First Human-Engineered "Meat Burger" To Be Consumed In London


Starting with a very particular cell extracted from dead cows necks at a local slaughterhouse, a select team of scientists are now close to serving up the world’s first human-engineered, cultured meat burger. That’s right. A whopping 5 ounce burger will be freshly made from lab grown bits of cultured meat and muscle tissue. The burger, the first of its kind, will be served to curious diner’s somewhere in London in the coming weeks.

The whole concept of the program takes us right into a science fiction nightmare made for TV, as billions of fetal cells are needed to make this burger.

In fact, scientists now claim they have proven through studies that if the human population of earth consumes “cultured meat”, the world will then save a considerable amount of water and resources, essentially reducing environmental impact from humans. The study titled, Environmental Impacts of Cultured Meat Production, basically outlines how humans are bad, and that we will need to eat all synthetic meat soon as we have become an overpopulated species.

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First Human-Engineered ‘Meat Burger’ To Be Consumed In London |

It will probably taste like McDonald's sandwiches anyway uh!


Senior Member
I wonder if at some time in the future Mad Cow Disease will surface with this. Far-fetched, but you never know...:eek:


where the wild things are
When I read the title, it makes me think there is a bit more "human" than "cow" in the "meat burger"

I have a theory on where Jimmy Hoffa ended up that is similar...
