Elementary School Children Suspended over Imaginary Weapons


Senior Member
Elementary schools are victimizing little children for using their imaginations. They see violence everywhere, in movies, in the news, in cartoons, and when they play with imaginary weapons, they are chastized and suspended from schools! Here are 4 examples:

1) PENNSYLVANIA: 5-year-old Kindergartner labeled 'Terrorist Threat' - Suspended for Toy Bubble Gun remark

MOUNT CARMEL, Pa. (AP) — A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten.

Her family has hired an attorney to fight the punishment, which initially was 10 days but was reduced to two.

Attorney Robin Ficker says Mount Carmel Area School District officials labeled the girl a "terrorist threat" for the bubble gun remark, made Jan. 10 as both girls waited for a school bus.

Ficker says the girl didn't even have the bubble gun with her and has never fired a real gun. He says she's "the least terroristic person in Pennsylvania."

School district solicitor Edward Greco tells pennlive.com ( Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun | PennLive.com ) officials are looking into the case. He said Friday school officials aren't at liberty to discuss disciplinary actions.

2) 2nd-grader suspended over imaginary grenade
A seven-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school for using an imaginary grenade while playing "Rescue the World" on the playground.

The story was featured on Fox 31 Denver. Second-grader Alex Evans pretended to throw a grenade into a box full of, in his words, "pretend evil forces."

"I pretended the box, there's something shaking in it, and I go pshhh," Alex explained.

Unfortunately for Alex, his exploits (heroic as they were) went against Mary Blair Elementary School rules. Those rules include no fighting (real or pretend) and no weapons (real or pretend).

Alex's mom commented that she doesn't think the rule is practical. "Honestly I don’t think the rule is very realistic for kids this age,” Mandie Watkins said. "I think that when a child is trying to save the world, I don’t think he should be punished for it."

Alex is just as perplexed as his mom. "I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended," he told Fox 31.

A similar incident took place last month in Pennsylvania when a fifth-grade girl was reprimanded by school officials for bringing a piece of paper in the shape of gun to class. (See video below.)



Smells like BS.webp

The American government is out-of-control over Gun Control!
Time to HOMESCHOOL your children!
some people...jeez. i used to make rubber band guns(which is actually pretty dangerous) and my teachers would just tell me not to shoot it as much. those dont even do anything.

some people...jeez. i used to make rubber band guns(which is actually pretty dangerous) and my teachers would just tell me not to shoot it as much. those dont even do anything.

Same here. Hell, I would even shoot pieces of paper at teachers and all they would do is give me detention. No suspension, no expulsion. The only time I ever got suspended with a situation like this was simulating a shotgun at a teacher. That was a... erm... poor choice. She was a total b**** anyways. But still I agree, what I did, didn't justify my behavior.

some people...jeez. i used to make rubber band guns(which is actually pretty dangerous) and my teachers would just tell me not to shoot it as much. those dont even do anything.

Same here. Hell, I would even shoot pieces of paper at teachers and all they would do is give me detention. No suspension, no expulsion. The only time I ever got suspended with a situation like this was simulating a shotgun at a teacher. That was a... erm... poor choice. She was a total b**** anyways. But still I agree, what I did, didn't justify my behavior.
You guys were bad boys...lol. My weapon of choice was the spit wad. We would blow wet pieces of paper thru a straw in addition to shooting rubber bands, etc. I did learn to read and write...amazing.
