Do You Believe The Government Is Still Covering Up Area 51?


I Don't Believe The Government, 1. They Said There Wasn't An Are 51 And Now They Open The Files To Are 51!
2. They Have Covered Up To Many Things in The Past, And Just Recently Open The Files To The Public Which Showed Their Cover Up's!
Now A Lie Is A Lie, And To Try To Cover That Lie With Another lie Is Still A Cover Up!

I agree.


where the wild things are
I saw the article also and felt it is continuation of a cover up by the government. Everyone knew of the existence of Area 51 so why not admit it. Government reports information on a need to know basis and report what they think you want to hear. They wouldn't admit to anything alien happening there so the mystery continues, IMO.
Oh I Totally Agree With You, I Mean come on What Human Is Stupid To Think We Are Alone? Nevermind That, The Sad Truth Is There Are And the Government Is Trying To Play On There Stupidity, Kind Of Reminds Me Of Mit Romny's 49 percent speech! Dumasses!

So you believe that by the government covering up the existence of aliens at Roswell and Area 51, they are saying that we are alone and there is nothing else out there? Do you have evidence to back that up. I see them covering something up, it could be aliens, or it could just be a top secret program that was about a weapon or aircraft and the public's reaction to space travel at the time, just hyped it up. Actually the whole roswell alien cover up didn't actually even begin in the 40s, it started in the 70s, when a physicist claimed a cover up and brought out facts proving why.

Yeah I believe there was a cover up. The government has covered their asses in the past, any world government will do that, lie to the people. In regards to aliens, dunno. Its possible. Not saying there were or were not.

But in regards to them claiming that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe, where are you getting that from? The government has never stated that. There are a lot of people who believe life exists outside our solar system or within it. I believe that life exists underground on Mars. It may not be humanoid life, animal life, but there is something down there, past the constant radiation bombardment of the sun beating down on a planet that has little to no atmosphere.

I can't possibly think out of the trillions of stars in our universe, the billions of galaxies and the millions of solar systems, and fucktons of planets, that we on this planet, are the only life in that big amount of space.

I've yet to meet anyone who believes we are alone...

P.S. Also the fact that our government funds NASA and SETI both whom are looking for signs of life in the universe, you really think the government is claiming there is no life? Why do you think we have two rovers on mars for? Just to collect rock samples? They are looking for life.


Junior Member
I saw the article also and felt it is continuation of a cover up by the government. Everyone knew of the existence of Area 51 so why not admit it. Government reports information on a need to know basis and report what they think you want to hear. They wouldn't admit to anything alien happening there so the mystery continues, IMO.
Oh I Totally Agree With You, I Mean come on What Human Is Stupid To Think We Are Alone? Nevermind That, The Sad Truth Is There Are And the Government Is Trying To Play On There Stupidity, Kind Of Reminds Me Of Mit Romny's 49 percent speech! Dumasses!

So you believe that by the government covering up the existence of aliens at Roswell and Area 51, they are saying that we are alone and there is nothing else out there? Do you have evidence to back that up. I see them covering something up, it could be aliens, or it could just be a top secret program that was about a weapon or aircraft and the public's reaction to space travel at the time, just hyped it up. Actually the whole roswell alien cover up didn't actually even begin in the 40s, it started in the 70s, when a physicist claimed a cover up and brought out facts proving why.

Yeah I believe there was a cover up. The government has covered their asses in the past, any world government will do that, lie to the people. In regards to aliens, dunno. Its possible. Not saying there were or were not.

But in regards to them claiming that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe, where are you getting that from? The government has never stated that. There are a lot of people who believe life exists outside our solar system or within it. I believe that life exists underground on Mars. It may not be humanoid life, animal life, but there is something down there, past the constant radiation bombardment of the sun beating down on a planet that has little to no atmosphere.

I can't possibly think out of the trillions of stars in our universe, the billions of galaxies and the millions of solar systems, and fucktons of planets, that we on this planet, are the only life in that big amount of space.

I've yet to meet anyone who believes we are alone...

P.S. Also the fact that our government funds NASA and SETI both whom are looking for signs of life in the universe, you really think the government is claiming there is no life? Why do you think we have two rovers on mars for? Just to collect rock samples? They are looking for life.
I Never Said That There Weren't Anybody Else In All The Universe's That Are Around Us, I Believe There ARE Others Out There!
The Whole Thing Is The Government Covering it All Up, And The Question To Answer Is WHY? Are They Covering It Up ?


where the wild things are
I saw the article also and felt it is continuation of a cover up by the government. Everyone knew of the existence of Area 51 so why not admit it. Government reports information on a need to know basis and report what they think you want to hear. They wouldn't admit to anything alien happening there so the mystery continues, IMO.
Oh I Totally Agree With You, I Mean come on What Human Is Stupid To Think We Are Alone? Nevermind That, The Sad Truth Is There Are And the Government Is Trying To Play On There Stupidity, Kind Of Reminds Me Of Mit Romny's 49 percent speech! Dumasses!

So you believe that by the government covering up the existence of aliens at Roswell and Area 51, they are saying that we are alone and there is nothing else out there? Do you have evidence to back that up. I see them covering something up, it could be aliens, or it could just be a top secret program that was about a weapon or aircraft and the public's reaction to space travel at the time, just hyped it up. Actually the whole roswell alien cover up didn't actually even begin in the 40s, it started in the 70s, when a physicist claimed a cover up and brought out facts proving why.

Yeah I believe there was a cover up. The government has covered their asses in the past, any world government will do that, lie to the people. In regards to aliens, dunno. Its possible. Not saying there were or were not.

But in regards to them claiming that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe, where are you getting that from? The government has never stated that. There are a lot of people who believe life exists outside our solar system or within it. I believe that life exists underground on Mars. It may not be humanoid life, animal life, but there is something down there, past the constant radiation bombardment of the sun beating down on a planet that has little to no atmosphere.

I can't possibly think out of the trillions of stars in our universe, the billions of galaxies and the millions of solar systems, and fucktons of planets, that we on this planet, are the only life in that big amount of space.

I've yet to meet anyone who believes we are alone...

P.S. Also the fact that our government funds NASA and SETI both whom are looking for signs of life in the universe, you really think the government is claiming there is no life? Why do you think we have two rovers on mars for? Just to collect rock samples? They are looking for life.
I Never Said That There Weren't Anybody Else In All The Universe's That Are Around Us, I Believe There ARE Others Out There!
The Whole Thing Is The Government Covering it All Up, And The Question To Answer Is WHY? Are They Covering It Up ?

I didn't say that. Go back and read your post, the one I quoted. Then read mine. From what you posted, you claim that the government claiming that aliens do not exist at all, and I'm asking where you get that from the cover up at Area 51/Roswell. I never said you don't believe aliens exist.

Reading comprehension, folks. Learn it.


Junior Member
Oh I Totally Agree With You, I Mean come on What Human Is Stupid To Think We Are Alone? Nevermind That, The Sad Truth Is There Are And the Government Is Trying To Play On There Stupidity, Kind Of Reminds Me Of Mit Romny's 49 percent speech! Dumasses!

So you believe that by the government covering up the existence of aliens at Roswell and Area 51, they are saying that we are alone and there is nothing else out there? Do you have evidence to back that up. I see them covering something up, it could be aliens, or it could just be a top secret program that was about a weapon or aircraft and the public's reaction to space travel at the time, just hyped it up. Actually the whole roswell alien cover up didn't actually even begin in the 40s, it started in the 70s, when a physicist claimed a cover up and brought out facts proving why.

Yeah I believe there was a cover up. The government has covered their asses in the past, any world government will do that, lie to the people. In regards to aliens, dunno. Its possible. Not saying there were or were not.

But in regards to them claiming that life does not exist elsewhere in the universe, where are you getting that from? The government has never stated that. There are a lot of people who believe life exists outside our solar system or within it. I believe that life exists underground on Mars. It may not be humanoid life, animal life, but there is something down there, past the constant radiation bombardment of the sun beating down on a planet that has little to no atmosphere.

I can't possibly think out of the trillions of stars in our universe, the billions of galaxies and the millions of solar systems, and fucktons of planets, that we on this planet, are the only life in that big amount of space.

I've yet to meet anyone who believes we are alone...

P.S. Also the fact that our government funds NASA and SETI both whom are looking for signs of life in the universe, you really think the government is claiming there is no life? Why do you think we have two rovers on mars for? Just to collect rock samples? They are looking for life.
I Never Said That There Weren't Anybody Else In All The Universe's That Are Around Us, I Believe There ARE Others Out There!
The Whole Thing Is The Government Covering it All Up, And The Question To Answer Is WHY? Are They Covering It Up ?

I didn't say that. Go back and read your post, the one I quoted. Then read mine. From what you posted, you claim that the government claiming that aliens do not exist at all, and I'm asking where you get that from the cover up at Area 51/Roswell. I never said you don't believe aliens exist.

Reading comprehension, folks. Learn it.
Sorry About That, It Was Me Mis Reading.


New Member
I think that the report that jet tests are all that's going on at Area 51 is true. I think the goverment is using all the hype about a coverup as misdirection. By saying all they are doing is tests, it "confirms" that there is more going on then what's being said. Meanwhile, anything having to do with the 1940's crash is being handled at a different site. The whole deal of denying then admitting simply sharpens the focus on that spot, which probably means someone came closer to the truth then was entirly comfortable for the powers that be.

Also, I don't believe that aliens had anything to do with that crash. Not saying they don't exisit, just saying that at that time with World War 2 having ended 2 years earlier and the Cold War just ramping up, anything falling from the sky had to be treated as a forign threat until proven otherwise. I also believe the government would happily allow the American people to believe in a UFO if the truth were something far more frightning or sinsister, such as an undetonated Russian weapon, or a failed test of something we planed to use against the "commies". It is always possible that aliens or future travelers were responsible for the crash, but I honestly believe it was something more maundane and the goevernment doesn't want to admit it because it's either still a threat or far too embarasing for them to come clean.


I think that the report that jet tests are all that's going on at Area 51 is true.

Maybe NOW, IMHO. I personally don't think they'd do anything top secret anymore at a facility that is now highly popularized.

I think the goverment is using all the hype about a coverup as misdirection. By saying all they are doing is tests, it "confirms" that there is more going on then what's being said. Meanwhile, anything having to do with the 1940's crash is being handled at a different site. The whole deal of denying then admitting simply sharpens the focus on that spot, which probably means someone came closer to the truth then was entirly comfortable for the powers that be.

This is sounding a little like a time travel story we all know. :) I see your point.

believe the government would happily allow the American people to believe in a UFO if the truth were something far more frightning or sinsister

Then why didn't they? Also, what is considered frightening is subjective. Perhaps aliens are more frightening than a missile for some people.
Besides, strange materials were left behind the scene.

or a failed test of something we planed to use against the "commies"

That could be reasonable, but do you think they made up the story about finding bodies?


where the wild things are
That could be reasonable, but do you think they made up the story about finding bodies?

Crash dummies. Or maybe there were animals within the site of the crash and were among the casualties. Besides, that comes from that memo, no? That memo was written several years after the Roswell incident, when some people claim is a hoax, to push the hype envelope forward.


Junior Member
That could be reasonable, but do you think they made up the story about finding bodies?

Crash dummies. Or maybe there were animals within the site of the crash and were among the casualties. Besides, that comes from that memo, no? That memo was written several years after the Roswell incident, when some people claim is a hoax, to push the hype envelope forward.
See The "Other Side Of The Coin" So to speak, And I Really Can See These Points That Ya'll are making. So Your Saying Is That The Story Was A Ruse About The Aliens Crashing, And The Story Spread That way, And THAT Was The Cover-up?
