Don’t Want Your Children Vaccinated? Go to Jail!


Think outside the mind
That’s right. You are reading the title of this article correctly. The amazing propaganda machine the government in conjunction with science and the mainstream media has unleashed on the concept of vaccination has real, live Americans actually calling for people that don’t want to get their children vaccinated to go to jail. That’s right, they want asserting your right as a citizen of the United States and a citizen of, you know, the human race, to be a punishable offense with jail time as a real possibility. That’s one successful propaganda campaign.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


where the wild things are
Of course they do this and make things so vague it makes you wonder what about those who have children who are allergic to vaccinations? I'm allergic to the influenza vaccination. I had a severe allergic reaction when I was a toddler. So if I refuse to get vaccinated I go to jail? Wow... I guess I'd rather go to jail then die if it came to that.


Junior Member
Supposedly the gov is working on vaccine that would destroy the "God Gene". Prob not true but it does make u think, what could be done to a person in the cover of a vaccine. Not to mention the whole mercury issue, being that it is in vaccines and it accumlates in the brain and does permanent damage (I read this if it is wrong let me know). And might have something to do w autism.
regardless if vaccines become law than how can abortion stay legal- my body my choice right?

PJ Foltz

Junior Member
There has been so much talk about how vaccines cause autism, Cancer, and other horrible diseases. My father in law and mother in law both got flu shots this year and they both got so sick afterwards. Dad could not get over it- he stayed sick for 5 months. I refuse to get flu shots, pneumonia shots, etc. Another form of population control?


But....children can't always decide for themselves, as is the case for some adults, which is always best for them. Jail isn't always the best way to deal with it, I like education as the approach, but when do the "rights" of children "trump" the rights and/or authority of parents and for that case the rights and powers of the "state?


I fully believe in vaccinations and do not believe in ANY of the conspiracy theories that go along with them. I don't want my children to die of horrible diseases... HOWEVER.. I'm unsure if it should be forced. On one hand, it's almost abuse to allow a child to catch a preventable disease that could render them crippled, deaf, blind, etc. But on the other hand, we do choose whether or not we give our children medications, which doctor to go to, what to feed them, how to dress them, so is it really the government's role to control how we care for them? I'm sort of in the middle.
