

Junior Member
Not to long ago, I was sitting in my living room playing with my son. My husband was home and had been upstairs taking a shower. I heard some rustling in the kitchen and assumed it was him. I saw him walking toward me from the kitchen in his typical red shirt, looking down. (From my peripheral vision)...I was talking to him and he wasn't responding. I finally look up getting ready to say "why aren't you answering me?" But, he wasn't there. He was gone. I look to my left and he is walking down the stairs. I said "how...did you get upstairs so fast?" He had no idea what I was talking about. Stuff like this always happens when he is upstairs. I've had a conversation with this thing...and I'll talk to my husband about it later, and he has no idea what I'm taking about. What does it mean to see someone's doppelganger? I know the legend if you see your own its an omen of death, but what if you keep seeing someone else's?
Maybe you are shifting between different versions of yourself. In one reality you husband is upstairs. In another reality he is downstairs.

This kind of thing happens to me quite a bit. Only I notice it with objects that are mysteriously different.

Many people, over the last 60 years have seen my doppelganger when I was miles away.

You know there is another explanation I came up with that is very intriguing too.

Could the doppelganger actually be you in an etheric projection from an unconscious dream state? What I am saying is that you could be unconsciously projecting as you sleep, and no one would be able to tell the difference. Of course the doppelganger isn't restricted to any one time location. And if one could learn to control this suspected aspect of ourselves, then we might actually have an innate ability to time travel this way.
You know there is another explanation I came up with that is very intriguing too.

Could the doppelganger actually be you in an etheric projection from an unconscious dream state? What I am saying is that you could be unconsciously projecting as you sleep, and no one would be able to tell the difference. Of course the doppelganger isn't restricted to any one time location. And if one could learn to control this suspected aspect of ourselves, then we might actually have an innate ability to time travel this way.

It happens when I was not sleeping half of the time. One time about 2:00 PM my doppelganger had a Red Coat on and I had a Green coat on. This event happened about one minute apart and was viewed by two people in plan site.
hmmm, I don't know , it is just strange. As of late, I haven't seen my husband's spiritual other in awhile, but it just makes me wonder.
Has your son noticed the doppelganger? (If he's old enough, of course) I feel like I've had this kind of experience; talking to someone I thought I saw in the room from the corner of my eye, then when I look, no one is there after all...Never known what it's about. I chalked it up to my eyes playing tricks but I don't think that's always the case, especially since you've heard "it" make noise...
Wee - i hate to be the one to mention this, but seeing a Doppleganger is not good....... a Doppleganger is a look-alike or double of a living person who is sometimes portrayed as a harbinger of bad luck. In some traditions, a doppelgänger seen by a person's relative or friend portends illness or danger while seeing one's own doppelgänger is said to be an omen of death.

Nothing good about Doppelgangers.....
I haven't had any experiences myself but most cases I've heard about were of people seeing one of themselves, not of someone else.

Does this happen only in the house?
Wee - i hate to be the one to mention this, but seeing a Doppleganger is not good....... a Doppleganger is a look-alike or double of a living person who is sometimes portrayed as a harbinger of bad luck. In some traditions, a doppelgänger seen by a person's relative or friend portends illness or danger while seeing one's own doppelgänger is said to be an omen of death.

Nothing good about Doppelgangers.....
Interestingly enough, after seeing this doppelganger a few times, we did have an incident where I had to call 911. I work in healthcare, and a few weeks after it happened my husband was grabbing his chest and screaming. He was diaphoretic so I sincerely thought he was having a heart attack. We get to the hospital and his liver enzymes were up so we think he passed a rather large gallstone. He could possible have surgery to have it taken out this year if he isn't careful with his diet.
