Does piracy matter?


Does piracy matter?

Opinion: If you're going to be in the software business, your stuff is going to get stolen. Fact



Pirates are never short of an excuse for why they download the latest games. The trouble is, it's getting increasingly tough to be on the industry's side.

I'm not advocating illegal downloading, or even taking Grand Theft Auto 4 to its logical conclusion, ram-raiding PC World and selling a few copies down the local market for beer money, but I am getting sick of paying money to get an inferior product.

Why should I have to put a useless DVD in my PC as an honesty check when the dishonest people can play at their leisure? Why should I have to type in endless serial codes, or be restricted to one PC? The dirty secret of Digital Rights Management is that it's only the first few days that particularly matters, while there's a vague chance it might slow down the pirates for a bit.
After that, it's just a nuisance, and one that the games-buying public is increasingly rebelling against ? to the extent that even official Amazon pages for big-name games such as Spore and Red Alert 3 have been turned into nothing but torrents of anti-DRM vitriol.

No, not that kind of torrent.

The industry's usual response to this kind of thing is to drop hints that the people complaining are merely frustrated pirates. With games like GTA IV on the shelves, it's not an argument that holds a lot of water.

Throw in mandatory CD checks, glitchy Games For Windows (a little program that boots up on start-up just so that you won't have to click on the Start button before running the game) nonsense, missing textures and crashes with helpful messages like 'Fatal Error RMN40', and it's no wonder that gamers are increasingly running to consoles to get their wholesome hyper-violence fix.

(It definitely doesn't help that even if you do get the game running, the port's built for the kind of systems that the Star Trek crew would use to play Crysis XVI, apparently on the grounds that while it may be ugly and slow now, it'll look great in three years' time when nobody cares any more. If I'm wrong, don't bother dropping me a line in 2012 to let me know, because I can absolutely guarantee you that I won't care.)

What makes the DRM war interesting is that the industry itself is increasingly split on its impact. The bigger publishers slap incredibly expensive third-party methods on games by default, even with the pirate community making it clear that it's the equivalent of using saloon doors to contain a fire.

Others, such as Half-Life creators Valve, come up with their own methods. Valve's is the closest to working: it's built around online distribution, with encrypted pre-load versions that don't give you the complete game until the actual launch day. And Blizzard's World of Warcraft is arguably the only major success story, because it's essentially impossible to pirate. Yes, there are private servers out there running cracked code, but you're still getting into the game via a valid account capable of pouring money into its coffers. In that light, it doesn't make a difference if you bought or stole the disc.

The real question is, does piracy actually matter? It's a difficult one to answer, and everyone will give you a different response. The two-man team behind the physics-based puzzler World of Goo (no DRM) claimed a 90 per cent piracy rate, and while the numbers behind that don't really add up, it's certainly true that many more people ripped off the game than actually bought it.
Does piracy matter? | News | TechRadar UK


Junior Member
Re: Does piracy matter?

dude pirates have cool teeth


Junior Member
Re: Does piracy matter?

If I might interject an opinion here... Piracy of information is not piracy. In fact, it's not even strictly illegal in the US unless the information is then traded for profit. The problem lies with how the civil courts handle copyright law here, and that's largely due to special interest pressure (MPAA, RIAA.) Speaking as a citizen, the hold those two groups alone have on information in the US is unacceptable. Speaking as an artist, it's terrifying.

On a side note, I was threatened by Universal recently with a civil suit asking for about 2.5 million dollars. Or, you know, I could cease and desist my piratical actions. I think they fail to realize that 2.5mil is not something most people have to lose. I might have taken them seriously if they'd threatened to take my last cigarette or something.


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: Does piracy matter?

piracy is a way to get thing cheaper but at what price!


Active Member
Re: Does piracy matter?

Opinion: If you're going to be in the software business, your stuff is going to get stolen. Fact

About the article.....

All of Valve's games have been pirated and are still big on the torrent sites. But Valve makes a consistently awesome product so people aren't hesitant to spend money it, including myself. And most of all Valve doesn't complain about piracy. But Valve didn't do anything with Steam that wasn't done already. If it weren't for the social networking and achievements part it would just be another download manager. I remember when it was just a download mananger and people hated it with a passion. There are other download managers that work just as good as Steam.

World of Warcraft was the first MMO that got pretty much everything right. I don't play it and I don't personally like it, but I do respect it for what it is. It has all the essential elements for near perfect RPG game and it's MMO. People pay for it because it's a great game. This areticle downplays how many people are playing on the hacked servers, but I think its a few hundred thousand.

Who is really lobbying for these piracy schemes? that you have to jump hoops through and is more than apparent none of them have ever worked. I can't think of a single game that hasn't been hacked or cracked. I'm sure the developers know it's pointless garbage anyway so who's lobbying for this ridiculous DRM?

None of the major media industries are truly suffering from pirating. Whether it be music movies or games. Just because someone pirates something doesnt necessarily mean it was a lost sale. That's how they equate it and it's just simply not true. Most would have never bought it to begin with.

If the game doesn't have a demo it's going to be pirated more. If it doesnt have any multiplayer, even more so. THere's many reasons why one particular game might be pirated more than another.

At one time all the best games were on the computer. That's why I became primarily a computer gamer. I loved the quality of great games. System Shock 2, Original Half Life, No one Lives Forever Series, Civilization, Sim City Series,Countless Racing Sims, Battlefield 1942, Myst....I could go on for a while in each category naming great PC only games for their time. I can name some on all the same period consoles, but not one console had as many great games as the PC did. Most games are now made for the console then ported over to the PC. Games that are made for PC only generally do well in sales. The ports are usually the ones not being bought, but not necessarily pirated. Because it's not necessarily a lost sale.

I kind of hope these major developers kill their share of the PC gaming market entirely with this intrusive DRM. The PC platform for gaming is not dead or dying by any means, it's just not getting the right amount of attention because the consoles are where the real money is to be made. Top end Videocards alone are capble of more powerful graphics processing than a console. But the number of consoles out there out number gaming PCs by a ridiculous amount. And that in turn affects the quality of the games because it's dsigned from the ground up with a different audience in mind. I think in the next few years PC gaming is going to take off again but ina new direction. It's getting time for a new platform and style of game that just isnt possible on the restrictions of consoles. All we can really hope for is that it takes an awesome indie game developer to show the big guys like EA great games can still be on the PC. They need to make games people want to play on the PC, and make it easier to do so.

Videogame resellers lose more money to companies like Game Stop on trade ins and resells than they even come close to in piracy. They know they do too. They are working on ways to eliminate that all together. They know doing something like that will seriously hurt their sales though, people want to trade and sell their games, so they are slowly forcing it by releasing unfinshed content, except they call it "downloadable content". I would'nt be surprised if we start seeing each game disc being tied to a particular console by a key in the disc. It will be only usable on that console or tied to that gamer account. Every game will have to be registered online.​
