Our "Custodians" are going to assist in smoothing out the transition to a new mindset. Exactly how all this is going to play out is beyond what I can imagine. I am happy that I chose a life that will be a part of all this. The sad part is I do expect billions of people not to survive the times ahead.

Presently, I am shifting my life focus more into the spiritual. I will be moving into the mountains of SW NYS. I will be surrounded by the Amish and a short drive to Lilydale, NY.I do not know what to expect, but I do know it will change my mindset. I do plan on listening more to my feelings and cut back on rationalizing, as I am prone to do.

In life, we usually get what we expect. Optimism, not matter how unfounded, must be maintained. Things WILL work out. I can't wait to see and play my small part, whatever that may be.

Off Topic: BT, have you heard anything on that reported radiation spike @Indiana/Michigan?
No i hadnt heard of that i did a little reading on it before i responded, and most of what i can tell right now is it is being hailed as a "Glitch in the system", there is one thing i do not like and makes me nervous as hell and it has to do with radiation, i dread nuclear power plants it is not a safe power source its a power source that can wipe out parts of the states there in if something fails. We need to follow in the footprints of scottland and invest in wind energy.
