First Hand Paranormal Experiences

Paranormal Conviction

Junior Member

My belief is that those who indeed experience Paranormal Activity are interested in hearing the Paranormal stories of others. This helps them to feel...not alone, a part of something bigger than themselves, and sane. As such, I conduct Audio Only interviews with individuals who have had FIRST HAND Paranormal Experiences and then share them with others on YouTube.

Attached is a link to one of the Interviews.

Feel free to reach out if you are a FIRST HAND experiencer and would like to share your story/stories with others.

I see pleiadian starship in my country sky every night. It is not paranormal, it is technology, not magic, but technology ddrived to the true electromagnetic science , not scientific. Scientifs are responsible for the modification of human brain, for the wars and genetic traffic. Your convictions needs to avoid science, because human scientific knowledge is the hell himself.

Welcom cat :)
