Everything happens for a reason?


Re: Everything happens for a reason?

gonzogirl said:
I think everything happens for a reason....I'm just not sure why....
Sometimes I get the feeling that this has all happened already and we are "replaying" it.. I dont know if it makes sense.....but thats the best way for me to explain it.......

I have exactly the same feeling many times. As if all that happened before to me and it is just a replay, over and over again. I do know it sounds very foolish but that's the way I feel.Coming into a new city many times I do know what will be beyond the next corner. So it certainly looks that it happened before but is very hard to remember, so I believe you are quite correct.


Active Member
Re: Everything happens for a reason?

I feel sometimes we are living lives parallel to each other. the same lives. thats confusing. like the life I have, i already have lived....weird.


Re: Everything happens for a reason?

gonzogirl said:
I feel sometimes we are living lives parallel to each other. the same lives. thats confusing. like the life I have, i already have lived....weird.

Yes you are very correct in this. I feel exactly the same many times over. Again and again especially early in the morning waking up. For some little time I am actually confused where I am. Then I feel that I did the same things over and over again. After a few minutes this feeling generally dissipates and I am back to my normal routines. Also many times I put a tool or something else on the table, turn around and the darn thing is gone. Checking the whole room will not find it. May be a couple of day's later the object is found right were I put it originally. As if we are living on two different planes of existence.



Active Member
Re: Everything happens for a reason?

The title to this thread makes me think of a quote from one of my favorites..Joseph Campbell. He said:

People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning for life. I don't think that's what we're really seeking. I think what we're seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive. That's what it's all finally about.

So even though I think everything happens for a reason, I remember that I have to live in the moment and just let things occur.:)


Senior Member
Re: Everything happens for a reason?

gonzogirl said:
So even though I think everything happens for a reason, I remember that I have to live in the moment and just let things occur.:)

Maybe that is the "reason" for which everything happens.

Maybe if you tried not living in the moment, everything wouldn't happen! :D



Active Member
Re: Everything happens for a reason?

We exist so our souls can learn! I believe that we agree to the life that we live before entering our bodies so our souls can learn and better themselves. Like a soul agreeing to be born just to die a week later to teach the parents souls about loss. Sorry, thats not the best analogy I could come up with.

A lot of big things in life, I feel, are predetermined, its how we work with them that measures our success. The small things we can be more creative with.

I go through periods of getting major deja vu in my sleep, or seeing things before they happen, then it not happening at all. My psychic told me that that is a sign that your following the path that you agreed to go down before you entered your body. It seems reasonable enough to explain why I see things before they happen and why I go through periods of not seeing anything at all. I was an alcoholic for a year and a half (plus there were some drugs instances) and I never had any predictions.

When I got cleaned up I started seeing things before they happened again.


Re: Everything happens for a reason?

Did you ever see something that did not happened, or something you tried to prevent from happening ?


Active Member
Re: Everything happens for a reason?

Numenorean7 said:
Did you ever see something that did not happened, or something you tried to prevent from happening ?

No I've never seen something that didn't happen, it usually goes like... I see it, and I don't remember when, if it was when I was asleep or not, and then while its happening in my mind I'm going 'and then you'll say...' and the person says it as I'm thinking it. Like I know everything thats happening.

I've never tried to prevent anything because the stuff I've seen is never anything crazy. It's daily situations I'll see before they happen. Nothing to turn my head at.

If it was something monumental then I don't know...


Senior Member
Re: Everything happens for a reason?

I know this is completely bogus, but when I was a kid I used to think that everything that could ever happen to us is predetermined by the "junk" code in our DNA. Who we cross paths with, what we decide to do five minutes from now, etc.


Re: Everything happens for a reason?

If all those theories can be true, why do I have that "free will" feeling ?
I mean, I feel that every single thing I do, I do it on my own, but I don't do it by my own will, why don't I feel it ?

If someone tells me in real life "hey, I don't act by myself, something contols me all the time, there's no free will" I'm gonna think this person is crazy.

