Do Our Organs Have Memories?


Conspiracy Cafe
Re: Do Our Organs Have Memories?

What's the alternative, being incontinent?

Scientifically speaking, All organs have cells in them. Not much of a brainer there right? It gets better.
Each and every cell in our body carries the complete blue print for the entire body.
What happens when you have cells from a donor organ that have all the markers for specific maladies and diseases? Will the host body read the DNA from those cells and change the predisposition it was created with?

Has been known to happen with people who donated organs, later developed a cancer and so did the organ recipient.

Still on the subject. If you clone a human being from cells you have collected to later harvest for organs, does the clone possess all the memories of the donor? If it does, is it then an individual in its own right? And, can you then still harvest organs from it?

See, if one cell, or a collection of cells remembers what the donor cell body looks like, where does the replication stop... will MRNA patterns be replicated, thus imbuing the clone with all the life experience of the donor.


Active Member
Re: Do Our Organs Have Memories?

In cloning full-adults? Will the cloned adult ever be conscious or not? Once it gains consciousness, which really seperates it from individual organs, and starts it's own self aware path there shouldnt be any question to wether it's its own individual or not. Too many unanswered questions about the actual process to take a moral stand on it though. Why bother cloning an entire adult human, or a child and raising it, if you can already clone individual organs? I fail to see how keeping full human clones for "harvesting purposes" is easier than cloning individual organs when the need arises. Can they clone a brain with all the memories in there and then do a brain transplant? Is that what you're asking? Is the brain withoout a body it's own individual?

THey asked a similar moral question in the movie "The Island" about clones, though.


Senior Member
Re: Do Our Organs Have Memories?

Thank you Grayson, I was afraid to have that guess verified, and it makes perfect sense. One can't screw around with RNA and DNA and expect to have wishes fulfilled rather than the chemical signals that are scurrying around.
In short, RNA is the messenger and DNA is the factory that produces

"A ribosome is a biological molecule made of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and proteins (ribosomal proteins). The structure of a ribosome is complex, and it is responsible for making the millions of proteins that are needed by cells. Think of a ribosome as a small protein biosynthetic factory that translates the DNA genetic information into an amino acid sequence (the primary structure of proteins)."

"The Process of Protein Synthesis

DNA to RNA to protein is the cycle in which information is transferred in cells. RNA is formed from DNA, and becomes the precursor of protein. During the process of transcription, messenger RNA is created, which serves as the template for protein synthesis.
Proteins are a string of amino acids. So the actual process of protein synthesis or translation (as this stage is called), actually involves arranging these amino acids in a sequence that the messenger RNA strand dictates. Unsurprisingly, it is a complex process."

Read more:


About 30 years ago, one of the authors I was reading, made a few statements in regards to this and it boiled down to: if one wanted to understand how the Body worked, How medicine worked and understanding the processes each took and the rules they worked under, studying Enzymes and what they did at the fundamental level: where they came from, how they were produced, what moved them from place to place...

Every single chemical reaction, change, order and counter order that happens within the body HAS to have enzymes present in order to do so.

Science now knows that it is possible to change one's DNA by specifically ingesting certain foods. Just as eating junk will help to kill you quicker, so will eating proper food help to heal you. A concept like this a few decades ago would have you laughed at by experts "As every one knows, you can't possibly change DNA"...

BUT, let's not stop there because this is just the tip of the iceberg. We all know of the old "wives tale" about angry men having ulcers. It's wasn't far off. Negative emotions, stress and anger produce quantifiable and real physiological changes within the body.

Thought producing changes.

Correct me if I am wrong, that undoubtedly qualifies as a Quantum Event.

Is it the "medicine" all by itself that heals, or is it the conjunction of being and accepting, doing something about it (taking medicine), and a proper frame of mind that helps to stimulate the chemical factories in each cell to produce the necessary peptides, enzymes and proteins that enable the body TO HEAL ITSELF.
Careful consideration of placebos is a must. So is the inverse of creating ulcers... what positive, happy, calm thoughts produce

Current science has shown that clones start their aging process from the time stamp of the cell being cloned. Remember, what was it, Molly the sheep, that they successfully cloned? If I'm not mistaken, it's the concept and reason for wanting to deal with Stem Cells from infants. the cells are younger.

I have ofter wondered if a Soul would inhabit a clone and if so, would there be a sort of connection to the person who's cell the clone came from and anything that inhabited the cloned body? Experience is the coin of the realm. If the clone never went through those experiences, what could it possibly remember?

The old SciFi concept of cloning organs via a surrogate type body has been superseded by the use of new materials - biotech foam, powders and Stem Cells.

Back to the most important imho, DNA has ever sat on the precipice of the Quantum as a major player. If anyone ever gets a chance to remember this while picking up books in a used book store, pick up a copy of Deepak Chopra's Quantum Healing. It may quite well be the best money you have ever spent for the amount of changes and insights it may afford you.

