Do you speak Yankee or Dixie?

Do you speak Yankee or Dixie?

No need to take the test Cary. I was Georgia born, Georgia bred, and when I die i'll be Georgia dead. 100% Dixie here bub. (but the strange thing is that I really don't have the accent. Blame it on my Bostonian father)
Do you speak Yankee or Dixie?

"76% (Dixie). That is a pretty strong Southern score!"

*shudder* oh Zeo - you poor thing! A yankee for a father. *hugs* (I wouldn't repeat that again out here if I were you kiddo - hehehe)

Do you speak Yankee or Dixie?

Mine was : 40% (Yankee). A definitive Yankee.

I really thought that I would score higher. I've lived all over the US, the furtherest south I lived (only for 6 months) was in the panhandle of Texas.

It was neat that for each answer, they told you what parts of the nation use that word. I found that I use words from different states that I lived in :D
Do you speak Yankee or Dixie?

52% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category.

I was born in Iowa and lived there 3 years before we moved to south carolina. So this makes some sense. I guess.
Do you speak Yankee or Dixie?

Well, Beggar me backwards... 60% (Dixie). Barely into the Dixie category. There's a Rebel in me somewhere Cary.

Gorsh, butt hey spake the Kuweens Hinglish don't yoo knoe.
