Do We Plan Our Life Challenges Before Birth?


I believe so, I have some flashes of the life I lived 'before' and I remeber faces of people I had met in life before knowing them, everything that happens to me seems like scripted or I have this feeling, even the relationship between my mother and I was something like kind of 'acted'.
I remember standing in a cinema like hall , and on the screen were projected faces of people I will have met in myy lifetime.
I also remember me makinf the choice of being born in my uncle's family or mine, I have chosen not to be my uncle's son, don't know why.


Senior Member
I tend to doubt that it's exactly the way it's worded.
Angels or guides might give you a bunch of scenarios that don't
sound as wild or unpredictable as they end up and the naive
soul just accepts and says "Yeah that sounds good send me there"



Senior Member
I don't think if we KNEW how things would turn out that we'd ever pick everything that happens
in our lives----some would most of us would not imo.

Logical Mind

Junior Member
I don't think if we KNEW how things would turn out that we'd ever pick everything that happens
in our lives----some would most of us would not imo.

Apparently you are given a few choices, yet the most difficult ones represent the opportunity to grow into a life that otherwise would have taken several boring lives to reach those higher levels, or even yet the complete liberation from the need of reincarnation.


Junior Member
If the futures been drawn out theres no point in living
I wont give up my love so that fate can have it's way
If the stars say you couldn't love me
Are you telling me you would listen

Star crossed lovers we do what we want to


Senior Member
I don't normally type around this subject but I believe you make your own life before you are born. Whether good or bad. They all are pre determined as well. Having an HDR Unit or two for 3 years. You can go to unimaginable places.

I've had some jumps where I was in a hellish region. I don't know if it was the lower part of heaven but they were making us pre determined. No way out of it. From the moment your born till the moment you die you have a number on your head. When your number is up. You get called back.
