Facebook goes full ORWELLIAN... now blocking all stories mentioning the keyword phrase 'm-nd-t-ry v-

Carl Miller

Active Member
It is a wild bad habit to be giving yourself away on facebook. Obviously as a social media stuff it is an open field for information.
One has to be too naive not to imagine
there may be bad guys tracking the info you disclose so openly and recklessly.
I do not mean that secret agencies will be constantly spying on your life. But
thieves may be to spot the right moment to take the money you get paid monthly and you so dumbly make it public on Facebook.
People should be filtering info and avoiding exposure of his/her privacy.

Carl Miller

Active Member
As to 'mdt....etc...y'. We all know, or should know, from the media which has vastly covered the news that the California state has been going through the driest and longest draughts in all its history. And it is comprehensible that its people have grown apprehensive beyong the measures. It is understandable.
In order to complicate this state of insecurity as to what the future holds to California, the govenment and military deploy the so called Jay Helm laying the military troops throughout the west region.
People who were beginning to imagine that HAARP had been working out climate engineering in that area to purposely keep the California State dry, now have turned petrified when gov. makes vaccination mandatory. There comes the FEMA camps and paranoia runs wild, since there are people thinking that when people begin to starve the gov. may enact Martial Law with Jay Helm troops.
And I know all about this stuff because i want to be informed of what is going on inside people's mind in America today.
It does not make a conspiratory theorist out of me cause i just study and get informed dispassionately. And i do not take sides and i do not put my finger on this stuff. I am neither for nor against anything. Most the contrary. I only know that it is a pandemonium going on into the minds of a lot of people.
And when they obligue parents to let their children vaccinate the wild imagination will warn the individual= 'Ah they wish to exterminate our children'. One thing is certain, fear has turned people extremely suspicious. Yet i really do not know what is going on. Or if ever something is going on.


Active Member
As to 'mdt....etc...y'. We all know, or should know, from the media which has vastly covered the news that the California state has been going through the driest and longest draughts in all its history. And it is comprehensible that its people have grown apprehensive beyong the measures. It is understandable.
In order to complicate this state of insecurity as to what the future holds to California, the govenment and military deploy the so called Jay Helm laying the military troops throughout the west region.
People who were beginning to imagine that HAARP had been working out climate engineering in that area to purposely keep the California State dry, now have turned petrified when gov. makes vaccination mandatory. There comes the FEMA camps and paranoia runs wild, since there are people thinking that when people begin to starve the gov. may enact Martial Law with Jay Helm troops.
And I know all about this stuff because i want to be informed of what is going on inside people's mind in America today.
It does not make a conspiratory theorist out of me cause i just study and get informed dispassionately. And i do not take sides and i do not put my finger on this stuff. I am neither for nor against anything. Most the contrary. I only know that it is a pandemonium going on into the minds of a lot of people.
And when they obligue parents to let their children vaccinate the wild imagination will warn the individual= 'Ah they wish to exterminate our children'. One thing is certain, fear has turned people extremely suspicious. Yet i really do not know what is going on. Or if ever something is going on.

I think it's more likely that they consider their profits more important than the lives of others.


Junior Member
It was NEVER a good idea to plaster every detail of your family and lives on Facebook.......and these are the very same people screaming about privacy.....it really is a joke, and it can have a extremely expensive punch line!!

I mean keeping your most cherished memories, and other personal details on a server run by people you do not know........well.......there is no way to sugar coat the stupidity I'm afraid.
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