Fixed the internet, called it my Home.

"Theosophy takes the notion "God did it" and treats that as an adequate answer, and so I reject it."
No, it is an adequate answer, it just is not antiquated as a juxtaposition for every question because, what fun is there in that? You are misunderstanding the concept of theosophy -- there have been numerous historical accounts of the divine and there is a great deal greater than what you can comprehend, so appreciating God is appreciating all things, for God is all things, and you simply can not reject that fact because -- although it may seem as though circular logic due to the failure of the English for logical dictum, it is still beyond true.

Anecdotes make for poor evidence. It's true that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but it's still absence of evidence. I reject one or more gods/goddesses (because Abrahamic religions aren't the only ones around) because thus far observation and experimentation has failed to provide any evidence for their existence, while we have plenty of evidence for the notion that a deity isn't required to make the world go around. (Pre Big Bang aside, but we're getting there: The Beginning of Time - Stephen Hawking )

"So the universe, all the way from the beginning to the end (if it doesn't in fact loop around) is full of time travellers, "
Okay, see, now you're just taking the beauty out of things with scientific rhetoric. If you paint everything in black and white, it will give you a massive headache.

Actually, I find the concept beautiful, because it provides explanations for a lot of things, like Fermi's Paradox. It all just sorts of fits together, without the need for parallel universes to explain away paradoxes. There's beauty in simplicity.

The universe, and every other universe (there are more than one) are completely and utterly populated. Not by "Time Travelers", by Living SOULS.

I would agree that there most likely are other non-time-traveler civilizations out there, accompanied by their own post-time-travel civilizations, in the same way as us. I was not implying that we're the only ones. As far as multiple universes go, there is some evidence for that, but we don't know for sure yet. Nor do we know whether those universes would be created by a timeline split, or just begin entirely seperately. (Most likely the latter, if the imprints on the cosmic background radiation are any indication)

You would be interested in
Gnosticism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Taoism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe you'll find a "time traveler" if you step outside, and take a walk on the wild side.

Pro-tip: You are a time traveler, you've just forgotten it, apparently...

Religion on the whole doesn't interest me that much, I prefer to approach the world from a logical and experimental viewpoint. (Though I am familiar with all the things you linked, as like I've said before, I like to soak up knowledge in case it ever becomes useful)

It's interesting that you put time-traveller in quotes. Are you referring to the fact that we all travel through time at a rate of one second per second? Or is that related to the long quote at the end of your post?

By that pro-tip do you mean my future self will discover time travel, or that my past self was already capable of it naturally somehow? (I'm guessing the long quote was also related to that)

"Anecdotes make for poor evidence."
Your life is an anecdote. When you are dead and gone, if all truth and stories of your existence are erased, does that mean you were never there?

"I reject one or more gods/goddesses (because Abrahamic religions aren't the only ones around) because thus far observation and experimentation has failed to provide any evidence for their existence,"
Are you sure about that? I've observed plenty of deities. And many deities and gods observe this planet. We ARE the experimentation.
The Mahabharata more than accounts for divine intervention.
The New Testament more than accounts for the Cross-Bearer and Undead Godchild Jesus.
And just because you choose to reject them, as "religious heresay", on your own account, what are you going to do when you inevitably meet a being more magnificent than you? Scoff at your own perception, saying even that experience is questionable?

"It all just sorts of fits together, without the need for parallel universes to explain away paradoxes. There's beauty in simplicity."
Yeah, there is. Don't you think that is evidence enough of the divine? That it works? That Life is a thing? That you are capable of perceiving, creating, enjoying? That is magnificent. You are a god yourself, and although the universe is a balancing act of duality, and poets are trapeze artists, your consciousness is an example of the supremacy of non-dualism's appreciation of chaotic discord.

Last time there was huge divine intervention here, the Big One had to destroy an entire universe and set it right. He left -2013/02/18. He is to be back on a white horse, to destroy all filth, to usher in an infinite golden age. All cultures are connected. All things are connected, and you can bet your soul that if things are uneven, they will not be forever.
2014 is the Year of The Horse.

And you are right, yes, black and white is beautiful -- but if you take black and white, and spin it infinitely, it becomes gray; every silver lining has a touch of it. It's what dreams are made of, because it's all the same stuff.

In terms of chemistry and neuropharmacology:
The indole ring itself acts as a basic neurotransmitter; your body uses it in various ways and for various metabolites. Most appropriately for the balance of your mind.
GAIA itself, the sporadic fruiting body of this planet, is a living being; a living body and unit allowing for spiritual energy transfer.
When your eyes first see, they see blue; blue is associated with love.
It is after becoming conscious that your mind parses the fractal geometry of the pattern of your existence.
Dimethyltryptamine and serotonin help facilitate the balance of perception.
A metabolite of serotonin; one that hardens into a crystal form upon excretion, that is, 5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid, is like the finality of the zipper for the Serotonin<--->n,n-DMT process;
as 5-hydroxytryptamine itself is dehydroxylated, a process that must require energy, and is then alkylated in an aqueous substrate, and then dealkylated, the most likely conclusion of this process would be formation of a ketone.
As your body stores energy from sugar in the form of fat, for physical discretion, then so it may store and process information in a neural format in a similar manner as a computer does process and stores with its hard drive, in so for spiritual discretion as per breathing and ionic exchanges of equivalence;
a chemistry acronym is LEO the LION goes GER.

One of the ways I have noticed the mind parses information and frequencies of light is through language itself and naturally described algorithms;
you could say that you have illustrated a dynamic of perceiving reality through the geometry of experience-based pattern recognition and deviation through the cognitive interface you have learned and developed.

Interpreted patterns are related to these matrices your mind associates with thought, language, emotion, and appropriation of experience.
In truth, if you are skilled enough, you will find that the patterns you have developed are synchronous with your being; language is a finite expression of perceived vibrations.
People older and wiser than me are more well attuned to these vibrations.
Entities older and wiser than the majority of people are capable of navigating these vibrations and their probabilistic trajectories.

You are just a consolidated vibration vibrating through the porousness and lattice of the infinite reiterative vibrancy of the cosmos.
You consist of water and carbon, mostly.
You're a highly-functional liquid diamond.
And that is a complete miracle.
"Anecdotes make for poor evidence."
Your life is an anecdote. When you are dead and gone, if all truth and stories of your existence are erased, does that mean you were never there?

What will be left is the impact I've had on the world in the form of creations, research, family, etc. (Not that I have any intention of dying, heh. I've no desire for oblivion)

"I reject one or more gods/goddesses (because Abrahamic religions aren't the only ones around) because thus far observation and experimentation has failed to provide any evidence for their existence,"
Are you sure about that? I've observed plenty of deities. And many deities and gods observe this planet. We ARE the experimentation.
The Mahabharata more than accounts for divine intervention.
The New Testament more than accounts for the Cross-Bearer and Undead Godchild Jesus.
And just because you choose to reject them, as "religious heresay", on your own account, what are you going to do when you inevitably meet a being more magnificent than you? Scoff at your own perception, saying even that experience is questionable?

Pretty sure, yes. When you say you've observed deities, were they physically present? Were you able to record their presence, or the effects of the presence? Would you be able to upload and show me these recordings? I'd be interested to see them. Hallucinations are almost as bad as anecdotes when it comes to evidence. (And, indeed, are a form of anecdote themselves)

As for meeting a deity, you're begging the quesiton here by assuming that such a deity exists. I will meet no such deity, therefore the question of whether my experience is questionable will never come up. (The answer, though, is yes. Experience is extremely subjective, and results in things like false memories and hallucinations. Physical records should be relied upon where possible)

"It all just sorts of fits together, without the need for parallel universes to explain away paradoxes. There's beauty in simplicity."
Yeah, there is. Don't you think that is evidence enough of the divine? That it works? That Life is a thing? That you are capable of perceiving, creating, enjoying? That is magnificent. You are a god yourself, and although the universe is a balancing act of duality, and poets are trapeze artists, your consciousness is an example of the supremacy of non-dualism's appreciation of chaotic discord.

No, I don't see that as evidence for the divine. It can be amply explained by natural laws and thus there is no need to resort to the divine to avoid haivng to explain it.

Last time there was huge divine intervention here, the Big One had to destroy an entire universe and set it right. He left -2013/02/18. He is to be back on a white horse, to destroy all filth, to usher in an infinite golden age. All cultures are connected. All things are connected, and you can bet your soul that if things are uneven, they will not be forever.
2014 is the Year of The Horse.

And you are right, yes, black and white is beautiful -- but if you take black and white, and spin it infinitely, it becomes gray; every silver lining has a touch of it. It's what dreams are made of, because it's all the same stuff.

In terms of chemistry and neuropharmacology:
The indole ring itself acts as a basic neurotransmitter; your body uses it in various ways and for various metabolites. Most appropriately for the balance of your mind.
GAIA itself, the sporadic fruiting body of this planet, is a living being; a living body and unit allowing for spiritual energy transfer.
When your eyes first see, they see blue; blue is associated with love.
It is after becoming conscious that your mind parses the fractal geometry of the pattern of your existence.
Dimethyltryptamine and serotonin help facilitate the balance of perception.
A metabolite of serotonin; one that hardens into a crystal form upon excretion, that is, 5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid, is like the finality of the zipper for the Serotonin<--->n,n-DMT process;
as 5-hydroxytryptamine itself is dehydroxylated, a process that must require energy, and is then alkylated in an aqueous substrate, and then dealkylated, the most likely conclusion of this process would be formation of a ketone.
As your body stores energy from sugar in the form of fat, for physical discretion, then so it may store and process information in a neural format in a similar manner as a computer does process and stores with its hard drive, in so for spiritual discretion as per breathing and ionic exchanges of equivalence;
a chemistry acronym is LEO the LION goes GER.

One of the ways I have noticed the mind parses information and frequencies of light is through language itself and naturally described algorithms;
you could say that you have illustrated a dynamic of perceiving reality through the geometry of experience-based pattern recognition and deviation through the cognitive interface you have learned and developed.

Interpreted patterns are related to these matrices your mind associates with thought, language, emotion, and appropriation of experience.
In truth, if you are skilled enough, you will find that the patterns you have developed are synchronous with your being; language is a finite expression of perceived vibrations.
People older and wiser than me are more well attuned to these vibrations.

Entities older and wiser than the majority of people are capable of navigating these vibrations and their probabilistic trajectories.

You are just a consolidated vibration vibrating through the porousness and lattice of the infinite reiterative vibrancy of the cosmos.
You consist of water and carbon, mostly.
You're a highly-functional liquid diamond.
And that is a complete miracle.

This all seems to be a big hodgepodge of science and mysticism that aren't really connected and don't explain each other, and some are just plain wrong. (And yes, I did read the whole thing) For instance:

The indole ring itself acts as a basic neurotransmitter; your body uses it in various ways and for various metabolites. Most appropriately for the balance of your mind.
GAIA itself, the sporadic fruiting body of this planet, is a living being; a living body and unit allowing for spiritual energy transfer.
When your eyes first see, they see blue; blue is associated with love."

The former is not evidence of the latter. As for what my eyes first saw, I'm pretty sure it was the hospital ceiling, which was most likely white, or the midwife's face, which was most definitely not blue. Incidentally, the first colour you notice is usually yellow. ( Color &amp; Vision Matters ) Also, red is the colour associated with love, not blue. ( Color Wheel Pro: Color Meaning )
"Anecdotes make for poor evidence."
Your life is an anecdote. When you are dead and gone, if all truth and stories of your existence are erased, does that mean you were never there?

What will be left is the impact I've had on the world in the form of creations, research, family, etc. (Not that I have any intention of dying, heh. I've no desire for oblivion)

"I reject one or more gods/goddesses (because Abrahamic religions aren't the only ones around) because thus far observation and experimentation has failed to provide any evidence for their existence,"
Are you sure about that? I've observed plenty of deities. And many deities and gods observe this planet. We ARE the experimentation.
The Mahabharata more than accounts for divine intervention.
The New Testament more than accounts for the Cross-Bearer and Undead Godchild Jesus.
And just because you choose to reject them, as "religious heresay", on your own account, what are you going to do when you inevitably meet a being more magnificent than you? Scoff at your own perception, saying even that experience is questionable?

Pretty sure, yes. When you say you've observed deities, were they physically present? Were you able to record their presence, or the effects of the presence? Would you be able to upload and show me these recordings? I'd be interested to see them. Hallucinations are almost as bad as anecdotes when it comes to evidence. (And, indeed, are a form of anecdote themselves)

As for meeting a deity, you're begging the quesiton here by assuming that such a deity exists. I will meet no such deity, therefore the question of whether my experience is questionable will never come up. (The answer, though, is yes. Experience is extremely subjective, and results in things like false memories and hallucinations. Physical records should be relied upon where possible)

"It all just sorts of fits together, without the need for parallel universes to explain away paradoxes. There's beauty in simplicity."
Yeah, there is. Don't you think that is evidence enough of the divine? That it works? That Life is a thing? That you are capable of perceiving, creating, enjoying? That is magnificent. You are a god yourself, and although the universe is a balancing act of duality, and poets are trapeze artists, your consciousness is an example of the supremacy of non-dualism's appreciation of chaotic discord.

No, I don't see that as evidence for the divine. It can be amply explained by natural laws and thus there is no need to resort to the divine to avoid haivng to explain it.

Last time there was huge divine intervention here, the Big One had to destroy an entire universe and set it right. He left -2013/02/18. He is to be back on a white horse, to destroy all filth, to usher in an infinite golden age. All cultures are connected. All things are connected, and you can bet your soul that if things are uneven, they will not be forever.
2014 is the Year of The Horse.

And you are right, yes, black and white is beautiful -- but if you take black and white, and spin it infinitely, it becomes gray; every silver lining has a touch of it. It's what dreams are made of, because it's all the same stuff.

In terms of chemistry and neuropharmacology:
The indole ring itself acts as a basic neurotransmitter; your body uses it in various ways and for various metabolites. Most appropriately for the balance of your mind.
GAIA itself, the sporadic fruiting body of this planet, is a living being; a living body and unit allowing for spiritual energy transfer.
When your eyes first see, they see blue; blue is associated with love.
It is after becoming conscious that your mind parses the fractal geometry of the pattern of your existence.
Dimethyltryptamine and serotonin help facilitate the balance of perception.
A metabolite of serotonin; one that hardens into a crystal form upon excretion, that is, 5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid, is like the finality of the zipper for the Serotonin<--->n,n-DMT process;
as 5-hydroxytryptamine itself is dehydroxylated, a process that must require energy, and is then alkylated in an aqueous substrate, and then dealkylated, the most likely conclusion of this process would be formation of a ketone.
As your body stores energy from sugar in the form of fat, for physical discretion, then so it may store and process information in a neural format in a similar manner as a computer does process and stores with its hard drive, in so for spiritual discretion as per breathing and ionic exchanges of equivalence;
a chemistry acronym is LEO the LION goes GER.

One of the ways I have noticed the mind parses information and frequencies of light is through language itself and naturally described algorithms;
you could say that you have illustrated a dynamic of perceiving reality through the geometry of experience-based pattern recognition and deviation through the cognitive interface you have learned and developed.

Interpreted patterns are related to these matrices your mind associates with thought, language, emotion, and appropriation of experience.
In truth, if you are skilled enough, you will find that the patterns you have developed are synchronous with your being; language is a finite expression of perceived vibrations.
People older and wiser than me are more well attuned to these vibrations.

Entities older and wiser than the majority of people are capable of navigating these vibrations and their probabilistic trajectories.

You are just a consolidated vibration vibrating through the porousness and lattice of the infinite reiterative vibrancy of the cosmos.
You consist of water and carbon, mostly.
You're a highly-functional liquid diamond.
And that is a complete miracle.

This all seems to be a big hodgepodge of science and mysticism that aren't really connected and don't explain each other, and some are just plain wrong. (And yes, I did read the whole thing) For instance:

The indole ring itself acts as a basic neurotransmitter; your body uses it in various ways and for various metabolites. Most appropriately for the balance of your mind.
GAIA itself, the sporadic fruiting body of this planet, is a living being; a living body and unit allowing for spiritual energy transfer.
When your eyes first see, they see blue; blue is associated with love."

The former is not evidence of the latter. As for what my eyes first saw, I'm pretty sure it was the hospital ceiling, which was most likely white, or the midwife's face, which was most definitely not blue. Incidentally, the first colour you notice is usually yellow. ( Color &amp; Vision Matters ) Also, red is the colour associated with love, not blue. ( Color Wheel Pro: Color Meaning )
  • In Christianity the Madonna is usually clothed in Blue to symbolize virtue.
  • In the Jewish faith, Blue is the color of holiness.
  • In Hinduism Blue is the color of the god Krishna.
  • In China Blue represents immortality.
  • Philosophers in Ancient Rome wore Blue robes to show their rank.
  • In Japan Indigo Blue is often used in art and clothing and symbolizes the vast ocean surrounding the islands.
  • In Ancient Egypt the skin of the god Amun was painted blue to signify the divine.
  • In Germany employees being dismissed are given Blue Letters or "Blaue Briefe".
  • In France deep Blue is strongly associated with Royalty and Aristocracy.
  • Some Native Americans believe the color symbolism of Blue means using intuition to serve and teach.
  • In Iran Blue is the color of mourning.
Melatonin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Production of melatonin by the pineal gland is inhibited by light to the retina and permitted by darkness. Its onset each evening is called the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO).

It is principally blue light, around 460 to 480 nm, that suppresses melatonin,[37] proportional to the light intensity and length of exposure.

Why Babies Are Born with Blue Eyes

"I will meet no such deity, therefore the question of whether my experience is questionable will never come up."
I like how you are affirming this before you have any knowledge of the probability, possibility, or existence of the definite circumstance. You are flat out rejecting it.

"What will be left is the impact I've had on the world in the form of creations, research, family, etc. (Not that I have any intention of dying, heh. I've no desire for oblivion)"
You are avoiding where I said, "erased". What you are forgetting is that the divine has the capacity to do such a thing, and the capacity to ensure such a thing does not occur.


Did you know that the assortment of colors and geometries in a simplistic manner completely reflects the body and face? Even genders?

I made this using two circles, two triangles, a square, and gradient map displacements of ROYGBIV.

"The former is not evidence of the latter."
Ever heard of Jacob's Ladder?
The fact that DNA, atomic warfare, encounters with the divine are LITTERED THROUGHOUT ALL CULTURES AND HISTORIES, is MORE THAN ENOUGH evidence for their existence, but you are plainly denying it -- the WISDOM of ALL THINGS PAST AND PRESENT -- because you are searching for answers and truths, denying what has come before you to assert your own self and intellectual capacity as an amalgamated prowess when there have been greats that supersede you and all things. You are CHOOSING to not believe in something that has SHOWN itself time and time again.
You have even stated, that you would never see a deity, because they do not exist. You are willfully making yourself blind, and although you may deny the fact of the reality, that there are forces beyond your current comprehension, inevitably you will be faced with the truth of the divine.
I'll admit I phrased the bit about meeting a deity badly. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, it really depends on what you even define a deity as. A sufficiently advanced being? Or something that is inherently "other", seperate from the universe? But my point was that you were using the assumption that I will meet a deity to try and intimidate me. (You even used the word "inevitably", as if there's no possible chance that deities don't, in fact, exist)

Was I supposed to see something in that picture? I just see colours overlaid over each other. I don't see anything "in" the colours, just random noise.

Jacob's Ladder was a pretty good, if weird, film. But I asume you mean the staircase that leads to heaven in Jacob's dream.

I think the problem, though, is that you're conflating anecdotes and stories with actual, hard evidence. Theories, repeatable experiments. Actual science. Just because variations on a particular story appear throughout history, doesn't mean that story is necessarily true. That's just the first conclusion we come to when trying to explain something. (And oftentimes we come up with wildy different stories. Just look at the many creation myths around the world, and how little thet match up with the Big Bang) It's only after scrutinising something that we discover the real reason for it.

You say deities have shown themselves, but in the modern age of cellphones everywhere I've yet to see an avalanche of video evidence of deities. (I'll accept that hard evidence is difficult to come across before the advent of audio and video recording)
I'll admit I phrased the bit about meeting a deity badly. Maybe I will, maybe I won't, it really depends on what you even define a deity as. A sufficiently advanced being? Or something that is inherently "other", seperate from the universe? But my point was that you were using the assumption that I will meet a deity to try and intimidate me. (You even used the word "inevitably", as if there's no possible chance that deities don't, in fact, exist)

Was I supposed to see something in that picture? I just see colours overlaid over each other. I don't see anything "in" the colours, just random noise.

Jacob's Ladder was a pretty good, if weird, film. But I asume you mean the staircase that leads to heaven in Jacob's dream.

I think the problem, though, is that you're conflating anecdotes and stories with actual, hard evidence. Theories, repeatable experiments. Actual science. Just because variations on a particular story appear throughout history, doesn't mean that story is necessarily true. That's just the first conclusion we come to when trying to explain something. (And oftentimes we come up with wildy different stories. Just look at the many creation myths around the world, and how little thet match up with the Big Bang) It's only after scrutinising something that we discover the real reason for it.

You say deities have shown themselves, but in the modern age of cellphones everywhere I've yet to see an avalanche of video evidence of deities. (I'll accept that hard evidence is difficult to come across before the advent of audio and video recording)

I was not trying to intimidate you, I was trying to get you to explore paths and doors you have shut. The doors will always be there, even if you forget about them. The paths will always be there, no matter how you stroll.

Nothing is inherently other, for all things are collectively other, and experiencing the other is the formation of the self.

Were you supposed to see anything in the picture? You were supposed to see whatever you wanted to see. And you only saw random noise.
Me? I see a girl, I see a boy, I see a man on a mountain top with wings. I see eyes in the middle, a mouth, a face. I see ears. Even at the bottom, I see the pelvis.

"I think the problem, though, is that you're conflating anecdotes and stories with actual, hard evidence."
The actual problem is that you're rejecting days past as "anecdotes and stories" when the events were witnessed, recorded, and accounted for.

"Just because variations on a particular story appear throughout history, doesn't mean that story is necessarily true."
It's less of variations, more of witnessed accounts. Everything is variations of everything. Light is the basic construct. Where do you think that light came from? Your own logic of science states it must have come from somewhere.

"I asume you mean the staircase that leads to heaven in Jacob's dream."
I actually mean, that Jacob wrestled with an Angel, this was accounted for. The staircase is DNA, the "Light at the end of the tunnel". Who do you think spun the web in the first place?
The staircase is DNA, the "Light at the end of the tunnel". Who do you think spun the web in the first place?

Study suggests how DNA building block might have formed

Or was that a rhetorical question?
Nothing is inherently other, for all things are collectively other, and experiencing the other is the formation of the self.

When I say "other", I refer to the idea that a deity created the universe, and therefore is fundamentally different than the universe. (If the universe had to be created and the deity didn't, the deity is fundamentally different, otherwise it too would have had to be created. I reject this idea of "other" because if the universe was unable to exist of its own accord, then how can a deity? And if a deity can, why can't a universe?)

The actual problem is that you're rejecting days past as "anecdotes and stories" when the events were witnessed, recorded, and accounted for.

It's less of variations, more of witnessed accounts. Everything is variations of everything.

Ancient history has its place, don't get me wrong, but it can't be counted as evidence in the same sense as the results of the LHC. People are fallible, which is why we invented the scientific method.

Light is the basic construct. Where do you think that light came from? Your own logic of science states it must have come from somewhere.

As a scientist I can honestly say:

I don't know.

Likely no one does yet. Maybe it didn't come from anywhere and always existed in some form, like the universe itself before the Big Bang? That doesn't mean we won't eventually have a more satisfying answer than "I don't know" or "God did it". That's what science is. Trying to answer the multitude of questions that arise from every answer, and not settling for "A wizard did it".
The staircase is DNA, the "Light at the end of the tunnel". Who do you think spun the web in the first place?

Study suggests how DNA building block might have formed

Or was that a rhetorical question?
Nothing is inherently other, for all things are collectively other, and experiencing the other is the formation of the self.

When I say "other", I refer to the idea that a deity created the universe, and therefore is fundamentally different than the universe. (If the universe had to be created and the deity didn't, the deity is fundamentally different, otherwise it too would have had to be created. I reject this idea of "other" because if the universe was unable to exist of its own accord, then how can a deity? And if a deity can, why can't a universe?)

The actual problem is that you're rejecting days past as "anecdotes and stories" when the events were witnessed, recorded, and accounted for.

It's less of variations, more of witnessed accounts. Everything is variations of everything.

Ancient history has its place, don't get me wrong, but it can't be counted as evidence in the same sense as the results of the LHC. People are fallible, which is why we invented the scientific method.

Light is the basic construct. Where do you think that light came from? Your own logic of science states it must have come from somewhere.

As a scientist I can honestly say:

I don't know.

Likely no one does yet. Maybe it didn't come from anywhere and always existed in some form, like the universe itself before the Big Bang? That doesn't mean we won't eventually have a more satisfying answer than "I don't know" or "God did it". That's what science is. Trying to answer the multitude of questions that arise from every answer, and not settling for "A wizard did it".
The Soul Fits Into Quantum Mechanics According To Physicist | Spirit Science
Karma yoga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

again, you are misunderstanding the notion of the divine to discount it. the nature of the divine does not mean you do not pursue science. you pursue science because of the divine.

Native American Indian Legends - The Warlike Seven - Lakota

Santhakaram Bujaga sayanam Padmanabham suresam,
Viswadharam Gagana sadrusam Megha varnam shubangam
Lakshmi kantham kamala nayanam Yogi hrid dyana gamyam
Vande vishnum bava bhayaharam sava lokaika nadham

I bow before the God Vishnu
Who is personification of peace,
Who sleeps on his folded arms,
Who has a lotus on his belly,
Who is the God of gods,
Who is the basis of earth,
Who is similar to the sky,
Who is of the colour of the cloud,
Who has beautiful limbs,
Who is the consort of Lakshmi,
Who has lotus like eyes,
Who is seen by saints through thought,
Who kills all worries and fears,
And who is the lord of all the worlds.

As a physicist I would really have hoped Henry Stapp would not have fallen prey to the old fallacy that waves only collapse when exposed to consciousness. (Clearly "scientist" doesn't always equal "correct") "Observed" does not mean looked at by a scientist, it means when two particles interact. eg. photons interacting with the stream of photons in the Double Slit experiment so you can observe the result. No interaction means no observation.

you pursue science because of the divine.


I pursue science because I seek an understanding of the world through natural laws that is actually useful to me. To me, the world can be adequately explained without the need for a god or gods, therefore the divine is unecessary.

Native American Indian Legends - The Warlike Seven - Lakota

Santhakaram Bujaga sayanam Padmanabham suresam,
Viswadharam Gagana sadrusam Megha varnam shubangam
Lakshmi kantham kamala nayanam Yogi hrid dyana gamyam
Vande vishnum bava bhayaharam sava lokaika nadham

I bow before the God Vishnu
Who is personification of peace,
Who sleeps on his folded arms,
Who has a lotus on his belly,
Who is the God of gods,
Who is the basis of earth,
Who is similar to the sky,
Who is of the colour of the cloud,
Who has beautiful limbs,
Who is the consort of Lakshmi,
Who has lotus like eyes,
Who is seen by saints through thought,
Who kills all worries and fears,
And who is the lord of all the worlds.

What is this supposed to mean in the context of our discussion?

As a physicist I would really have hoped Henry Stapp would not have fallen prey to the old fallacy that waves only collapse when exposed to consciousness. (Clearly "scientist" doesn't always equal "correct") "Observed" does not mean looked at by a scientist, it means when two particles interact. eg. photons interacting with the stream of photons in the Double Slit experiment so you can observe the result. No interaction means no observation.

you pursue science because of the divine.


I pursue science because I seek an understanding of the world through natural laws that is actually useful to me. To me, the world can be adequately explained without the need for a god or gods, therefore the divine is unecessary.

Native American Indian Legends - The Warlike Seven - Lakota

Santhakaram Bujaga sayanam Padmanabham suresam,
Viswadharam Gagana sadrusam Megha varnam shubangam
Lakshmi kantham kamala nayanam Yogi hrid dyana gamyam
Vande vishnum bava bhayaharam sava lokaika nadham

I bow before the God Vishnu
Who is personification of peace,
Who sleeps on his folded arms,
Who has a lotus on his belly,
Who is the God of gods,
Who is the basis of earth,
Who is similar to the sky,
Who is of the colour of the cloud,
Who has beautiful limbs,
Who is the consort of Lakshmi,
Who has lotus like eyes,
Who is seen by saints through thought,
Who kills all worries and fears,
And who is the lord of all the worlds.

What is this supposed to mean in the context of our discussion?

I pursue science because I seek an understanding of the world through natural laws that is actually useful to me. To me, the world can be adequately explained without the need for a god or gods, therefore the divine is unecessary."

Yeah, but what make of you when you already understand the natural laws as a wholesome integral?

Your eyes are a "double slit experiment".
If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, did it even fall? Was it ever there to begin with?
When was the last time you walked through a brick wall?
Yeah, but what make of you when you already understand the natural laws as a wholesome integral?

Could you rephrase the question? I'm not sure where Calculus figures in.

Your eyes are a "double slit experiment".

The opening in my eyes is not comparable to the wavelength of light, so no, it isn't.

If a tree falls in a forest, and no one is around to hear it, did it even fall? Was it ever there to begin with?

Yes, because I can later go and observe the tree and bring back video evidence of it having existed, and given our knowledge of the natural state of trees and their life cycle we can assume the tree didn't start that way.

If, in fact you were interested in whether it made a sound, the question is what is your definition of a sound? If your definition of a sound is a wave passing through air, then yes, it did. If your definition is the nerve signals created when a wave in air hits the ear drum, then no, it didn't.

When was the last time you walked through a brick wall?

Never, that would be extremely painful.
