First Temporal Alliance

Hi everyone. I am the founder of the First Temporal Alliance.

So, what is the first temporal alliance?

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The First Temporal Alliance is an organization for people who allow for the possibility of an afterlife through temporal engineering, and wish to scientifically explore this possibility and its ramifications in society.


To create an organization of people who will -

1. Work together to develop, obtain, and regulate a specific set of technology:
- Technology allowing for people to retrieve a person's consciousness from the past and transfer it into their present.

2. Make sure this technology is used to save the consciousness's of its members and their loved one from death. Even those who died before this organization was founded.

3. Continue to look for ways to explain spiritual phenomena in a scientific manner.


As science begins to advance at an exponentially accelerating pace, things that seemed impossible or ludicrous before, are now being shown to be possible through science, such as genetically spliced animals, life extension, telepathy, and artificial intelligence.

As engineers begin to study consciousness and the quantum fabric of reality, we are making advances now that reputable scientists believe will result in the ability to temporally engineer our reality.

Already, many different organizations are appearing, usually funded by wealthy trans-humanists, who wish to seriously consider and advance temporal engineering as a way to scientifically legitimize phenomena heretofore seen as being spiritual or supernatural.

The idea that temporal engineering might be an explanation for some phenomena usually referred to as 'supernatural' or 'spiritual' is based on a logical conclusion. And that is, if temporal engineering is possible, then it is already occurring.

Ironically, this is also the main reason people feel that temporal engineering is NOT possible. They feel that if temporal engineering/time travel was possible, then they would be witnessing 'time travelers' popping in and out of existence.

However, there is another important idea to take into account. While we can all agree that nuclear bombs, mustard gas, and weaponized small pox do exist, we do not see these things in our daily lives either. Because organizations exist which stop this from happening. Likewise, it appears obvious that in the greater scheme of things, temporal engineering would be regulated as well. Thus making it pointless to argue that temporal engineering is impossible because we do not witness events that would alter the timeline, like time travelers. You don't see temporal engineering for the same reason that you have never seen a nuclear weapon.

With the possibility of temporal engineering back into play, we can no longer discount it.

This leads to the next obvious conclusion. And that is, if at some point in the future mankind gains absolute knowledge of consciousness and gains the ability to temporally engineer reality, that they would want to save loved ones who had already died.

However, it is also obvious that altering 'their past' in such a direct manner would annihilate their present. Therefore, the only way to save someone who had already died would be if they could do it in such a fashion that it would not alter the course of historical events dramatically.

The obvious way to do this would be to transport the mind of someone about to die into the 'future,' leaving their physical body behind so that no one notices anything. And thus, not altering the actions of people in the past.

It becomes clear at this point that 'temporal engineering' and 'spiritual phenomena' have something in common. And that is that these entities affecting us seem to be trying to interfere with the course of events as little as possible. And to do so while sharing as little information as possible. When seeing this phenomena as purely 'spiritual' this seems illogical. However, once you understand the temporal aspect of it, it makes sense. If these entities share too much information, interfere too much, or perhaps are even seen... then they would effectively annihilate themselves.

After considering all of these ideas, it is only logical to conclude that there is a very real possibility that this is what is occurring. And therefore, the best way to dramatically increase the probability that you are not adversely affected by temporal engineering is to involve yourself with an organization dedicated to protecting and helping its members throughout time.

The First Temporal Alliance is one such organization. And we have just started actively looking for members.

The main objective right now is to find as many people as possible to show support for the idea that these ideas should be taken seriously in our society. The more people who show public support, the easier it will be for other people less able to bear the inevitable ridicule that accompanies views not endorsed by the mainstream, but who secretly share our views. In addition, we hope to get some great conversations started and to attract as many scientists as possible to aid in our new physics model.



Senior Member
I want in

i already opened the door
