Followers, Ignorers & Guru Wannabes


As a few of you may know if you read my latest profile post, I have "unfollowed" all the folks that I used to follow here. This is certainly not out of any animosity on my part. It's just that I realized that I "follow" everybody who posts here. That is, I read every new post, by every member here, every day. (Thank goodness for the "What's New" feature.)

[I'm also in the process of reading each and every thread at this site - even if I have little interest in the topic. Not an easy task, let me tell you.]

Since I listen to what everyone here has to say, I saw no need to single out only a few. So, to those of you that I have "unfollowed", don't take it personally. I meant no offense by it. You haven't been "unfriended" (and thank goodness that this site does NOT offer that feature). You have not been put on my shit list (because I don't have one). And you have not been ignored.

Speaking of "ignore": Someone here recently stated that he had put me in that category. (For all I know, he may not be the only one. Maybe everyone has me on "ignore". It sometimes feels that way.) I've noticed that others here have also resorted to ignoring certain posters lately. Although I'm rather certain of their motivation ("You dirty slug! How dare you offend me! You are hereby banished to the Outer Darkness of Ignore Land!), I honestly believe that the whole "I don't like you, therefore you do not exist" thing is rather silly - not to mention juvenile. Still, to each his own.

[By the way, the person I mentioned still, more than likely, reads my posts. He simply does it before logging in, so that the content which he has taken the trouble to block is visible. Most folks who say that they "ignore" do this. Kind of strange, isn't it?]

As for me, if I don't particularly care for a comment someone has made, then I simply do not respond to it. In some extreme cases (when someone is becoming overbearing to the point where I can no longer stomach his remarks) I resolve never to respond to any future posts made by that person. I still read posts which are written by that person. I simply choose not to give them the attention that they seem to desire.

Normally, I don't even inform the person in question that I will no longer engage him in any future conversation. I just remain silent. Why continue to shine a spotlight on someone who is undeserving of it? Also, there's no need for me to embarrass someone by telling them that they are no longer worth talking to. I figure that such a person is more than capable of making an ass of himself without my help.

I said "normally" before, and that brings me to my last bit for today.

We did have a member here that I refused to converse with any further, and I told him so. I'm not particularly proud of that, but I don't regret it either. I believed (and still do) that this person was a sub-species of humanity which I call a "guru wannabe".

A guru wannabe is someone who wants followers. By this, I do not mean that they want you to just click on their profile and click the "follow" button. I mean they literally want you to follow them - as in "cult leader", as in "agree with everything I tell you", as in "I have mystical powers", as in "worship me".

Guru wannabes - and the sycophantic cliques they control - absolutely disgust me, whether they are religious, political, or of any other stripe. I can feel a little sympathy for the cult members they attract (not much, but some). The GW's themselves, though - all the way from Jim Jones down to the little internet piss-ants who attract the gullible like moths to a flame with their claims of superhuman abilities - should be exposed and isolated for the frauds that they are.

That's enough. I'm starting to piss myself off now.

Take care.


I take back what I said about not having a shit list. I do. Guru wannabes are the only ones on it, though.


Senior Member
Self management. I LOVE IT!!!!

I browse by the new posts button myself. I haven't had to set anyone here on ignore. Ive used the ignore function on other sites though. And yeah the noticed and when others chimed in for them and asked me about it I had to openly confrim that I no longer cared enough to read the ignored individuals words. They could take a flying leap into the abyss for all I cared anymore. The ignore button is great when dealing with simple and stubborn people.

THe world doesnt need net nannys , thought police, and regulators of words.... the world needs to figure out where that damn ignore button is and how to click it when they no longer wish to hear about it. Self management. Critical to a good life in any adult.

(The edit button is also my very good friend on forums.)


Temporal Engineer
Self management. I LOVE IT!!!!

I browse by the new posts button myself. I haven't had to set anyone here on ignore. Ive used the ignore function on other sites though. And yeah the noticed and when others chimed in for them and asked me about it I had to openly confrim that I no longer cared enough to read the ignored individuals words. They could take a flying leap into the abyss for all I cared anymore. The ignore button is great when dealing with simple and stubborn people.

THe world doesnt need net nannys , thought police, and regulators of words.... the world needs to figure out where that damn ignore button is and how to click it when they no longer wish to hear about it. Self management. Critical to a good life in any adult.

(The edit button is also my very good friend on forums.)

Actually I always envisioned using some sort of punishment device for the occasional troll, like was used on Star Trek.



By the way, I was also wondering about another type of person, in addition to the ignorers and the guru wannabes. For lack of a better term, I'll call them "secret agents" - the ones who choose to hide their online status when logging onto this site.

What is the point of that, exactly - other than a feeble attempt to create an air of mystery concerning themselves? Rather strange behavior, I think.


Senior Member
By the way, I was also wondering about another type of person, in addition to the ignorers and the guru wannabes. For lack of a better term, I'll call them "secret agents" - the ones who choose to hide their online status when logging onto this site.

What is the point of that, exactly - other than a feeble attempt to create an air of mystery concerning themselves? Rather strange behavior, I think.
Ha...I'm a 'secret agent' and loving it. I stay logged in 24/7 on my phone so why should it appear that I'm actually on all the time, which I'm not. I'm in a new category, the 'I don't give a shit' if people know I'm in or out.


Ha...I'm a 'secret agent' and loving it. I stay logged in 24/7 on my phone so why should it appear that I'm actually on all the time, which I'm not. I'm in a new category, the 'I don't give a shit' if people know I'm in or out.

Well, I can understand that, I suppose. But, as you say, if you don't give a shit, then why not just keep your name there? I think it's good for the site when lots of names appear in the "Members Online" section. It at least gives the impression of a more active site, don't you think?
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